A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2244 Foreign Aid

House seemingly endless rain.

The tomb robbing case here has not yet been resolved, and another fax from Baodao was sent simultaneously.

As a leader in the archaeological field, Guan Haishan frowned and was worried to death.

After a long time, Guan Haishan raised his head and looked at the big guys present.

"Besides these five provinces, are there any other robber caves discovered?"

"Any more?"

Guan Haishan asked twice but no one answered, obviously it was gone.

But this may not be a good thing for Guan Haishan.

Just because no one reports it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

Judging from the reports from these five provinces, the methods of stealing holes in the eight places are almost the same, and it is likely that they were carried out by the same gang.

Within a week, they moved to five provinces and committed eight crimes. The number and ability of this gang cannot be underestimated, and they are extremely bold and experienced.

Because the ancient tombs they robbed were of high level.

It seems likely that they will continue to commit crimes.

Or a crime has been committed, but so far, no one has discovered the existence of the hole.

Now that these eight places have been stolen, Guan Haishan already has a splitting headache.

If you report it, you will inevitably be blamed by the superiors, and you may even be punished.

But if a similar case is reported in a few days, it will be fatal.


"Judging from what Lao Fu and the others reported, these eight tomb robbing cases are likely to be committed by gangs."

"And it's a pretty experienced group."

"After the meeting is over, you will make arrangements immediately and ask the local public security department and cultural protection department to cooperate and conduct a strict investigation in the area directly under your jurisdiction."

"If another stolen cave is discovered, don't rush to rescue excavation. It must be reported as soon as possible."

"Yes!" the big guys said.

Guan Haishan nodded solemnly.

"Let's talk about the second thing."

"everybody knows

, the cultural relics research association proposed by Baodao is just a cover. In fact, the drunkard’s intention is not to drink. "

"As early as three months ago, I received news that the people coming to China this time are all top experts and scholars from Treasure Island."

"They came well prepared, and their purpose was to issue the ownership of the sets of cultural relics."

"Although Treasure Island is also part of China, it has a special historical nature after all."

"So, we must not let them take away any cultural relics. This is related to the dignity of China's archaeological community, and more importantly, the dignity of China. Therefore, we must adhere to one purpose, that is, not to give up an inch of territory."

"However, the other party has a large amount of documents as supporting evidence and is well prepared, which is a great disadvantage to us."

"So, I would like to ask everyone to brainstorm and discuss what better way to do it, that is, not to hurt the friendship between the two places, but also to ensure that we do not suffer losses." Guan Haishan said.

But when Guan Haishan finished speaking, the usually chirping old guys lowered their heads almost at the same time and all remained silent.

Guan Haishan is so angry!

He had already thought of this outcome, but he was still very angry when he saw everyone being so aggressive.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you all mute?"

"say something?"

All the big guys: "."


Damn it, I usually brag and stand up to several others, but at the critical moment, all of them are fucking mute. What the hell?

Guan Haishan rolled his eyes angrily and glared at Wang Xuan, the boss of Southern Anhui.

"Wang Xuan, you usually have more ideas, so you should take the lead and share your thoughts first."


When Wang Xuan heard this, he shivered in excitement.

Wang Xuanxin said, this little brat Guan Laosan didn’t care.

It's human.

You want me to say?

Do you want me to give you a hammer?

This is obviously something you should worry about, okay?

When your master was alive, he could solve problems with just a glare.

You don't have that fucking ability, it's just your own coward, why can't you get along with me?

But although he was unhappy, he didn't dare to say it openly. After all, he was his immediate boss. .??.

Therefore, Wang Xuan could only stand up helplessly.

"Uh. What's that!!"

"I think so."



"Can you please be happy and what should I do?" Guan Haishan said, rolling his eyes.

"I think it's okay if we just hide those sets of objects?" Wang Xuan said.



Wang Xuan's words made the whole audience burst into laughter, and Guan Haishan grinded his teeth in hatred.


"It's all bullshit. Sit down quickly!" Guan Haishan shouted.


Wang Xuanru was pardoned. As he sat down, he couldn't help but curl his lips secretly.

Hehe, this is the result I want.

Next, Guan Haishan named several more people. Their speeches were all useless nonsense. Guan Haishan almost had a heart attack after listening to them.

Serious eyes looked around the audience again, and finally settled on Fatty Wang.

"Wang Shun, the main target of Baodao this time is your old blog. Do you have any good solutions?" Guan Haishan asked.

Fatty Wang cleared his throat and stood up, looked at Guan Haishan and said.

"Mr. Guan, I really have an idea."


Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and Guan Haishan sat upright.

"Tell me, what is the solution?"

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Fatty Wang said seriously.

"As Mr. Guan said, Baodao came prepared, and we are indeed quite passive."

"If Baodao needs instructions from the leaders, we will be helpless."


"This is also a headache for me." Guan Haishan said with a frown.

"Have you ever thought about it? The reason why we didn't recruit is because we are all members of the system and must obey the orders of the leaders above."

"So, it will be difficult for us alone to solve this crisis."

"Although we can't, we can hire foreign aid?" Fatty Wang said.

"foreign aid?"

Everyone was puzzled when they heard it.

"Fat man, stop being so secretive. What foreign aid are you referring to?" Zhang Yanhe asked.

Fatty Wang chuckled.

"Did you all forget someone?"

"We can ask Raggedy Fei for help!"


Fatty Wang woke up the dreamer with one sentence, and the eyes of the big guys present lit up at the same time.


"Why did I forget about the rags flying?"

"That rag-tag guy has a lot of ideas and good ideas. He must have a solution."


"With Baolan Fei's influence, if he comes forward, the leaders above will give him some face, and those bastards over at Treasure Island will be even more afraid of him."


"Invite Baoshaifei out. This kid will definitely be able to turn the tide."

"That's right!"

"Basha Fei's temper is just like Mr. Kong is still alive. If he comes forward, he will definitely give the grandsons of Baodao a drink."

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