A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2249 The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Liu Laoer invited Long Chenghui, a famous master from Hong Kong Island, and spent a sky-high price of eight million, but Zhang Qinghua was different.

Zhang Qinghua is a very popular person, and he is not short of money, it is just a hobby.

If you ask him for help, you must be recommended by a friend he trusts, otherwise you will never see Zhang Qinghua.

Fortunately, the Liu family had some contact with Zhang Qinghua in their early years, and at least they were able to talk to each other.

However, with this relationship alone, it is simply impossible to invite Zhang Qinghua to the mainland.

There is actually another reason why I was invited.

In the past ten years, Zhang Qinghua has become obsessed with ancient formations, and he became obsessed with them and got out of control.

Due to his proficiency in Feng Shui metaphysics, Zhang Qinghua learned formations with ease and boasted that he had a certain understanding of formations.

Understanding is understanding, but I have never had the opportunity to see the mystery of ancient formations with my own eyes, so I can only talk about it on paper.

It was precisely because of this that Liu Peiwen asked Dou Jingshan, the vice president of the Baodao Collection Association, to find Zhang Qinghua and ask him for help in the name of breaking the formation. .??.

As a result, this trick worked surprisingly well.

Because Zhang Qinghua also loves collecting, he has a good personal relationship with Dou Jingshan.

When Dou Jingshan said that he wanted to break the formation, Zhang Qinghua was very excited, but he was still a little skeptical.

He has been looking for ancient legacy formations for many years, but has not found them, so he doesn't believe it.

Later, Dou Jingshan took out a copy of some scenes of the stone forest treasures that Liu Peiwen gave him. Zhang Qinghua was shocked and immediately convinced. He couldn't wait for Dou Jingshan and came to Chang'an alone.

But he didn't expect that his good friend Long Chenghui was also here.

After the old friends hugged each other, Liu Peiwen took the initiative to go over to greet him.

"Master Zhang, long time no see, you are still looking great!"

Zhang Qinghua waved his hands and said impatiently.

"Young man from the Liu family, stop flattering me."

"Where is the formation? Take me there immediately to have a look."


Liu Peiwen said in her heart, this Taoist is really hot-tempered!

"Master Tao, please be patient."

"There are two more friends on the way, they will be there later."

"After dinner, you experts will sit down and study it carefully."

"When the research comes out, I will ask all the experts to help me break the formation." Liu Peiwen said.

"Is there anyone else?"

Zhang Qinghua curled his lips disdainfully after hearing this.

"It's not like you're going to a big market to break the formation. What's the point of finding so many people?"

"Brother Long and I are enough, any more will be a burden."

Zhang Qinghua was complaining when two more old men came outside.

Seeing these two people, Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui were stunned at the same time.

The fat old man wearing glasses on the left is the middleman Dou Jingshan who introduced him.

Zhang Qinghua was not surprised when Dou Jingshan appeared here, but the appearance of another tall and thin old man surprised him somewhat.

Because this old man is human, and it is none other than Lu Fei's old enemy, Guan Haishan's senior brother, and the former Guobo boss Gao Feng.

Gao Feng was once a big boss in the Chinese government. Zhang Qinghua loves collecting, so of course he knows about Gao Feng's existence.

Moreover, he still knew that Gao Feng was Kong Fanlong's eldest disciple, and that Kong Fanlong and the Liu family were incompatible and were mortal enemies.

Everyone knew that Lu Fei was responsible for the decline of the Liu family, but the apparent reason was the treasure fight between Liu Jianhua and Kong Fanlong, which led to an irreversible situation.

Gao Feng is Kong Fanlong's apprentice, this is his real enemy!

He didn't understand why Liu Peiwen invited Gao Feng here.

I don’t even understand how Gao Feng could

Being so close to Liu Peiwen is unscientific at all!

Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui were so stunned that Liu Peiwen immediately noticed.

"Mr. Long, Daoye Zhang, this is Mr. Dou Jingshan, the vice president of Baodao Collection Association. I believe you have met each other."

Liu Peiwen introduced, Long Chenghui nodded, and Zhang Qinghua needless to say.

Liu Peiwen walked to Gao Feng and smiled.

"This one must be familiar to everyone."

"This is Mr. Kong's disciple, Mr. Gao Feng, the former leader of Guobo University, and a master of archaeological collection in China."

These four are all well-known big shots, and they have had contact with each other, so they naturally know each other.

But Zhang Qinghua frowned.

"Old Gao, of course I know, it's just"


"Junior knows what you are going to say, Master Dao. You only know that Mr. Gao is a great master of treasure appraisal, but you may not know that Mr. Gao also has some research on the art of Qimen Dunjia."

"Among Mr. Kong's lineage, Mr. Gao is the one who has studied Xuanmen the most deeply. With his help, we will be more confident this time." Liu Peiwen said.

Several people were slightly surprised when they heard this.

They really didn't expect that Gao Feng had done some research on Qimen Dunjia, and they couldn't help but think highly of Gao Feng.

Zhang Qinghua nodded, but still had many questions. However, it was not convenient to say more on this occasion, so he could only seek confirmation from Liu Peiwen in private.

What he doubted, of course, was how Liu Peiwen came to be with Gao Feng.

But what he didn't know was that Gao Feng and Liu Peiwen had the same enemy, and that was Lu Fei.

As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend, and this is absolutely true.

At the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, Gao Feng failed again and left angrily. Soon after, Liu Peiwen came to ask for help from Gao Feng.


At the beginning, Gao Feng was quite wary of Liu Peiwen.

But Liu Peiwen broke into pieces and lobbied hard, asking both parties to cooperate and deal with Lu Fei with the same hatred.

Talking about what was irritating, Gao Feng was so angry that his teeth were itching, and he finally decided to stand in the same boat with Liu Laoer.

It can be said that the peak at this time has lost its mind.

Lu Fei repaid kindness with evil and forgave him many times for the sake of Kong Lao and Guan Lao San, but he never thought about this.

He only remembered Lu Fei's arrogance and Lu Fei's disdain for him.

In his heart, if Lu Fei hadn't been born, Master would never have been disappointed in him.

He is the senior brother. If Lu Fei had not been expelled from the school, there is no doubt that he would be Kong Fanlong's successor.

Originally, the powerful position that belonged to Guan Haishan today belonged to him, but because of that rag-collecting bastard, he lost everything, and even became the laughing stock of the industry, making him unable to hold his head high.

So he hates Lu Fei, and hates him deeply.

If possible, he even hoped that he could personally kill the culprit who changed his destiny and make him irrecoverable.

Therefore, Gao Feng was blinded by hatred and agreed to cooperate with Liu Peiwen.

From that moment on, the peak fell completely.

In order to retaliate against Lu Fei as soon as possible, Gao Feng even cooperated with Liu Peiwen to dig up ancient tombs and make huge profits from them.

He was once a influential figure in the archaeological world. Although he is no longer in his position, he still knows the dynamics of China's archaeological world very well.

With him helping to cover up, Liu Peiwen's crime was much easier.

Therefore, the current peak is no longer the original peak.

There is no integrity in his eyes, only hatred.

If Kong Fanlong's spirit in heaven knew that the eldest disciple he had adopted and had high hopes for had become like this, he would definitely be heartbroken!

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