A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2241 The city is full of Han tombs

Advanced ward of Xianyang First Hospital.

"Xiao Xie, we are here to see you."


"Are you here to recover from your injuries or gain weight? I haven't seen you for a few days. Why have you gained so much weight?"

"Here I go, not only have I gained weight, but I've also gotten a lot whiter. She looks like a little wife, not like a man at all."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Shut up!" ??

"Shut up!"

"Are you here to see me or to piss me off? Are you still human?"


"Of course we are here to see you. Look, I heard that you are constipated. Didn't I buy you a few bananas?"


"Bananas in Xianyang are so damn expensive. Six bananas cost 13 yuan. It's a rip-off!"


"Tianbao, you, you are not a fucking human, you are so mad at me!"


"Hey, we all came here to see you with good intentions. If you say that, we will be sad."

"Come on, buddy, look where you're hurt?"

"Hey, don't come over here, don't touch me, I'm really fucking hurt."

"Don't move, ah."

"Tianbao, I'm drafting you, my ribs are about to be broken again."


In the ward, the brothers laughed happily, but Lu Fei invited Gao Yuan into the inner room.

"Brother Yuan, how's the matter?"

Gao Yuan chuckled.

"It's all done."

"Xu Yaohu will pay close attention to the security work of the villa from now on."

"Zhao Dongsheng's grandson probably won't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

"Brothers from the Zheng family, when they heard your name, they were probably frightened out of their wits. They will never come to Xianyang again in this life." Gao Yuan said with a smile.

Lu Fei nodded, if this is the case, it would be the best result.

\u003e Although we only dealt with Xu Yaohu and Zhao Dongsheng, it was considered revenge for Chuncheng.

In fact, Lu Fei could have been more ruthless and dealt with all the people who made a move that night.

However, Lu Fei couldn't do that.

Now I am not the same rag flying around the streets as before.

The number one internet celebrity in China, countless pairs of eyes are staring at him.

If you are not careful, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, Lu Fei himself did not show up at all this time, leaving everything to Tianbao and Brother Yuan to handle.

If the culprit is punished, others will find it easier for them.

"Brother Yuan, have the Zheng brothers explained how they knew about the treasure in Xingping Mountain?" Lu Fei asked.

"Don't worry, it's all gone."

Gao Yuan told Lu Fei exactly what the Zheng brothers had told him.

Finally, he sent the photo of the treasure map he took to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei clicked on his phone and the first thing he saw was the location of Xingping Villa.

The map is drawn very generally, but the coordinates and exact locations are extremely accurate.

With this map, as long as you find Xingping Mountain, you can accurately find the treasure.

Gao Yuan couldn't understand, but Lu Fei was slightly surprised.

Lu Fei dared to conclude that the person who drew this picture was definitely a master.

Then, Lu Fei continued to move his finger downwards, and another map appeared in Lu Fei's sight.

Lu Fei was stunned when he saw this map.

I thought about it for more than ten seconds, and my eyes suddenly lit up.


"Xiao Fei, why are you laughing?"

"Can you understand it?" Gao Yuan asked.

Gao Yuan comes from the Mojin Gao family and has a certain understanding of maps.

But when he saw the original version of the map during the day, Gao Yuan was confused.

The map only shows a general map of about a kilometer around the treasure location. Other than that, there is no other information.

God knows which province, which city, which mountain or ridge this place is in. It’s really deceiving.

If there is no detailed information, this thing will definitely be a piece of waste paper in front of Gao Yuan.

If it weren't for a huge coincidence that he happened to encounter the mapped place, Gao Yuan would never have found it in his life.

But looking at Lu Fei's expression, he obviously understood, which made Gao Yuan feel incredible.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and smiled.

"You do not understand?"

"I can't understand it, not at all."

"Can you understand?" Gao Yuan asked.


"Actually, I can't understand it either."


"You brat, are you trying to make me angry?" Gao Yuan rolled his eyes repeatedly.


"I'm really not angry with you."

"Looking at this picture alone, I'm confused."

"However, I happen to have an impression of this place, so I really know where this is." Lu Fei said.


Gao Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Where is this?"

Lu Fei didn't answer. He opened his tablet, searched for a picture, and pushed it in front of Gao Yuan.

"See for yourself, are they very similar?"

Gao Yuan took his tablet and compared it with the photos he took on his phone. The more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

The two pictures, except for the different proportions, have almost identical details. They are indeed the addresses on the map.

Gao Yuan looked at the notes on the photos on his computer and couldn't help being surprised.

The old site of Han Tombs in Mancheng?


"This, what this map records is actually

It is the former site of Mancheng Han Tombs. This is so cool! "

No wonder Gao Yuan was surprised, the Han Tombs all over the city were really awesome.

The Mancheng Han Tomb refers to the tomb of Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan. It is one of the top ten archaeological sites in China so far!

That is on par with super discoveries such as Mawangdui and the Tomb of Marquis Zeng Yi.

The Han tombs in Mancheng are "cliff tombs" with horizontal caves. They are built using mountains as mausoleums. The tomb passages and chambers are carved into the mountains and are in an arc shape.

Han tombs throughout the city have similar layouts, consisting of six parts: the tomb passage, the corridor, the north ear chamber, the south ear chamber, the middle chamber, and the back chamber.

The tomb also has an ingenious anti-theft and drainage system.

The ingenuity of the design is simply incredible.

The tomb chambers of the two tombs are huge, and the funerary objects are luxurious and extravagant. A total of more than 10,000 pieces of gold, silver, bronze, iron, jade, stone, pottery, lacquerware, silk fabrics and other relics were unearthed, including "Jade Clothes with Golden Threads" and "Long Swordsman". Utensils such as "Xin Palace Lantern" and "Inlaid Gold and Copper Boshan Stove".

These familiar treasures, if you take them out at random, they are all special first-class national treasures, the kind that will never leave the country.

Especially the jade garment with gold threads, it is a national treasure among national treasures. Later, the China Restoration Institute used modern technology to replicate a jade garment with gold threads.

Even the top masters, with the support of modern technology, spent three years. One can imagine how incredible the wisdom and ability of the ancients were.

The Mancheng Han Tombs are one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in China in the 20th century and occupy an important position in the archaeological history of China.

As a large-scale cliff cave tomb for the kings and queens of the Han Dynasty, the Han Tombs in Mancheng are large-scale and well-preserved. The cultural relics unearthed in the tombs fully reflect the highly developed material civilization during the prosperous period of the Western Han Dynasty and the wisdom and creativity of the working people at that time. .

The discovery of Han tombs in Mancheng revealed the tomb structure and burial system of princes and kings during the Western Han Dynasty, and provided important physical data for studying the development of smelting, casting, lacquerware, textiles and other handicrafts and arts and crafts during the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, when he saw the words "Chengcheng Han Tombs", Gao Yuan screamed in shock.

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