A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2236 Dilemma of Life and Death

The venom of the mutant money snake is definitely not something humans can withstand.

What's more, Zhao Dongsheng is a pampering boss.

In less than half a minute, Zhao Dongsheng was rolling on the floor in pain, his screams were endless, his nose and tears were flowing, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.


The screams made Xu Yaohu's heart tremble rapidly and cold sweat broke out.

Just now, he was still complaining in his heart that Zhao Dongsheng was treated much better than himself, which he felt was unfair.

Now, he was filled with fear.

Oh my God! .??.

What did they feed Zhao Dongsheng?

Qibu Changchang Powder?

No, Zhao Dongsheng obviously has a headache?

Could it be that he was poisoned?


It seems that Zhao Dongsheng is definitely not pretending, it is really too miserable.


The methods of these two people are really terrible.

Looking at Zhao Dongsheng's miserable state, I guess he wouldn't be able to bear it!

These two people are already so terrifying, so who is the boss behind them?


What a blessing!

If I insist on being tough with them, I will be the one who suffers now!


Zhao Dongsheng's howl became more and more ferocious, one sound louder than the other, echoing in a space of more than one hundred square meters, making people shudder.

However, Gao Yuan and Zhu Tianbao turned a blind eye. They sat on the sofa with a natural expression, as if they were watching a drama, enjoying their own works comfortably.

This harshness and mentality made Xu Yaohu even more frightened.

Before that, Xu Yaohu was still unwilling to give up, silently deducing how confident he could be in his Jedi counterattack.

But at this moment, Xu Yaohu completely gave up this idea.

He never dared to think about the word revenge again. Even if these two masters left Xianyang, he would not dare to

Made a mistake.

You must do your best to protect Xingping Villa, otherwise you will definitely not be able to bear the consequences.


"help me."

"Save me"

"I said, I will say anything!!"

"Please, please let me go!"

A minute later, Zhao Dongsheng was tortured to the point of stripping off his clothes. He gritted his teeth to bear the pain and kept begging.

Unfortunately, Gao Yuan and the other two ignored him at all, lit a cigarette and continued to admire.

When he is happy, he will even take out his mobile phone to take a video of Zhao Dongsheng screaming. It is a joy to watch.


Xu Yaohu protested in his heart, but on the surface he didn't dare to move. Even his breathing rate was reduced by more than half, for fear of becoming a sibling with Zhao Dongsheng.


Another minute passed, Zhao Dongsheng's whole body twitched, and his shouting became weaker.

Snot and saliva spilled uncontrollably on the carpet, and he was already haggard.


"Please, kill me!"

"Just kill me."

By this time, Zhao Dongsheng had no time to think about the word regret. His mind was filled with the idea of ​​ending his life as soon as possible. Is this the only way to get rid of this unbearable pain?

For him now, every second is inhuman torture, and he just wants to die quickly.

However, this was just an extravagant hope, and Gao Yuan and the other two ignored him at all.

After another minute, Zhao Dongsheng was already so angry that his heart-rending shouts turned into moans. Finally, Gao Yuan stood up.

Stepping on Zhao Dongsheng's chest, he shot a black Xiaoyao Pill into his chest.

In the mouth.

Ten seconds later, Zhao Dongsheng was finally freed and passed out.


The room became quiet and Xu Yaohu took a deep breath. Only then did he realize that his clothes were completely soaked.

Gao Yuan turned around and glanced at him, and Xu Yaohu quickly lowered his head.


"Boss Xu, don't be nervous. We are friends and we will not do this to you."

"From now on, I will ask Mr. Xu to take care of Xingping Villa." Gao Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, it's absolutely fine."

"I will do my best. Even if something happens to me, the villa will not be in danger." Xu Yaohu immediately expressed his determination to Gao Yuan.

"Then I'd like to thank Boss Xu first."


"You're too polite, haha."

Xu Yaohu no longer knew what to say.

"By the way, Zhao Dongsheng, I will help you two handle it. I guarantee that you will be satisfied." Xu Yaohu looked at Zhao Dongsheng and said flatteringly.


Gao Yuan understood and almost laughed.

"Boss Xu, you misunderstood. Mr. Zhao is not dead, he just fell asleep temporarily."

"I don't need to worry about this matter, Mr. Xu. I just hope you don't tell what happened today. This will help us." Gao Yuan said.

"No, absolutely not."

"Don't worry, even if I talk in my sleep, I will keep my mouth shut."


"It hurts me so much."

Half an hour later, Zhao Dongsheng finally woke up and rubbed his head. Although there was still some pain, it was completely negligible compared with the feeling before he fell into coma.

Not only was the headache relieved, but my energy and energy were also better, and I barely had the strength to struggle to get up.

It took Zhao Dongsheng more than ten seconds to sit up, but when he turned around and saw Gao Yuan and Tianbao looking at him with smiles, Zhao Dongsheng yelled and almost fell into coma again.


Zhao Dongsheng is really scared!

In his eyes, these two harmless smiling faces were far more terrifying than the peerless demons.

Thinking about what he had endured just now, Zhao Dongsheng shuddered again.

"Mr. Zhao, are you awake?"

"How do you feel?" Gao Yuan said with a smile.


"Sir, please let me go!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I promise to tell you everything I know."

Before Gao Yuan could say anything, Zhao Dongsheng took the lead in expressing his attitude.

He is not a fool, he clearly knows the source of the pain just now.

That feeling put him in a dilemma between life and death. He really didn't want to bear it again and would rather die than think about it.


"I knew Boss Zhao was a smart man."

Gao Yuan said, turning back to look at Xu Yaohu.

"Boss Xu, please go in and have a rest. We have something to discuss with Mr. Zhao."

"Okay, okay, you can chat slowly."

Xu Yaohu didn't dare to disobey, and he also wanted to get out of the sight of these two devils. After finishing his words, he hid in the suite.

"Mr. Zhao, no one will bother you now."

"Tell me, why are you determined to acquire our villa?"

"I want to know the real reason, and I hope you won't lie to me." Gao Yuan said.

"No, I promise to tell the truth."

In Zhao Dongsheng's eyes, the Zheng brothers were indeed scary, but they were nothing compared to Gao Yuan and the two others, so he did not dare to hide anything and told everything he knew.

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