A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2239 Three locations

Gao Yuan pointed out the Liu family behind him, and the Zheng brothers were shocked.

Thinking of the unbearable pain just now, I shuddered even more.

The Zheng brothers didn't doubt Gao Yuan's words at all. If they didn't say anything, Gao Yuan or the boss behind him would really dare to kill him.

Because, since Gao Yuan pointed out that there was something underground in the villa, it is certain that they built the resort villa in Xingping Mountain because they were also interested in the value of Xingping Mountain.

There is no doubt about this.

The Zheng brothers knew that the treasure under Xingping Mountain was quite big, and the contents inside must be extraordinary.

If you compete with them, you are violating their interests. If it were you, you would definitely kill them.

Thinking of this, Zheng Tai raised his head and looked at Gao Yuan seriously.

"Can you really let us go?"


"If my boss really wants to deal with you, you are already dead now. Do I still need to waste my words with you?"

"You must have noticed that we are also interested in the son of Xingpingshan."

"Everything has to be done on a first-come, first-served basis. We spent a lot of money to build a villa here. Of course, we can't let you come here to pick peaches."

"As long as you don't go against us, and tell us the truth about how you knew the situation here, I guarantee that you will leave Xianyang safely," Gao Yuan said.

People have to lower their heads when they are under the low edge.

The Zheng brothers are from the world of martial arts, and they know their way very well.

After thinking about it seriously, Zheng Tai finally nodded.


"I believe you, we are willing to withdraw."

"I promise that I will never set foot in Xianyang again from now on," Zheng Tai said.


"That's right. We are all Taoists. There is no need to become incompatible because of the same disciple."

"Maybe we will have a cooperative relationship outside in the future!" Gao Yuan said.


Friends, since we have promised you, can you give us the antidote and let us go? "Zheng Tai asked.


"Zheng Tai, didn't you understand just now?"

"I have one more condition. You won't forget it, right?" Gao Yuan said.


Of course Zheng Tai has not forgotten it, but what Gao Yuan wants to know is that it is their core secret!

If Gao Yuan was told this, not only would he feel sorry for the Liu family, but he might even attract a powerful opponent to the Liu family, which they didn't want to see.

Not to mention, Gao Yuan would definitely not let them go.

After thinking about it carefully, wealth and life are more important.

With this life, anything is possible.

My life is gone, what else is there for me to say?

Looking at Zheng Rong, the two brothers nodded in agreement.


"I can tell you."

"You are right. We in the Qishan lineage do not have this ability, and this hall is indeed not chosen by us."

"My boss's family once had a master who spent decades of hard work to select some noble families."

"There are several large halls, and this is one of them."

"Otherwise, there is no need for our brothers to take action personally." Zheng Tai said.


Gao Yuan was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Is there such an expert in the Liu family?

So who's wrong with this master?

You must know that someone who can find a treasure of this scale is definitely not an ordinary expert.

This is not about dividing money and fixing acupuncture points. The technical content here is too high, and it also requires sufficient experience accumulation.

This is not something that ordinary experts can do.

No wonder the Liu family can rise rapidly and become the number one collecting family in Asia. It is indeed a profound heritage!

By the way, Zheng Rong said just now that this is just one of the Liu family's positions, so where are the other halls?

"Zheng Tai, I want to know who is the master you are talking about?"

"Which sect is the inheritance related to?" Gao Yuan asked.

"I'm sorry. It is said that the master has passed away long ago, and I have never seen him."

"As for his details, that is the boss's biggest secret, and we don't know either," Zheng Tai said.

Gao Yuan kept staring at Zheng Tai and could see that this guy was not telling lies.

"Since that man is no longer here, how did you know about this place?"

"Don't you have the map drawn by that person?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Yes, we found this place based on the map."

"Can I see the map?"


"Friend, isn't this against the rules?" Zheng Tai said warily.


"Zheng Tai, you don't need to be nervous."

"We have already found this place, and your map is of no value to us."

"I just want to see the style of the drawings and see if I can guess which school inherited the style."

"I don't think this request is too much!" Gao Yuan said.

Zheng Tai thought about Gao Yuan's words and found that it was indeed true.

Everyone has occupied the treasure, and maybe it has been opened. The map is just a scrap of paper, so it might not be wrong to take a look.

However, the boss's map shows the locations of three top treasures.

What if he sees that he has seized the other two treasures in advance?

Think carefully

Even if I think about it, I won’t.

The locations drawn on the map are just concepts and are quite general.

I have my own notes and explanations, so I can easily understand them.

The other party had no notes, so it was impossible to understand the map.

Besides, what is marked on the map is only the final location. Without notes, trying to find the location is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is absolutely impossible.

The most important thing right now is to save his life and get the antidote.

After I left Xianyang, I immediately uncovered the other two treasures, so I no longer had any worries.

He even has a chance to avenge the humiliation he suffered today!

Thinking of this, Zheng Tai nodded decisively.

"All right!"

"I can show you the map, but you must promise to give us the antidote."

"Of course, I must keep my word." Gao Yuan said.


Zheng Tai said, got up and went back to the room.

In order to prevent him from playing tricks, Tianbao followed him step by step.

Zheng Tai really didn't play tricks. He returned to the bedroom, took out a waterproof bag from his bag, glanced at Tianbao and returned to the living room.

"Now, the map is right here."

Zheng Tai opened the bag and took out a stamp album about forty centimeters long.

The stamp album was opened, with an old and yellowed parchment sandwiched in the middle.

The parchment was folded into several layers, and Zheng Tai unfolded it carefully. Three maps came into Gao Yuan's eyes.

Looking at this map, Gao Yuan frowned.

The map picture is quite general. With a high level of ability, one can only tell that three different locations are drawn on it.

Because he knew the surrounding environment of Xingping Mountain very well, Gao Yuan could tell that the pattern on the far left represented Xingping Mountain.

As for where the other two paintings were, Gao Yuan couldn't tell at all.

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