A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2242 Gone again

After confirming that the second map of the Zheng brothers marked Han tombs throughout the city, Gao Yuan screamed in shock.

"How can this be?"

No wonder Gao Yuan was surprised, the Han tombs all over the city were so famous.

It's not just because of this, Gao Yuan really can't understand that in this world, someone can actually point out Han tombs all over the city. This is simply impossible!

Why do you say that? .??.

Because the Mancheng Han Tombs are not ordinary tombs, they are large tombs built in the mountains!

And it was built 1,500 meters inside the mountain. In the 1960s, engineers dug tunnels there, and the Han tombs in the city were finally revealed.

If it weren't for this coincidence, Liu Sheng's tomb would never have been discovered.

1,500 meters inside the mountain, such hidden tombs were discovered and pointed out in advance. How could Gao Yuan not be surprised?

At the very least, with his ability and knowledge, even if he stood on that mountain, he would never find such a huge tomb in the mountain!

"Xiao Fei, who could be the person who drew this map?"

"How can there be such an expert in the world?"

"Isn't this too scary?" Gao Yuan asked in shock.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Brother Yuan, you don't have to be so surprised."

"The person who drew this map is indeed an expert, but he is not that evil."


"What do you say?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Although the Han Dynasty Tombs in Mancheng were built in the mountains, during the construction, the construction workers also had to dig tunnels into the mountains to advance."

"Since there are traces of artificial excavation, there will definitely be clues."

"It happened that the clues were discovered. Based on the inference, it is not surprising at all to conclude that there is a treasure in the mountain."

"There is certainly some technical content, but there is more luck involved," Lu Fei said.


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Gao Yuan suddenly realized. \u003c


It makes sense, any manual excavation will inevitably leave traces.

If I were in the vast mountains and suddenly found traces of artificial excavation, I would study it myself.

After investigation and long-term reasoning, I can guess almost exactly.

It seemed that I had preconceived ideas and was blinded by the geographical location of the Han tombs in the city!

"Xiao Fei, what you said makes sense."

"But since he was sure there was something inside the mountain, why didn't he take action?" Gao Yuan asked.


"It goes back to the question that surprised you."

"That man did detect that there was treasure in the mountains, but he was powerless."

"This map was drawn at least fifty years ago."

"At that time, the tools were relatively backward. If one or two people wanted to carve out the mountain, it was simply a dream."

"Too many people will definitely arouse suspicion, so he can only give up temporarily and make a plan before trying to find a way to get the treasure."

"But he didn't expect that before his method was developed, the tunnel construction team happened to dig out the Han tomb. Of course, he had no chance."

"This is the greatest possibility." Lu Fei said.

Gao Yuan couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

"It makes sense, your kid's head is better!"

The two brothers smiled at each other and continued to open the last map.

This map is a little weird.

In the middle of the picture, there is a small triangular mark about a millet grain.

Around this sign, there are hundreds of stone forests densely distributed.

The stone forest painted above is not the famous tourist attraction in Yunnan.

The stone forest here,

There are much more stone pillars than the stone forests in Yunnan.

They are of different sizes, jagged, and oddly shaped, and there are countless towering trees around them.

But if you look carefully, these stone forests are distributed quite regularly.

At first glance, it looks like a Bagua diagram, but when viewed from one side with the trees included, it looks like a Nine Palaces diagram, giving people an extremely mysterious atmosphere.

"Brother, among these three pictures, this one is the most awesome."

"I was confused when I saw it. Good guy, it looks like a maze. Can there be treasures in such a place?"

“How did the person who drew the picture see that?”

"It's just incredible."

Gao Yuan said this, but Lu Fei didn't say anything.

Gao Yuan subconsciously looked at Lu Fei's expression and was stunned.

At this time, Lu Fei's expression was more solemn than ever.

The veins on the back of his hands and forehead were all visible, his temples were bulging high, his face was gloomy and scary, and his eyes were bursting with anger.

Even from high altitude, it feels chilly.


"Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you?"

"Do you know this place?"

"Is there anything special here?"

"Xiao Fei"

Gao Yuan asked several times, Lu Fei was startled, and then he returned to his original state.

"Xiao Fei, what happened to you just now?" Gao Yuan asked with a long breath.

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"I'm fine."

"Brother Yuan, I'm going out for a trip, and I'll leave the house to you. No matter what happens, you make the decision." Lu Fei said.

Gao Yuan frowned upon hearing this.

Lu Fei's expression and these words were really abnormal.

This doesn't feel like a trip out, why does it feel like the rhythm of explaining the things behind you?

"Xiao Fei, what happened?"


Before Gao Yuan could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Lu Fei.

"I'm really fine."

"However, I'm going to leave for a while to sort out some things."

"During this period, everything in the family is entrusted to Brother Yuan."

"Things here in Xianyang are almost over. Brother Yuan, you should go back to Jincheng and take charge!" Lu Fei said.

Gao Yuan and Lu Fei are like brothers and they always talk about everything.

But this time, Lu Fei was obviously hiding something, and he obviously had something very important to do.

And judging from Lu Fei's reaction, it is 100% related to this third picture.

Gao Yuan knew Lu Fei well, and since he didn't want to tell him, there was no need for him to ask any more questions.


"Don't worry about everything at home. How long will you be out for?" Gao Yuan asked.

"It's hard to say, but once things are done, I will be back soon."

"If there's a call from Xiang'er, please ask Brother Yuan to escort Mr. Chen to the Xue Family Medicine Garden on Bashang. You can make your own decisions on other matters."

"If there is something particularly important, you can call me, but no matter what it is, you must call me during the day. Don't call me at night." Lu Fei said.

"All right!"

"I see."

Lu Fei nodded, didn't say much, put away his phone, went out to say hello to everyone, and left the hospital alone.

The brothers were all teasing Xie Chuncheng, and no one noticed Lu Fei's abnormality. Gao Yuan just looked at Lu Fei's back and sighed softly.


"What happened to excite him?"

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I don't know how long it will take to go out this time!"

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