A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2246 A desperate move

Fatty Wang and others anxiously looked for Lu Fei, but unfortunately they were unlucky and Uncle Lu disappeared again.

This can cost your life.

Meng Xianguo is fully responsible for the items that are loaned to the Lu Fei Museum for display.

But this time is different.

The cultural relics involved this time are all first-class national treasures, and there are more than 3,000 pieces in number. It even involves the issue of extending the loan period.

These matters must be discussed with Lu Fei himself, and a contract must be signed secretly.

Otherwise, go through the normal procedures with Meng Xianguo and write down the secondment period for thirty to fifty years.

When Bao Baofei came back, he stared and refused to admit that those cultural relics were really going to live in Bao Baofei's place for a long time, and it was fucking impossible to get them back.

Everyone's worries are not unreasonable. He can definitely do such a thing with Baoshaofei!

Damn it!

What should I do?

Really having no choice, Guan Haishan had no choice but to call Fatty and Zhang Yanhe and go directly to Jincheng to block Lu Fei.

Time is tight and the task is heavy. This matter must be implemented before people from Baodao come.

Otherwise, the trouble would be too great.

Unfortunately, when I came to Jincheng, I still didn’t see Lu Fei’s shadow.

In a private villa on the outskirts of Chang'an City, several young men with serious expressions invited the Zheng brothers in.

"Boss, the boss is waiting for you on the second floor."

"okay, I get it."

Arriving on the second floor, Zheng Tai gently knocked on the door of the study room. Sitting inside was Liu Peiwen, the second child.

When he was in London, Lu Fei insulted Liu Peiwen many times in front of everyone, which caused Liu Peiwen's suppressed emotions to explode instantly.

In the past, he buried his hatred for Lu Fei in his heart and did not dare to confront Lu Fei head-on.

Because he knew that there was a world of difference in strength between himself and Lu Fei.

It is undoubtedly the same as Lu Fei Hard Steel

Hit an egg against a stone.

Therefore, he has been following Chang Yufei conscientiously.

While relying on the protection of Christie's, he avoided the remaining creditors.

On the other hand, he accumulated strength and tried to make a comeback.

However, after more than a year of hard work, Liu Peiwen recognized the reality.

According to the current situation, it is simply impossible to catch up with Lu Fei.

The foreign debts he owed have not yet been repaid, and Lu Fei is already a super boss with a net worth of hundreds of billions and is famous throughout Asia.

Even when the Liu family was in its heyday, it couldn't be compared to Lu Fei now.

Moreover, Lu Fei's pace has not stopped and is still developing at a rapid pace.

According to this situation, even if you reincarnate a hundred times, don't expect revenge.

Therefore, Liu Peiwen resolutely changed her plan.

After returning from London, Liu Peiwen had a serious talk with Chang Yufei.

Liu Peiwen wants to use the super channels accumulated by the Liu family for decades to cooperate with Christie's represented by Chang Yufei.

Although Liu Peiwen has collaborated with Chang Yufei before, those are just scratches the surface.

The objects brought back are all ordinary things that are less than the upper ones and more than the lower ones.

In fact, the Liu family still has hidden strength, and that is the direct subordinates of the Zheng family brothers.

Liu Jiarong has trained the descendants of the Nine Sects for decades and has almost never let them take action.

Outsiders don't even know that the Liu family has such a wave of professional talents.

Even if the Liu family went bankrupt and was destroyed by Lu Fei, Liu Peiwen did not let the descendants of the Nine Sects come forward to seek revenge from Lu Fei.

Because these descendants of the Nine Sects are their Liu family's biggest trump card.

With these trump cards, the Liu family still has the possibility of making a comeback.

But if they are allowed to seek revenge from Lu Fei, if they fail, the Liu family will be in doom and gloom, and there will never be any chance of recovery.

But under the current situation, Liu Peiwen had to use her own trump card.

If we don't use it anymore, these trump cards will be useless after Lu Fei develops for a few more years.

Therefore, Liu Peiwen made up her mind to use her own trump card to cooperate with Christie's.

Liu Peiwen needs Christie's sales channels, and Christie's needs Liu Peiwen's supply sources.

The two companies reached a cooperation without any suspense.

From now on, if the goods provided by Liu Peiwen are worth more than 20 million per piece, they will be considered high-end goods.

For all high-end auctions, after all expenses are removed, Christie's and Liu Peiwen will share the proceeds 28%.

Of course, it was Liu Peiwen who took 80%.

This condition was acceptable to both parties, so the two families hit it off immediately.

After reaching an agreement, Liu Peiwen took out the first batch of accumulated high-end goods.

Christie's appraiser was stunned when he saw it, and the senior management became more confident in Liu Peiwen.

Therefore, Christie's senior management decided to let Chang Yufei fully cooperate with Liu Peiwen.

If you need money to give money or people to give to people, if there are any difficulties, Christie's will come to solve them.

During this time, Chang Yufei handed over the work at hand to his deputy and followed Liu Peiwen to the mainland to direct the descendants of the Nine Gates to fully carry out their work.

This time, Liu Laoer took a desperate risk and arranged for all the descendants of the two generations of the Nine Sects adopted by his family to enter China, and began to sweep them away at the same time.

They were not aimless. Before the Liu family took in the descendants of the Nine Gates, they secretly trained experts, searched for dragon veins in China, and pointed out many ancient tombs and treasures.

After taking in the masters of the original generation of the Nine Sects, he became even more powerful.

Over the decades, the Liu family has recorded more than 40 valuable ancient tombs and treasures.

Some of them have been opened, and the success rate is almost over 80%, bringing huge returns to the Liu family.

But there are also some who, due to various reasons, have no way to dig for the time being, so they are stranded and waiting for the opportunity.

Over the past few decades, not counting the ancient tombs and treasures discovered by the Chinese archaeological team, there are still 21 valuable ancient tombs in the Liu family's records that have not been taken.

Liu Peiwen's purpose this time was to secure all twenty-one locations in the shortest possible time at all costs, and leave China with the stolen treasure.

In this week, Mr. Liu's Dizi Army made eleven attacks and gained a lot.

However, due to the special geographical location, eight stolen holes were discovered and reported.

Of course, these eight are the eight stolen caves discovered in Zhongzhou, Shandong and other five provinces, but what Fu Yuliang and the others don't know is that there are still three that have not been discovered.

Although they had discovered it, the treasures inside had been looted and no clues were left, so they could only ask the special department to help deal with it for the time being.

Although exposed, Liu Peiwen, who was desperate, did not stop poaching.

Now Liu Peiwen's purpose is that as long as he is 50% sure, he must take action.

Even if the descendants of the Nine Sects, who had been supported by the family for decades, were involved, he would not hesitate to do so.

In order to avenge the Liu family, he must give it a go and accumulate the most wealth in the shortest time.

As long as he has money, even if he is not Lu Fei's opponent, he can still pay for Lu Fei's punishment.

Now, all nine descendants of the Liu family are out in the mountains somewhere in China looking for and robbing ancient tombs and treasures recorded in the Liu family's records.

In addition, there are three important locations passed down from ancestors, which Liu Peiwen handed over to her most trusted Zheng brothers.

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