A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2238 Don’t play tricks


Before the second cup of tea was brought to their lips, the Zheng brothers jumped up at the same time, holding their heads and screaming.

The two brothers' willpower was much stronger than that of Zhao Dongsheng. Even when the severe pain struck, they still maintained a trace of calmness.

Zheng Rong's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he glared at Zhao Dongsheng with his teeth bared and shouted.


"What did you give us to drink?"

Zhao Dongsheng was so frightened that his legs went limp and he fell to the ground, then struggled to crawl towards the door.

"It's none of my business, but it's none of my business!"

"You bastard, if you dare to drug us, I'll kill you."

Zheng Rong shouted, picked up the teapot and rushed towards Zhao Dongsheng.

But after just one step, the pain in his head could no longer be endured, and he was guaranteed to turn over and start howling.

Zheng Tai also had a splitting headache. He lay on the ground shaking and took out his cell phone, preparing to call his brothers outside for help.

This was obviously a plot.

Now they have a splitting headache, and the two brothers have completely lost their fighting ability.

At this time, even a five-year-old child can easily kill them, so they must seek help.

Unfortunately, he had no chance to ask for help.

Just as he took out his mobile phone, the door of the suite inside opened. Gao Yuan and Tianbao came over. Tianbao stepped on Zheng Tai's chest and snatched his mobile phone away. Then, he immediately took Zheng Rong's mobile phone away. Also confiscated, taking complete control of the situation.


"You, who are you? Why?"

Zheng Tai said a few words intermittently, holding his head and rolling in pain.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dongsheng, who was not far away, immediately thought of what he had experienced in the afternoon, and his crotch became wet again.

Gao Yuan Tianbao sat on the sofa as steady as a rock and watched the two brothers scream. Tianbao's eyes even showed deep excitement.

Zheng brothers

He is indeed a master, his willpower is much more powerful than Zhao Dongsheng's.

However, half an hour later, these two tough guys completely succumbed to the torture of the money snake's venom.

After taking the antidote, the two brothers were tortured until half of their lives were lost. They sat on the ground and gasped for air.

"Are you convinced?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Zheng Tai asked weakly.

Gao Yuan smiled slightly and handed the two brothers a pipe.

"Why don't you let me guess who you are first?"

"If I guess correctly, your name is Zheng Tai and his name is Zheng Rong. You two are cousins, right?"


Gao Yuan's words stirred up huge waves in the hearts of the Zheng brothers.

In China, there are only a handful of people who know their names.

Gao Yuan shouted out directly, how could they not be shocked?

"Who are you?" Zheng Tai asked.

Gao Yuan winked at Tianbao, who went over and knocked Zhao Dongsheng unconscious with a swordsman and dragged him into the room like a dead dog.

Gao Yuan chuckled.

"Not only do I know your names, I also know that you are the descendants of Jiumen Qishan."

"am I right?"

Gao Yuan said that they were descendants of Qianshan, and the two brothers were even worse.

He reluctantly sat up straight and became more alert.

"How do you know so clearly?"

"Haha, I know more than you think."

Zheng Taiyi frowned: "Since you don't want to kill us, you must want to get something from us."

"When we meet you this time, let's admit defeat and tell us your conditions!"

These two brothers are indeed much smarter than Zhao Dongsheng.

They were powerless just now, and it would be easy for Gao Yuan to kill them.

But Gao Yuan didn't take action, that was not to kill them, but to learn something from their mouths.

In other words, they still have value.


Gao Yuan gave a thumbs up and did not hesitate to praise.

"If I don't kill you, of course I have my intention."

"First of all, I want to let you understand the current situation."

"Just now, I asked Zhao Dongsheng to add some spices to your tea."

"This kind of condiment will make you unable to survive or die. I believe you have already deeply experienced it."

"Although you have relieved the pain now, it is just that I used the antidote to help you suppress it. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

"Without my antidote, you would get sick once a month apart, and the pain would multiply every time."

"I believe you don't want to experience that feeling again, right?" Gao Yuan said.

The two brothers are both descendants of the Nine Sects, and they understand some things in the world much more deeply than the average person, so they have no doubts about Gao Yuan's words.

"Friend, this time we admit defeat, you tell us clearly what you want us to do."

Gao Yuan nodded.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero!"

"Actually, if you hadn't come to me on your own initiative, I wouldn't want to embarrass you."

"What do you say?" Zheng Rong asked.


"Xingping Villa belongs to my boss. You found Zhao Dongsheng's idea of ​​​​our Villa, resulting in more than a hundred of our workers being injured. Is this a fact?" Gao Yuan said.

"Are you from Xingping Villa?"

Zheng Tai knew that the other party must be an enemy, but he never contacted Xingping Villa.

Before they asked Zhao Dongsheng to cooperate, they had investigated that the owner of Xingping Villa was Ma Tengyun, a migrant from outside the Northeast Pass.

But they didn't expect that Xingping Villa would be so difficult to deal with. This really surprised them.

"That's right!"

"Xingping Villa belongs to our boss."

"Our boss wants to know now, how did you know there was something underground in the villa?"

"Who identified this person and by what means?"

"Don't tell us that you two ordered it. You guys don't have the ability to move mountains."

Tangzi refers to treasure, which is a slang term in the industry.

Hearing what Gao Yuan said, the Zheng brothers were even more shocked.

Damn it!

It turns out that the opposite party is also traveling with us!

No wonder the other party built the villa here for the same purpose!

However, the amount of information Gao Yuan said was too great.

Not only does it point out their purpose, but it can also be seen that this treasure was not pointed out by them.

These questions involved their core secrets. The Zheng brothers' eyes rolled rapidly, and they didn't know how to answer them for a moment.

Gao Yuan chuckled.

"Zheng Tai, if you are smart, don't try to play tricks on us."

"Since I can attack you, I will definitely know everything about you."

"I know that you are from the Liu family. You asked Zhao Dongsheng to purchase the villa because you just wanted to take the things below."

"Let me tell you clearly, with my boss here, you have no chance."

"Our boss respects the reputation of Jiumen and doesn't want to embarrass you. He just wants to know who and what means he used to identify this man."

"Explain it to us clearly, and let you leave immediately. From now on, the road will be in the sky, and everyone will go to their own side."

"However, if you play tricks, our boss won't mind giving you a ride."

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