A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2222 How is this possible?

Sure enough, as Lu Fei said, there was nothing in the coffin except the bones and a golden crown.

Fu Yuliang couldn't accept this fact and almost made a big mistake.

After being stopped by Lu Fei, Fu Yuliang's face turned frighteningly dark after he calmed down.

"how so?"

"How could this be?"

"Isn't this unscientific?"

"Balanfei, tell me, why is this?" Fu Yuliang asked like he was going crazy.

Lu Fei had already guessed what was going on inside, so he was unusually calm.

"I just said that Ji Kai may have a mysophobia and is not used to the mess inside his coffin."


"Balan Fei, I'm telling you seriously!" Fu Yuliang said angrily.

"I'm not kidding you. What I just said is just a possibility."

"Maybe there are other situations, but I haven't thought of it yet."

"There's no need for you to be angry."

"There are many unreasonable things about this coffin, including Ji Kai's tomb. There must be something hidden in it."

"Without evidence, it's useless for us to make random suspicions." Lu Fei said.

Fu Yuliang nodded.

"What you said makes sense, but how should I write this report?"

"Balan Fei, you are much better than me in terms of archaeological skills. Please tell me which possibility is more likely?" Fu Yuliang asked.


"Academic reports are very rigorous matters. It's not convenient for me to talk nonsense to you."

"As for how to write the report and how to uncover the mystery, that is your business and has nothing to do with me."

"The coffin was opened perfectly, my mission is completed, and our deal ends here."

"That batch of wood will be loaded onto my truck tomorrow morning and I will send it back to Jincheng."

"I know the tree dimensions of the wood. You must not play tricks with me and install one less piece. I am asking for your sake." Lu Fei said. \u003c



"Sir, am I that kind of person?"

"It's not the best. I'm just giving you a vaccination."

"I believe in your character, Lao Fu, but there are some people who still make me worried, so I have to ask you, Lao Fu, to keep an eye on them for me personally. I will definitely thank you very much when I look back." Lu Fei said.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Fu Yuliang immediately understood.

"Tashafei, in my opinion, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it's best to load the truck overnight."

"Fat Man and Zhang Yanhe are both here, so they can be witnesses."

"I know a transport team that is absolutely professional."

"If you don't worry, I'll call them right away."

Lu Fei was very moved when he heard what Lao Fu said.

Although this old brother is a little arrogant, his character is definitely not good.

Such people are worth dating.

"Okay, please."

"Brother Meng, get ready to call it a day."

After saying that, Lu Fei and Gao Meng worked together to put away all the buckets, basins and brushes used to prepare the protective agent.

Then he brought two buckets of clean water and scrubbed away the protective agent dripping on the ground.

As for the dried protective agent on the coffin, there is no need to deal with it.

The protective ingredients have all penetrated into it. The outer layer is just an accessory layer and has little research value. Lu Fei is not afraid of others using it for research.

Fu Yuliang completely saw what Lu Fei did, but he didn't stop him. He just felt a little regretful.

Lao Fu sighed in his heart, if Bao Shanfei replaced Guan Laosan as the general consultant, maybe he would have contributed the formula of the protective agent!

With these protective agents, future archaeological operations will be much safer, and even many people did not dare to do so before.

The opened tombs and ancient ruins also have the confidence to open.

This is of great significance to the Chinese archaeological community.

It's a pity that I can only think about these things, and it's not my turn to speak at all.

"Bashao Fei, I have contacted the transportation team for you. They will arrive in half an hour. Let's go to the warehouse and wait now!"


The three of them came out, and Fatty and Zhang Yanhe rushed over at a trot.

"Bashao Fei, you are so mean, are you so worried about us?"

"Are you sorry for letting Fatty and I wait outside all day?" Zhang Yanhe said with a dark face.

"This is my cooperation with Zhongzhou Provincial Bo. What does it have to do with you?"

"I didn't ask you to wait, can you tell me?" Lu Fei said.

"Depend on"

Zhang Yanhe and Zhang Yanhe rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Baolan Fei, aren't your words too hurtful?"

"I am telling the truth."


The two of them were very angry, but there was nothing they could do. They all knew Lu Fei, and if they continued to struggle with Lu Fei, they would be the ones who suffered the most, and the best outcome would be to make them half angry to death.

So Zhang Yanhe gave up on Lu Fei, grabbed Fu Yuliang's shoulder and asked.

"How about it?"

"Did you make it?"

Zhang Yanhe's face was full of excitement, but seeing Fu Yuliang's depressed expression, Zhang Yanhe suddenly lost his mind.

"What's wrong?"

"Not opened?"

"The protective agent doesn't work?"

"Fuck, are you talking?"


Fu Yuliang sighed.

"Bashao Fei's protective agent is indeed awesome, and the coffin is also opened."

“There are many burial objects in the coffin and they are quite well preserved.

, but unfortunately there are no documents or inscriptions. "

"The coffin wasn't opened?"

"There must be clues in the coffin!" the fat man asked anxiously.

"It's too sinister to say."

"The coffin is open and there is nothing inside. It's so damn evil."


"how so?"

"How can this be.?"

Both Zhang Yanhe and Fatty Wang were promoted from the grassroots archaeological team.

In the past, they were all top experts on the archaeological frontline. How rich their experience was?

But this is the first time I have heard of this situation.

Hearing what Fu Yuliang said, the two brothers were completely confused.

"There are no inscriptions in the funerary objects?" the fat man asked.

"This is still unclear. We will organize a team of experts to clean up tomorrow. We won't know until everything is cleared up." Fu Yuliang said.

"Count me in, I'll clean it up myself."

"Count me in too!"

The two fat men rushed to sign up. Both of them were top players, so Fu Yuliang certainly would not refuse.

"Bashao Fei, won't you stay and clean up with us?" Fu Yuliang asked.

"That's the job of you professionals, I'm not the right person here."

"However, if you find something valuable after cleaning up, remember to take a photo and send it to me!" Lu Fei said.

"Okay, I'll remember it."

"By the way, what's going on with Mr. Guan?"

"I thought he didn't look well when he left?" Zhang Yanhe said.

Unfortunately, neither Lu Fei nor Fu Yuliang answered this question. Zhang Yanhe seemed to have guessed something, and it was hard to follow up, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Bao Bao Fei, the superiors have decided to send the twelve zodiac animal heads to our National Museum for display."

"Look at when you donate the last dog head, and I will hold a grand donation ceremony for you."

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