On the map that the Zheng brothers took out, there were three different locations.

Except for Xingping Mountain, there were two remaining places, which Gao Yuan could not recognize.

As for the style of which of the nine sects it is, there is no way to verify it, and Gao Yuan can't help but frown.

Seeing Gao Yuan's expression, Zheng Tai finally felt relieved.

Zheng Tai sneered in his heart, I knew that without our annotations, even Daluo Jinxian would not be able to figure out the clues.

Look, you can't tell.

However, Gao Yuan was still more thoughtful and took pictures with his mobile phone. This was far beyond Zheng Tai's expectation.

He wanted to object, but it was too late, not to mention that his life was still in their hands, so he could only stare and watch Gao Yuan finish filming.

"Friend, I have done everything I promised you. Can you give me the antidote now?" ??

Zheng Tai said as he put the map away.


"I definitely mean what I say."

"However, I also hope that you can keep your promise and stop trying to take advantage of our villa in the future. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Don't worry, the hall has been occupied by you, there is no point in us coming here again."

"In the future, we will never appear in Xianyang area." Zheng Tai promised.

Gao Yuan nodded, took out two yellow pills from his pocket and handed them to them.

"Your poison needs to be removed in two stages."

"Take this pill and leave me an address later. Half a year later, I will express the other two pills to you." Gao Yuan said.

The Zheng brothers just frowned.

"Friend, are you kidding us?"


"It would be easy for me to keep your lives. Do I still need to trick you?"

"This kind of poison must be removed in two steps. If you want to completely detoxify, you must do what I say." Gao Yuan said.


The Zheng brothers snorted coldly, but there was nothing they could do.

, left an address for Gao Yuan, and quickly took the pills.

After the matter was done, Gao Yuan Xiaoma was ready to leave.

When he reached the door, Gao Yuan stopped again.

"Zheng Tai, there is one more thing I need your help with."

"Friend, don't go too far."

Gao Yuan had been tormented just now and was forced to agree to Gao Yuan's conditions. Now Gao Yuan was pushing the envelope and making demands. The Zheng brothers were greatly displeased.

Gao Yuan chuckled.

"Listen to what I have to say first."

"Our villa has encountered such big trouble this time, and it's all because of your appearance."

"Isn't it right for you to make some compensation now?" Gao Yuan said.

"What do you want?"


"My brother was seriously injured due to this incident and is still recovering in the hospital. We must avenge this."

"You are the descendants of Qishan. We respect your elders and don't have to argue with you."

"But Zhao Dongsheng, a villain, can't do it. He must pay the price."

"I'll leave this task to you. I think this is a piece of cake for you, right?" Gao Yuan said.

"That's it?" Zheng Tai was somewhat confused.

Dealing with Zhao Dongsheng was indeed a trivial matter for people like them. He didn't expect Gao Yuan's conditions to be so simple.


"That's it. Do you agree?" Gao Yuan asked seriously.


"I can promise you that after tonight, there will be no more Zhao Dongsheng in the world."

"But, I also have a question that I want you to answer, my friend."


"I want to know whose hands our brother fell into this time."

"I mean, the boss behind you." Zheng Tai asked.

Gao Yuan smiled. .??.

"You are absolutely not unjust if you fall into the hands of our boss."


"What's the meaning?"


"Because my boss's name is Lu Fei."


When the Zheng brothers heard this, they shivered and took three steps back involuntarily. They felt bad all over.


We actually provoked this god of plague, what a fucking coincidence!

Who is Lu Fei?

That was the super plague god that destroyed the entire Dong family!

We are indeed not unjust for falling into his hands!

It was even a blessing to be able to save his life.

Damn it!

This trip to Xianyang was really dangerous.

By the time the two brothers woke up from the shock, Gao Yuan and Tianbao had disappeared into the room.

At this moment, apart from being happy, they no longer dared to think about the word revenge.

Damn it!

The Liu family, such a powerful family, was all wiped out by Lu Fei in minutes. What could I do to fight with Lu Fei?

Isn't this a cricket that shakes a tree and strikes an egg with an egg on a rock?

It's a blessing to be left alive.

"Brother, contact the brothers outside, we will leave Xianyang immediately."

"You can't stay in this place for a minute." Zheng Tai said.

"Brother, you are right, we are leaving right away."

"By the way, what about Zhao Dongsheng?"

"Damn it!"

Speaking of Zhao Dongsheng, Zheng Tai became angry.

This rubbish succeeds more than he does. If he hadn't done things poorly and asked Xu Yaohu for help, how could his brother have suffered the same crime just now?

Thinking about the pain just now, Zheng Tai was still shaken and sweating. All of this was fucking caused by Zhao Dongsheng.

There is no need for this dog to stay in this world.

Late that night, a serious traffic accident occurred at a T-junction in the county town.

A Mercedes-Benz sedan rear-ended a farm truck loaded with steel bars at high speed.

The front of the Mercedes-Benz got into the rear of the agricultural truck, and the steel bars on the truck penetrated the sheet metal of the Mercedes-Benz. The poor driver was cut into a sieve and died on the spot.

And this unlucky driver is Zhao Dongsheng, the richest man in the county and chairman of Dongsheng Real Estate Company.

Of course, this is something.

Gao Yuan and Tianbao left the hotel, took a taxi and went straight to the hospital.

All the troubles have been resolved, and it's time for everyone to visit the injured Xie Dongcheng.

As for Gao Yuan leaving Lu Fei's name, it was not because Gao Yuan was careless, but because Lu Fei asked him to say it deliberately.

Even if Zheng Tai doesn't ask, Gao Yuan will tell him.

Because Lu Fei knew that these two brothers worked for Liu Peiwen.

The purpose of announcing his name was to scare Liu Peiwen.

I believe that Liu Peiwen will have nightmares when she hears Lu Fei's name, and will completely give up the idea of ​​occupying the treasures of Xingping Mountain.

In fact, the solution once and for all is to let the Chinese officials come forward to eliminate Liu Peiwen and this gang of scum.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei had no conclusive evidence.

In addition, Liu Peiwen knew something about himself. If he really pushed his grandson into a hurry, he would definitely find a way to die with Lu Fei.

Although Lu Fei is not afraid, he doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Therefore, let's give Liu Peiwen a vaccination for the time being. If there is a chance in the future, Lu Fei will personally kill Liu Peiwen and his gang.

In this way, the trouble can be completely solved.

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