A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2224 King Wu Qian

After reading these materials, Lu Fei was extremely satisfied.

These are priceless treasures. If you take out two of them and put them in a local museum, they will be treasures.

At the beginning of the construction of Lu Fei's museum, a wood exhibition hall was set up, but unfortunately it was never open to the public.

The reason is that there are no treasures suitable for display.

Now with these big red sandalwood treasures, the wood showroom can finally be opened.

"Baolanfei, all the materials are here. You have checked the number. Let's go through the formalities quickly. The transportation team I found is already waiting outside." Fu Yuliang said.


Looking at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Lu Fei immediately signed the delivery procedures with Fu Yuliang.

The rest is left to the professional transportation team, supervised by Gao Jianhua and others. Lu Fei is absolutely assured.

"Baolan Fei, let's talk about it and send the Red Sandalwood King to me to exhibit for half a year?" said Fatty Wang.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

"Damn fat man, how dare you speak!"

"My exhibition hall is still empty. You actually want to send it to your place for display first. Do you want some Bilian?"


"Shouldn't I discuss this with you?" the fat man said with a smile.

"Don't talk about the King of Red Sandalwood. You can pick ten of them outside of the 50th number and transport them away. They must be sent back to me intact in half a year." Lu Fei said.


The fat man was overjoyed to hear this.

"Thank you, Baoshaifei, I knew you were interesting."

Fu Yuliang and Zhang Yanhe also sincerely admire Lu Fei.

Even though there are only ten pieces of wood, they are all super treasures!

Just lending it out like this, no one in the collection world in the state could do it, but Lu Fei agreed without hesitation.

Baolanfei didn't swell, he was still as enthusiastic as ever towards these old buddies!

\u003e Guan Laosan, have you seen it?

This is what it takes to do great things!

Later, Fu Yuliang and Zhang Yanhe shamelessly borrowed wood from Lu Fei.

The National Museum to which Zhang Yanhe belonged was killed again without any suspense. Fu Yuliang had no problem, but he had to wait until the fat man was exhibited before he could send it to Zhongzhou.

With this, Fu Yuliang was satisfied.

The outside world knows that the Zhongzhou Museum has brought back a batch of red sandalwood materials. If it is not displayed for everyone to see, this matter is really difficult to explain. Now all the problems have been solved, it is just a little later. This Fu Yu Liang can completely explain it.

Zhang Yanhe, on the other hand, was extremely depressed.

Over the past year, various provincial museums in China have benefited from Lu Fei.

As long as you ask Meng Xianguo to sign it, you can second it for display at will.

With Lu Fei's treasures, those provincial museums are extremely popular and have huge incomes.

But he couldn't get support from Lu Fei for his national exam.

If Zhang Yanhe appeared in front of Meng Xianguo, Lu Fei wouldn't be able to get even a small gift, not to mention Lu Fei's most important treasure.

All of this is Gao Feng's fault!

At this time, Zhang Yanhe felt extremely regretful. If he had known this, he would never have agreed to Mr. Kong taking over the mess of the National Expo.

It was so uncomfortable to watch other people eating meat, but I couldn't even drink the soup.

More than 300 logs of wood need to be loaded on the truck at least until dawn, even if professional equipment is used.

After a tiring day, Lu Fei left the place to the little nanny and the others, and took Gao Meng back to the hotel to rest.

On this day, Gao Meng was very tired. He took a shower and went back to his room to fall asleep, but Lu Fei was still excited.

Go back to your room,

He turned on the lamp and sat on the desk. With a flick of his cuffs, a small seal appeared in Lu Fei's hand.

If Fu Yuliang knew that Tao Bao Fei, who he considered to be a noble personality and excellent moral character, was really not idle, Lao Fu would have to cry and faint in the toilet.

As the saying goes, you can’t afford to be early if you don’t have any profit.

Regarding accepting the red sandalwood material, Lu Fei could completely leave it to Xiao Nai Gou and others to take care of it.

Using protective agent to open the coffin, Gao Jianhua is also fully qualified. .??.

But something happened in Xianyang, and Lu Fei insisted on staying in the Zhongzhou provincial capital to watch the opening of the coffin in person. Of course, he had a purpose.

Lu Fei has been thinking about Ji Kai's coffin for more than a day or two.

When he videotaped with the archaeological team in Malaysia and confirmed that it was Ji Kai's ancient tomb, Lu Fei felt extremely regretful.

You know, this clue was given to Fu Yuliang personally by Lu Fei.

At that time, the wedding of the little girl was approaching, and Lu Fei was in a hurry to go to Malaysia. At the same time, Lu Fei believed that the red sandalwood materials came from an old house buried by mudslides, so he did not investigate in depth and handed the mess to Fu Yuliang.

But he never dreamed that the old house turned out to be the guardian villa of Ji Kai's mausoleum, and hundreds of red sandalwood aniseeds were unearthed. He never expected that the complete ancient tomb of Ji Kai would be unearthed.

No one else knew that Lu Fei regretted not sleeping well for several days because of this incident.

One is because I missed out on so many materials, and the other is because I missed a super valuable treasure.

In his previous life, Lu Fei learned about a situation in a classic.

The originator of China's ancient coins and the collector of King Wu's coins is Jin Chenggong Ji Kai.

Speaking of ancient Chinese coins, they had sprouted as early as the Xia Dynasty, and had already taken shape in the Shang Dynasty, but their shapes were different and messy.

It was King Wu of Zhou Dynasty Jifa who really shaped the concept of coins into a round sky and a square place.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were eighteen princes under his subordinates.

The cultures of the vassal territories along the way are different.

In order to facilitate the different cultures of these princely territories, King Wu Jifa developed a good way, which was to use coins to distinguish them.

At that time, the concept in people's minds was that the sky was round and the earth was square, so the concept of a round sky and a square place was particularly noble.

So Ji Fa applied this concept to coins for the first time.

However, the Tianyuan local coins at that time were very different from the later copper coins with the same concept.

The outer ring is also round, but the square hole in the middle is different.

At that time, coins in the territories of the eighteen princes could not circulate among each other. Only one kind of coin could be used in one territory.

When you come to other territories to trade, you have to go to an exclusive agency to exchange the coins you bring with you into local coins.

Moreover, the local department has to deduct a handling fee from it, which is quite inconvenient.

So King Wu thought of a good way to use the number of holes in the middle of the coins to distinguish the culture of each territory.

The coins of Territory No. 1 have one hole in the middle, the coins of Territory No. 2 have two holes, and so on.

In order to ensure that the weight of the coins is the same, the size of the holes in the middle is also different.

A coin with a hole has the largest hole.

Although the coins of Territory No. 2 have two holes, the area occupied by these two holes is the same as the area of ​​one hole in Territory No. 1.

In other words, the appearance is different, but the weight is the same.

In this way, it will be easier to distinguish. By counting the holes, you will know which territory's coin it is.

Regardless of the territory, the value of coins was copper.

Since the weight of copper is the same, there is no need to exchange it for trading.

In this way, it not only made it easier to distinguish the territories, but also saved the people a lot of trouble. Of course, the people responded positively.

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