A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2225 The Seal of the King

The birth of King Wu's money unified the eighteen princes, and also laid the foundation for the concept of Tianyuan local money.

Therefore, King Wu’s money is of great significance.

At present, there are only two authentic King Wu coins recognized by the world of collections in China, and they are all living in the UK.

That is a truly priceless treasure that no amount of money can buy.

But compared with the two King Wu coins, there is something even more awesome, that is, the mother coin of King Wu coins, which is the initial draft and has not yet begun to be minted. The individual coins are twice as large as the coins in circulation. According to historical records, There are eighteen mother coins in total, and a single coin weighs two taels and four cents.

These eighteen mother coins are regarded as treasures and passed down from generation to generation.

From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period, the legend was left in the hands of the orthodox Duke Wen of Jin in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and Ji Kai, the son of Duke Wen of Jin, collected two of them.

However, this is just a legend, that is, it has been recorded in the extra books, and is not a real fact.

No one knows exactly where the eighteen pieces of mother money fell.

Although it is a legend, Lu Fei has heard of this legend and of course he wants to confirm it himself. If the legend is true, it would be great. .??.

Last time because of his carelessness, he missed Ji Kai's tomb. Lu Fei didn't want to have any regrets this time. Therefore, Lu Fei insisted on staying in Zhongzhou and had to witness the opening of Ji Kai's coffin.

The coffin is opened. If there is mother's money inside, Lu Fei must get it.

This is not a moral violation, it is just a temporary change of storage location.

It's just a collection if you come by yourself, and it will never be lost overseas.

Compared with the public collection, it doesn't matter who keeps it, so Lu Fei doesn't feel guilty.

On the other hand, if the mother's money falls into the hands of the public, it may not be that easy for me to get my hands on it in the future.

Well, the initiative is still in your own hands, that is safe.

However, it is not easy to achieve this goal, so Lu Fei

Find a way to get Fu Yuliang to turn off the monitoring equipment, leaving only him and Guan Haishan in charge of supervision.

There are only two people on the other side, so it might not be impossible for him and Gao Meng to cover.

What Lu Fei didn't expect was that Guan Haishan committed suicide and temporarily withdrew, leaving only Fu Yuliang alone. This was great news for his plan.

However, Lu Fei still didn't dare to be careless.

In fact, one application of protective agent on the stone coffin is enough.

Lu Fei insisted on brushing it five times, which was actually to make Fu Yuliang suffer a little.

This old guy was so tired that his back and legs ached and he was dizzy, making it easier for him to move.

Although this method was a bit unethical, Lu Fei didn't care about it. At worst, he would just make up for Fu Yuliang in other ways in the future.

The next plan was completely in Lu Fei's rhythm. Fu Yuliang was half dead from exhaustion and relaxed his vigilance on himself, and the stone coffin was successfully opened.

But unfortunately, Lu Fei did not discover the existence of King Wu Qian's mother Qian at the top.

That thing is not small. If it exists, Lu Fei will definitely be able to find it.

So there is no upper level, almost no more.

As for the volume of more than fifty centimeters below, Lu Fei didn't care.

According to custom, the collections in the coffin must be arranged according to their value and significance.

The more important things are, they must be placed at the top.

How awesome is King Wu Qian?

For Ji Kai, it was the treasure passed down from their ancestors, and its significance was no less than that of Shang Fang's sword. If he brought it to the coffin, how could he be buried under those common objects?

That is absolutely impossible.

However, what gave Lu Fei some comfort was that although he did not find King Wu's mother's money, he unexpectedly found a seal.

This seal is made of Hetian green jade, six centimeters high and four centimeters wide, with a chilong twist on the top.

In ancient times, seal grades had extremely strict requirements.

No matter how high an official's status is, the most powerful one is the turtle twister. Only kings or emperors are worthy of using the chilong twister.

At first glance, Lu Fei knew that this seal was unusual, and its size made it easy for Lu Fei to follow it.

Therefore, the moment Fu Yuliang put down the lid, the rags of noble character in his mind flew into his possession. ??

While taking it, Lu Fei glanced at the seal. There were four bird-written words on it, "The Seal of the King."

Seeing these four words, Lu Fei's heart aroused a huge wave of waves, and he instantly had the answer in his heart.

The biggest reason why Lu Fei concluded that there was nothing in the coffin, except Ji Kai's portable dagger, was this seal.

Even if this treasure is placed outside, there can be nothing inside.

Because to Ji Kai, nothing is as important as this seal.

At this moment, Lu Fei was playing with this seal.

The seal is finely made, but has sharp edges and corners, which makes it difficult to touch. It lacks the natural roundness, and I think the patina is only a tiny bit.

From these characteristics, we can conclude that this seal is raw material.

Raw goods are not raw goods, these are two completely different concepts.

Raw goods refer to the funerary objects that have just been dug out of the tomb.

Raw goods refer to things that have been made with little use, that is, new things.

This seal is a typical example of raw materials.

Use the seal

After a few years, both the twist and the stamp surface will be relatively rounded, but this one is just the opposite.

According to Lu Fei's judgment, it would not take more than a year to make this thing, and then it would be buried here.

In addition to this feature, this seal has another special feature, and that is the seal.

Inscribed on the seal surface is the seal of the King.

The key point is the word "成王".

During that period, the king was the supreme emperor and was on the same level as the later emperors.

Even Ji Kai's father, Ji Chong'er, Duke Wen of Jin and one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, could only call him "gong" but did not dare to call him a king. Why should he, Ji Kai?

Moreover, the seal also uses Chilong Twist, which makes the purpose obvious.

Thinking of these, Lu Fei also made his own judgment on a series of doubts.

Ji Kai is Ji Chong'er's biological son, there is no doubt about this.

But why does the historical data only introduce Ji Kai in a few words and say that Ji Kai is a mediocre person who has done nothing in his life?

Perhaps what the historical records record is not the truth.

Because this version of the record must have been spread from Duke Wen of Jin.

In other words, whatever Jin Wengong said is what is recorded in the historical materials.

Lu Fei guessed that Ji Kai was actually not a mediocre person, nor was he mediocre.

On the contrary, Ji Kai is likely to be a generational hero.

It's just that Ji Kai was too ambitious and intended to rebel and establish himself as king. Only then did Duke Wen of Jin hate his own son, and of course he would not say anything good about him.

Based on these existing clues, Lu Fei guessed that Ji Kai must want to rebel and had the support of his mother.

Unfortunately, his intentions and ambitions were noticed by his father, Duke Wen of Jin, and he found a reason to send Ji Kai, mother and son to Bianliang.

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