Hearing what Lu Fei said, Fu Yuliang's heart suddenly went cold.

Lu Fei was right. In ancient times, personal weapons were particularly important. More than 90% of them would be placed within reach of the corpse, and they would never appear outside.

But Ji Kai's dagger was placed in the burial coffin, which was indeed strange.

However, Fu Yuliang still had great expectations for what was inside the coffin.

"Baolan Fei, although what you said makes sense, it's not so absolute."

"How could there be no treasure in such a big sarcophagus?"

"I guess maybe Ji Kai has a lot of daggers with him, but this one is not high enough to be in his hands," Fu Yuliang said.


"You still don't believe it, why don't we make a bet?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"No, don't play!"

Fu Yuliang's head shook like a rattle.

Bet with him?

Isn't that a joke?

Ever since I met Lu Fei, this guy has never lost a bet. Now everyone knows that the so-called bet is a shabby way to deceive people, and he will never be fooled.

"Come on, I won't make a bet with you!"

"We'll find out if there's anything there after we open it and take a look."

With that said, Fu Yuliang moved the crane over again, fixed the sarcophagus with iron chains, lifted the entire sarcophagus out, and placed it on the wooden shelf prepared in advance.

As for the extravagant funerary objects in the stone coffin, they are temporarily sealed with professional plastic.

After opening it, it will take a long time to clean it all out.

After all, after thousands of years, many cultural relics are already quite fragile, and extra care needs to be taken when cleaning them.

Moreover, the cleanup work requires a professional team. Even if Fu Yuliang is a provincial doctor, he does not have the authority to operate it alone.

When the sarcophagus was brought out, Fu Yuliang and Lu Fei stared at each other and were stunned at the same time.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I'm an outsider, don't expect me to do anything." Lu Fei said.

\u003e "I didn't ask you to help open the coffin, I asked you to prepare a protective agent!" Fu Yuliang said.

"Protective agent?"

"There's nothing inside, why are you protecting me?"

"You think my protective agent is free of charge, right?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.


"Bao Bao Fei, you can't say that. None of us can guarantee whether there is anything inside."

"As a precaution, you still need to use your protective agent. If any of the documents inside are destroyed, you will feel bad, right?"

"You have sponsored the stone coffin for such a large area, so that's enough." Fu Yuliang said.


"For your sake, I'll give you some more."

All the previously prepared protective agent had been used up, so Lu Fei had to prepare some new ones.

However, this time I only prepared a small pot, which was enough for one brushing.

"That's it?"

"Will this work?"

"Aren't you too stingy, kid?" Fu Yuliang said.

"The amount you use once is already a huge waste. Use it as much as you like."

"Yes, I use it."

Fu Yuliang had no choice but to compromise with Lu Fei.

This time, even Gao Meng stopped helping and stood aside to watch the fun.

"Depend on!"

Fu Yuliang's nose was almost crooked with anger.

"Brother Gao Meng, are you here to help?"


"Xiao Fei said there is nothing inside, but you don't believe it, so just play with it slowly by yourself, I won't do that useless work!" Gao Meng said with a smile.



Fu Yuliang had no choice but to do it himself.

The area of ​​​​the sarcophagus is much smaller than that of the stone coffin. It took less than an hour to paint it in one go.

After waiting for another ten minutes for the protective agent to penetrate along the gaps, Lu Fei informed him that the coffin could be opened.

Like the previous operation, Fu Yuliang successfully opened the coffin. ??

The lid of the sarcophagus was open, and there was no smell of oxidation and decay. Fu Yuliang knew that this was again the protective agent of the broken fly.


Fu Yuliang suddenly thought of something and looked at Lu Fei with strange eyes.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Baolan Fei, you are so inhuman, aren't you?" Fu Yuliang shouted with wide eyes.

"Damn, did I provoke you?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Are you afraid that Ji Kai's ghost has possessed you?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

"Your uncle's tatters are flying. The protective agent is obviously effective after one application, but your grandson asked me to apply it five times. I was so tired that I almost had my hair tied up."

"Tell me, did you do it on purpose? Did you do it on purpose to amuse me?"

Fu Yuliang was really angry. Thinking that he could bear it five times before, Fu Yuliang wished he could fight Lu Fei.


Fu Yuliang yelled, and Lu Fei's voice was even louder than his.

"Old man, are you out of your mind?"

"Can a sarcophagus and a stone coffin be compared?"

"Besides, do you know how precious my protective agent is?"

"Do you know how much my protectant is worth?"

"I wasted four times of protective agent just to entertain you, what do you think?"

"How much is your old guy worth? Are you worthy of it?"


Hearing this, Fu Yuliang suddenly shivered like a deflated rubber ball.

It's right to think about it. There is no reason for Baolan Fei to waste so much protective agent to amuse himself. Besides, I don't have any deep grudge against him!

It seems that I have judged the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart.

Thinking of this, Fu Yuliang immediately put on a smile.


"I was joking with you, but you took it seriously. It's so boring."


"Why didn't I see it?"

"I see you resent me for a day or two, right?" Lu Fei sneered again and again.

Next, Fu Yuliang explained and apologized, and said all his kind words and compliments, and then he obtained Lu Fei's forgiveness.

Fu Yuliang took a deep breath, removed the lid of the sarcophagus, and immediately rushed over to check.

At this look, Fu Yuliang's old face suddenly turned into a black man.

Inside the sarcophagus, there is a white corpse wearing a golden crown. He is about 1.8 meters tall and has strong bones.

Based on experience, this skeleton should have been less than forty years old when it died.

In addition to the golden crown and bones, the coffin contained normal decaying cotton wool and some corpse fluid.

Empty, nothing more.

"Depend on!"

"Baoshao Fei was right, and it turned out to be nothing."

"How is this possible?"

Fu Yuliang almost doubted his life. He searched carefully on the coffin wall with a flashlight, but still couldn't find any words.

I checked the coffin lid later and found it was still missing.

Seeing this, Fu Yuliang was greatly disappointed.

Take out the gloves from your pocket and put them on before cleaning the sarcophagus.

Fortunately, Lu Fei stopped him, otherwise he would have really broken the rules.

The rules for archaeological work are extremely strict. Working privately is a serious violation of discipline.

If someone grabs you and won't let go, even if he saves a fortune, he can't afford the punishment.

Therefore, Fu Yuliang, who calmed down, was extremely frightened.

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