A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2243 Wait a minute

After leaving the hospital, Lu Fei didn't even return to Xingping Villa.

I hailed a taxi and left Xianyang City directly.

While Lu Fei left, the Shenzhou Archaeological Headquarters turned into a mess.

In the conference room, the leaders of the provincial museums gathered together, with General Counsel Guan Haishan sitting at the head.

It was dark below, but the atmosphere was quite tense.

"Mr. Guan, we found a robbery cave in Qiyun Mountain over there."

"After investigation, it was found that the hole was formed within the last week."

"We organized rescue excavations and successfully opened the ancient tomb."

"After research, it is determined that it is an ancient tomb from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and its specifications should be princely level." The Shandong boss said with his head lowered.


Guan Haishan was furious when he heard this.

"What does it mean to be possible?"

"What do you do for food? Don't you have an accurate result?"

"Report to Mr. Guan that the tomb has been ransacked, nothing is left, and there are no clues."


"Damn it, these damn tomb robbers are so rampant."

"Contact the Special Division immediately to open a case for investigation. The case must be solved in the shortest possible time and the stolen cultural relics must be recovered." Guan Haishan shouted.

Just as the secretary was about to contact the special department, the boss of the Hunan Museum stood up again.

"Secretary Liu, wait a minute!"


"Mr. Huang, what are your orders?" Secretary Liu asked.

"Well, you sit down first, and after I finish my report, you can contact the special department."

"Old Huang, what happened to you over there?" Guan Haishan said calmly.

"Um, Mr. Guan, I also found a robbery hole over there. It was also a new hole within a week, and there were two of them."


When Guan Haishan heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Damn it!

you two are

Did you come in a group?

The higher-ups have been unhappy with me recently, but you are constantly making trouble for me. Are you giving me eye drops?

"What exactly is going on?" Guan Haishan asked with a sinking face.


"Back to Mr. Guan, my situation is similar to that of Lao Ji."

"After opening the tomb, it was completely ransacked. No clues were left, not even..." At this point, Mr. Huang looked at Guan Haishan guiltily.

"Even what?"

"Even when the tomb robbers carried away all the coffins, we only found a broken pottery fragment. According to analysis, it should be from the Eastern Han Dynasty."


Hearing this, Guan Haishan rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

Your uncle!

So damn cruel, not even sparing the coffin and bones, are you so shameless?

Originally, Guan Haishan wanted to ask his secretary to find the Special Division to cooperate with the investigation, and then report to the superiors himself.

But in this situation, he was a little dumbfounded.

Within a week, there were three cases of tomb robberies in two provinces, and the robberies were so thorough that there were no clues.

If the report was made truthfully, this would be a serious dereliction of duty, and the superiors would have to scold them.

However, it’s okay not to report it!

The fire cannot be contained in paper. There are dozens of people in the conference room. If one person speaks out, he or she will be ruined.

Moreover, without the cooperation of the Special Department, Guan Haishan would not be able to investigate.

If stolen cultural relics cannot be recovered, the consequences will be even more serious.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan went crazy.

When the master was in this position, everything went smoothly, but when he came to his place, why was it so bumpy?


Will this happen?

Is it really because I am not capable enough?

At this moment, Guan Haishan had doubts about himself.

But no matter how entangled he is, the matter in front of him must be solved. After all, he is a big leader and he has an unshirkable responsibility!

After thinking about it, I can only report it truthfully and try to recover the losses.

If we delay it any longer, the consequences will be even more serious.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan sighed feebly and instantly aged several years.

"Secretary Liu, please contact the Special Division and report the situation truthfully, so that they must cooperate with us to solve the case as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Guan."

Just as Secretary Liu was about to go out, Fu Yuliang stood up again.

"Secretary Liu, wait a minute!"

"I haven't reported yet!"


Guan Haishan suddenly felt hopeless.

However, this was the beginning of Guan Haishan's nightmare.

After Fu Yuliang finished his report, two more provincial bosses stood up.

After summary, in just one week, eight ancient tombs in five provinces were stolen.

The most terrible thing was that no clues were left. Guan Haishan held his head in his hands and almost cried.

There was a leak in the house, and it rained all night. The matter of burglary was not settled yet, and there was a fax from the island.

The Island Museum sent an itinerary. The fifteen collectors, together with the leaders and scholars of the Island Museum, will arrive in Tiandu City in ten days.

Half a month later, a cultural relic collection seminar began.

This is another huge problem.

Everyone here knows the inside story. The so-called seminar is just a pretense. It is actually a slap in the face from the island.

The purpose is to own the ownership of some important cultural relics in China.

That group of people came to the island with hundreds of thousands of treasures and formed a unique collecting culture.


br\u003e With the rise of culture, the island’s awareness of cultural relics is getting higher and higher, and it is no longer satisfied with the status quo.


Because quite a few of the cultural relics are in sets.

At present, these sets of objects are separated in two places.

Part of it is in China, and the other part is on the island.

Therefore, the two sides launched a decades-long battle over the ownership of these sets of cultural relics.

What's terrible is that that group of people also took away a large amount of documents.

The other side of the island made a big fuss out of those documents.

The documents are with us, and the treasures recorded in them should belong to us. This is the evidence.

Although China was angry about this, it could not do anything because it had no documents, so there was no evidence.

Although the top management has no choice, there is another pillar in Shenzhou.

When Mr. Kong was still alive, he said, "You can't even take away a hair from me sitting in this position."

It's hard to find anyone, even if I get the big leader's instructions, I won't admit it.

With Mr. Kong in charge, there really is nothing the island can do. They can't find someone to assassinate Kong Fanlong, right?

For the sake of the cultures of the two places, this is not something that can be done, right?

Besides, it’s impossible to do that.

Therefore, this matter was forcibly suppressed by Mr. Kong on his own.

But now that Mr. Kong is gone, the island will soon become unbearable and start making trouble.

For this reason, the entire Chinese archaeological community, including Guan Haishan, is extremely worried.

He, Guan Laosan, also wanted to learn from his master, but people didn't buy it at all. In their eyes, the only person they feared was Kong Laosan, and Guan Laosan was not taken seriously at all.

During this period, because of this incident, Guan Haishan could not sleep well at night or eat well, and lost several kilograms.

In the end, what was supposed to come would always come, but I didn’t expect that they would all rush together, and Guan Haishan would be worried to death.

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