A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2226 Two Grave Scorpions

Lu Fei guessed that Duke Wen of Jin knew that his son Ji Kai had the ambition to rebel, so he sent them to Bianliang to rule.

According to the historical map, during the Spring and Autumn Period, Bianliang belonged to the border area of ​​Jin State, which was desolate, remote and uninhabited.

Let their mother and son come here. On the surface, they are here to rule, but in fact they are deposing Ji Kai in disguise.

This scene is of the same nature as when Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty conferred ten kings at night and sent King Zhu Di of Yan to Yanjing, the Northern Emperor.

However, Ji Kai, like King Yan, remained ambitious even when he was in a place where birds had nothing to do.

He secretly developed his own strength and prepared to be crowned king in Bianliang.

However, at that time, the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period were dominant in the world, and Ji Kai's strength was too far behind his father's, so he had no chance at all, so he never became successful.

Later, perhaps due to illness or some accident, he unfortunately passed away and ordered people to bury him here together with his biological mother.

As for why his mother was buried in the east ear chamber, it was probably because his mother was his spiritual sustenance!

The reason why there is nothing in the coffin is probably because Ji Kai has mysophobia, otherwise it cannot be explained.

As for why Ji Kai's stone coffin only has one layer, there are too many possibilities.

It may be because he lacks confidence, or he may be worried that the news will leak out, causing his father's dissatisfaction and destroying his tomb.

But all the possibilities and all the plots are Lu Fei's speculation after all, and there is no solid evidence.

Therefore, Lu Fei didn't pay too much attention.

Next, Fu Yuliang and others will immediately clean up Ji Kai's coffin. If there are any important clues, they will definitely notify them.

As for Ji Kai's King Seal, it is indeed a good thing.

There are very few narratives about Ji Kai in history. This object that can prove Ji Kai's identity is of great significance.

If Fu Yuliang and the others are lucky enough to find documents or epitaphs about Ji Kai, the history of Ji Kai will inevitably be overturned. At that time,

The value of this seal will be even greater.

There was no talking all night, and in the early morning of the next day, more than 300 pieces of red sandalwood aniseed were all loaded onto the truck.

After Lu Fei checked, he asked Xiao Maogou and others to escort the convoy through Qinling Mountains and back to Jincheng.

Lu Fei took Gao Jianhua to Xianyang.

As for the dog head, Lu Fei asked Fatty Wang to go to his own museum in Jincheng in person, and Meng Xianguo came forward to donate the dog head to the museum on his behalf.

As for the donation ceremony, Lu Fei was not interested, and there was no need to hype himself up through this matter.

After his own efforts, the twelve zodiac animal heads were finally gathered together after a hundred years, and Lu Fei's merits were considered complete, which was enough.

Lu Fei didn't care how they distributed the dog heads afterwards and where they ended up.

When arriving in Xianyang, Lu Fei did not visit Xie Chuncheng, but met Gao Yuan in a hotel.

"Brother Yuan, is there any news?" Lu Fei asked impatiently after sitting down.

Gao Yuan nodded.

"A little clue."

"You're right. I'm afraid this matter is not that simple." Gao Yuan said.

"how do I say this?"

"That's right."

Gao Yuan arrived in Xianyang less than a day ago, but based on his experience, he still made a major discovery.

There was something happening with Xie Chuncheng ahead, so Gao Yuan didn't need to blindly investigate, just focus on Zhao Dongsheng and the underworld boss Xu Yaohu.

According to Gao Yuan's investigation, it was indeed Xu Yaohu's people who attacked the villa construction site.

Xu Yaohu accepted Zhao Dongsheng's 500,000 yuan, and asked his general Zhang Fei to take people to the construction site to cause trouble, injuring dozens of people, causing Xie Chuncheng to

seriously injured.

Xu Yaohu was taking both black and white on the ground in Xianyang. The police just walked around the situation and took notes, and did not fully investigate at all.

In fact, there is no need to investigate who did it. They have a clear idea in their minds, but they just don't dare to provoke Xu Yaohu.

Xu Yaohu was just hired to hurt people, and the initiator was Zhao Dongsheng, the boss of Dongsheng Real Estate Company.

Therefore, Gao Yuan immediately focused on Zhao Dongsheng.

Gao Yuan secretly followed Zhao Dongsheng for a long time. Last night, he found Zhao Dongsheng meeting two strong men with Hunan accents at the door of the hotel.

Zhao Dongsheng was extremely polite to the two strangers, which aroused Gao Yuan's suspicion. ??

After dinner, Gao Yuan followed them to the Qinglian Hotel where the two foreigners were staying.

Gao Yuan followed them directly to the eleventh floor in the elevator.

In the elevator, Gao Yuan was shocked to find that these two Hunanese had the aura of fellow travelers.

In other words, these two people turned out to be grave scorpions.

It’s not surprising to smell this scent.

Grave Scorpions, who go to graves all the year round, are inevitably contaminated with corpse aura and earth-bound aura.

This smell cannot be cleared away in a day or two.

Ordinary people wouldn't know what this smell was even if they smelled it, but Gao Yuan came from the Mojin Gao family and was naturally very sensitive to this smell, so he could smell it easily.

Lu Fei had previously wondered why Zhao Dongsheng insisted on taking over Xingping Villa, a project with no profit at all.

But now that I see Zhao Dongsheng in frequent contact with the two grave scorpions, it will be much easier to guess the true resemblance.

Needless to say, these two grave scorpions must also know that there is something underneath the Xingping Villa construction site.

Now that the villa has an owner, and it happens to be within the scope of the treasure, they can't make a move at all.

Therefore, they found Zhao Dongsheng and planned to cooperate with him and use Zhao Dongsheng's company and local influence to acquire the villa in an open and honest manner.

But he never expected that what Zhao Dongsheng thought was a sure thing would happen unexpectedly.

The person in charge of the villa had an extremely tough attitude and did not agree to the acquisition at all.

Not only that, even the little dirty tricks played by Zhao Dongsheng were resolved by Xie Chuncheng wittily.

Zhao Dongsheng had no choice, so he went to the extreme and spent 500,000 to hire Xu Yaohu's forces to come out to deal with Xie Chuncheng.

After listening to Gao Yuan's words, Lu Fei nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Yuan, your analysis is very reasonable. I guess this is what it looks like."

"But, the things under the villa have existed for nearly four hundred years, and they have been peaceful for so many years. How did you find the two grave scorpions?"

Lu Fei frowned as he spoke.

Gao Yuan lit a pipe.

"I'm sure it wasn't one of our own who leaked the news."

"According to my observation, those two grave scorpions should be top masters with extremely rich experience."

"Maybe even a master with a legacy."

"Those masters all have their own unique skills inherited from their families, and it is not impossible for them to spot them."

"As for the truth, it should be clear if we catch these two people and ask them."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Have you found out where they are staying?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's all clear. Those two grave scorpions live on the eleventh floor of Qinglian Hotel. I know the room number clearly."

"What about Zhao Dongsheng?"

"When will he meet those two people?"

"It's best to have them all together, otherwise I'm worried that Zhao Dongsheng will leak the news."

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