A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2235 The ignorant are fearless

Hearing Gao Yuan's inquiry and thinking of the elusive Zheng brothers, Zhao Dongsheng was so frightened that he trembled all over.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally felt that he still couldn't confess the Zheng brothers.

He could feel that those two people were definitely not good men and women, their eyes were murderous, and they definitely had lives on their hands.

If they knew that they had betrayed them, they would kill themselves.

Even if I hide in an outer house, the Zheng brothers can sneak in without warning, so I can't hide even if I want to!

Thinking of this, Zhao Dongsheng became even more determined.

"Sir, I admit that my method is not glorious enough, but there is nothing I can do about it."

"I have talked to Mr. Xie many times and offered him a very high price, but he just didn't agree to the acquisition."

"If he had agreed earlier, there wouldn't have been all the unpleasantness that happened later, right?"

It’s over!

Xu Yaohu, who was sitting on the sofa behind, heard what Zhao Dongsheng said and had already sentenced him to death on behalf of Gao Yuan Tianbao.

Xu Yaohu said in his heart, Zhao Dongsheng is simply an idiot!

Are your eyes used for blowing your nose?

Can't you fucking see what's going on right now?

I don’t even dare to challenge others, so who do you think you are?

When you say that, aren't you looking for death?

To Xu Yaohu's surprise, Tianbao and Gao Yuan did not attack Zhao Dongsheng, but just smiled.

"Mr. Zhao, listen to my question clearly."

"Let me ask you, why do you insist on acquiring our villa?"

"What's your motive?" Gao Yuan asked.



"Isn't it obvious?"

"I am a businessman, and of course I purchased Xingping Villa to make money!" Zhao Dongsheng said calmly.

"Xingping Villa is located in a remote location, more than fifty kilometers away from the downtown area."

"You are a real estate person,

How do you make money acquiring such a remote resort? "

"It seems that you are dishonest, Boss Zhao!" Gao Yuan laughed.

Gao Yuan and Tianbao never took action against Zhao Dongsheng, which gave Zhao Dongsheng an illusion.

He thought it was because Gao Yuan did not dare to do anything to him.

After all, this is Xianyang, not a place where they go out and run wild.

He clearly knew that he hired Xu Yaohu to hurt their people, and if he dared to do it to him, he would have been out of character a long time ago, and he couldn't wait until now.

Therefore, Zhao Dongsheng became more courageous.

"Friend, you don't have to worry about this."

"If I want to acquire a resort, there must be a way to make money. On the contrary, you can't make any money by building a resort there."

"I have been doing business in Xianyang for many years and have connections and friends. Of course I can support it."

"So, I suggest that it is safest for you to sell the villa to me."

"Before, I did go too far. If you agree to sell the villa to me, I can consider giving you more in price. What do you think?" Zhao Dongsheng said.


After hearing this, Xu Yaohu immediately looked at Zhao Dongsheng with admiration.

This grandson is a bit brave!

But, can you scare these two?

If you don't even get used to me, where do you get the confidence?

It is true that the ignorant are fearless!

Sure enough, Gao Yuan lost his patience with Zhao Dongsheng's attitude.

After giving Tianbao a wink, the latter approached him with a smirk on his face. Zhao Dongsheng was immediately horrified.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Don't fucking come over here, I'm telling you, this is Xianyang, and the police station has a very good relationship with me.

, if you dare to touch me, I guarantee you will regret it for the rest of your life. " Zhao Dongsheng threatened.

"I wipe it?"

"How dare you threaten us? You are so brave. No one has dared to talk to us like this for a long time."

Tianbao didn't look down on Zhao Dongsheng at all.

Even the patriarch of the Thomas family was captured by Fei Ge. Who does Zhao Dongsheng mean to him?

Tianbao came to Zhao Dongsheng with a smirk, grabbed him by the collar, picked him up like a chicken, and then threw him heavily to the ground.


Tianbao's strength was so great that even though there was a thick carpet on the ground, Zhao Dongsheng was still thrown so hard that he screamed and almost vomited blood.

Zhao Dongsheng still wanted to struggle to stand up, but the soles of Tianbao's No. 44 shoes stepped on Zhao Dongsheng's chest like a mountain, making him unable to move.

Zhao Dongsheng's chest almost exploded after being stepped on by Tianbao, and he howled like a slaughtering pig.



Just as the guy opened his mouth and shouted, a pink crystal the size of a millet grain appeared in Gao Yuan's hand and bounced directly into Zhao Dongsheng's mouth.

The small crystals melt in the mouth and slide down the esophagus into the stomach.

Just when Zhao Dongsheng was confused, Tianbao raised his feet, sat on the sofa and drank water with a smile.

This, this is it?

You let me go so easily?

is it possible?

Not only Zhao Dongsheng was confused, Xu Yaohu also lamented the unfair fate.

Xu Yaohu said in his heart, two bosses, that bastard on the ground is the culprit!

If he hadn't paid me to do things, could I have done anything to your brothers?

But you just threw him and stepped on him, which was much lighter than the punishment I received.

Is this fair?

But just when Xu Yaohu was sighing with emotion, Zhao Dongsheng reacted.

Suddenly, there was a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Immediately afterwards, both temples also began to hurt, and it felt as if their temples were about to explode.

The next moment, my whole head hurt.


"It hurts, it hurts me so much."


"how so?"

"What did you feed me?"


Before Zhao Dongsheng had time to think, the pain in his head became more and more uncontrollable.

That feeling is indescribable.

If I had to describe it, it was like someone putting his head under a thousand-ton press and slowly lowering the machine to completely crush his head.

That kind of pain is heartbreaking. Let alone a tough guy, as long as you are a human being, you cannot bear it.

Yes, that's true.

Deng Xinhua couldn't bear it, Jiang Hongyang couldn't bear it, and even Daluo Jinxian might not be able to bear it as long as he had nerves.

Because Gao Yuan gave him mutated gold snake venom.

The toxin of the money snake was the first of all poisons in ancient times. There is no comparison with the toxins of the money snake such as crane crown red and arsenic.

Not to mention, this is a mutant variety cultivated by Lu Fei using his Holy Yang Orchid, which will definitely make people unable to survive or die.

After Jiang Hongyang and Deng Xinhua, Lu Fei rarely used this thing.

It's not that Lu Fei is reluctant to part with it, Lu Fei has plenty of this toxin. It is no exaggeration to say that he can take down an army of ten thousand people without any problem.

The reason for not using it is because Lu Fei thinks it is too cruel and inhumane.

But this time is different. No method is too much to deal with a scum like Zhao Dongsheng.

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