A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2245 Hiding

Everyone praised Lu Fei to the sky with their words, and even compared Lu Fei with Kong Fanlong. The old face of Guan Haishan, who was sitting in the first place, suddenly became a big dyeing house.

It turned green and white for a while, and I was already very angry.

Damn it!

The rags fly, the rags fly!

I am the general counsel, okay?

Guan Haishan's face looked surprisingly ugly, but most people didn't notice it and still praised Lu Fei's praises. .??.??

But Fu Yuliang, who had witnessed the deterioration of the relationship between Guan Haishan and Lu Fei, became less calm when he saw Guan Haishan's face, and kept winking at Fatty Wang.

The two brothers had a tacit understanding. Fatty Wang looked at Guan Haishan's face along with Fu Yuliang's eyes, and immediately shrank his neck.


"Everyone, be quiet. You have all misunderstood what I meant."

"I'm not talking about asking experts from the treasure island of hard steel to fly out of junk."

“What’s the point of losing our face if we let an outsider come forward to help us solve the problem?”

"Besides, this is our own business. In the final analysis, we have to solve it ourselves." Fatty Wang said.

After hearing what the fat man said, everyone calmed down. Guan Haishan's expression also improved a little. He raised his head and looked at Wang Shun and asked.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Mr. Guan, my method is very simple."

"I think Wang Xuan's method is good."

"The target on the treasure island is those sets of objects that live in two places. Wouldn't it be enough for us to hide those objects so that they can't get them?"



"Fat man, what are you pretending to be?"

"I thought you had some high opinions. It turns out that what you have been saying for a long time is all nonsense. Isn't this nonsense?"

"That's right."

"This time, Baodao's main target is your old blog. Everyone racked their brains to help you find a way, but you just went along to make trouble. Are you so fucking shameless?"


Okay, sit down quickly and don't cause any trouble. "

Everyone criticized the fat man verbally, and Guan Haishan's forehead lines were about to burst. He glared at the fat man so hard that he almost stood up and cursed in the street.

Everyone rolled their eyes, never expecting Fatty Wang to quit.

"What's the fuss about?"

"What the hell are you arguing about?"

"You guys, Mr. Guan, were talking just now. You were all pretending to be grandsons like a mute, but now you are full of energy. What the hell."

"What I'm saying is that my method is similar to what Wang Xian said. Have I finished?"

"Am I fucking done?"

"Are you making a fuss?"


Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Is there anything special about the fat man's suggestion of hiding the object?


"Wang Shun, stop pretending. What are you going to say?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Mr. Guan, what I want to say is that hiding the treasure is indeed a good way, but it depends on how you hide it," the fat man said.


"What do you mean?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Our treasures in China are all registered. If we hide them in the warehouse and don't take them out, it will definitely not work."

"But we can hide the treasure somewhere else."

"Most of the provincial museums here have a cooperative relationship with the Museum of Broken Flying, and they can borrow objects from each other for display."

"We will temporarily lend the set of items to Baoshao Fei and return the items to Baoshao Fei."

"If people from Baodao come over and just hold an ordinary seminar, of course it will be fine."

"But if they are trying to get a complete set of cultural relics, we can push them to the front."


Some cultural relics were lent to Baoshaan Fei, and the procedures were reasonable and legal. We will discuss with Bao Sanfei to extend the loan period, and there is nothing that Baodao can do about it. "

"If they want to get the cultural relics, they can only negotiate with Lu Fei themselves."

"Basha Fei is not even used to the Dabodhi Temple of Asan Kingdom, and it is even less possible for Treasure Island to take advantage of him."

"In fact, I guess they don't even dare to go to Baolan Fei. The leaders above have nothing to do with Bao Lanfei."

"Wouldn't this resolve the crisis?" Fatty Wang said.


After Fatty Wang finished speaking, everyone clapped their mouths and their eyes lit up.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"


"It's really wonderful."

"Put the things on the junk fly. Even if the treasure island sees it, they will just stare at it and do nothing."

"Are you asking for something from Ragged Fly?"

"Grandma, Baoshao Fei doesn't like them!"


"What a great idea."

"Let's discuss with Baoshao Fei and set the secondment period for thirty to fifty years. The old immortals on Baodao will be very angry."


"Even if you don't get mad, it's still annoying. In thirty to fifty years, those old guys will have no choice but to go to the underworld to look at those objects."

"Fat man, have you fucking come back to your senses?"

"How did you come up with such a good idea?"


The more everyone talked about it, the more they felt that this method was feasible, and they suddenly became excited.

Fatty Wang also smiled.

He had not been thinking about this method for a day or two.

As early as more than a month ago, Fatty Wang mentioned this matter to Lu Fei.

Fatty knew that the main target on Baodao was his old blog.


They succeeded, and no one else suffered much loss. Their Gubo family was definitely the family that suffered the most.

Therefore, during this period of time, Fatty racked his brains to study countermeasures.

Until the day before yesterday when I went to Jincheng to hand over the dog's head, I happened to meet the Fengtian Museum and Lu Fei's museum on secondment of the treasure, and Fatty was suddenly bursting with inspiration.

After thinking about it for two days, I feel more and more that this method is feasible. I am going to find a time to discuss it with Guan Haishan. I just happened to have a meeting today, so we can talk about it and study it together.

Guan Haishan was also moved when he heard this.

He knew that this was definitely a good idea.

But for some reason, he always felt uncomfortable when he mentioned Baolan Fei.

Especially when it came to talking about broken pieces flying, everyone's reaction made him even more unhappy.

He is the general consultant and the general manager of the archaeological community in China.

However, when something happened, he was unable to do anything. However, when he mentioned Broken Fly, the problem was immediately solved, which made him extremely depressed.

At the same time, he also felt that his prestige was weakening in everyone's minds. On the contrary, Baolan Fei's prestige was getting higher and higher.

This is not what he wants to see.

But when I think about it, there is really no better way. After weighing the pros and cons, this is the only way to do it.

In the end, the meeting unanimously voted to do what the fat man said.

But then everyone was dumbfounded.

I called Lu Fei to ask for his opinion, but the phone on the other side was turned off.

Tried several times, same thing.

This is not difficult for Fatty Wang and others.

There are a lot of people here who have a good relationship with Lu Fei. If Lu Fei can't get through on the phone, everyone immediately contacts the people around Lu Fei.

Bai Zirui, Li Yunhe, Little Milk Dog, and even Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi.

But after asking around, no one knew where Lu Fei was, let alone how to contact him.


This bitch has gone missing again.

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