A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2250 Make it clear

Towards evening, all four experts invited by Liu Peiwen arrived.

Two earth masters, one of whom has some research on battle tactics but no practical experience.

In addition, there is Dou Jingshan, the vice president of Baodao Collection Association.

Although Dou Jingshan is not an earth master, he has done some research on the Five Elements Technique and may be able to provide some useful opinions.

But the real reason why he joined was because he was the middleman.

Liu Peiwen placed her greatest hopes on Zhang Qinghua. Without Dou Jingshan's recommendation, Zhang Qinghua would definitely not come back. Therefore, if Dou Jingshan wanted to participate, he would not let Dou Jingshan lose face.

In addition to them, there is also a partner Gao Feng.

Gao Feng is not only his partner, but also has research on Qi Men Dun Jia and Five Elements Technique, which is already quite impressive.

But generally speaking, these four are not professionals who can break the formation, but this is also the strongest lineup that Liu Peiwen can think of after racking her brains.

The formations may sound simple, but in fact they are extremely mysterious, including the military formations and the Qimen formations.

There are many records of military formations in ancient military books, and they have never been passed down.

But the Qimen formation is different. This formation is more mysterious. From ancient times to the present, only a few people have mastered this formation.

The leaders among them are undoubtedly Han Xin and Kong Ming.

At that time, Liu Bang's troops were trapped in the Red Earth Mountain and ran out of food and grass. He sent fifteen food transport teams, but they were all killed by Xiang Yu's men.

Just when he was at a loss, Han Xin, who was still a soldier, took the initiative to ask Ying to break out of the siege and escort the grain and grass.

At that time, everyone thought Han Xin was stupid, but they never expected that he actually completed this impossible task.

Moreover, there were no casualties among the one hundred and eighty-member team, which was simply a miracle.

It was from then on that Han Xin came to the fore.

In fact, it was not that Han Xin was lucky enough not to encounter the Chu soldiers. On the contrary, Han Xin encountered Yu Ziqi, the best among the Chu soldiers.

Two thousand elite soldiers.

The reason why the mission can be completed safely depends on the Qimen Formation.

At Liushui River, Han used 108 willow branches to set up a nine-palace formation, trapping two thousand elite soldiers for four hours.

Trapping two thousand elite soldiers with willow branches sounds like the most outrageous thing in the world, but in fact, Han Xin really did it.

In fact, it was not the branches that trapped them, but the formation.

One hundred and eight branches are substitute formation flags, using the five elements changes and the Qimen Dunjia technique to change the magnetic field of the scene.

Two thousand elite soldiers entered the magnetic field. They couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. They were completely confused and couldn't get out no matter how they walked.

It wasn't until night fell and the magnetic field changed that we escaped from the illusion.

Some people will say that this is pure nonsense.

Don't make any fuss about this, it's the crystallization of wisdom passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years.

If you can't do it, it just means you don't understand. In fact, Qimen Dunjia is really terrifying and unpredictable.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang also used the Shi Lei Formation to trap Lu Xun's army, using the same Qimen Dunjia technique.

Therefore, the Qimen formation is ten thousand times more terrifying than the military formation.

Of course, people who are proficient in the Qi Sect Formation are absolutely rare. If you take any one of them, they will be the super bosses of the past and the present.

Therefore, even if the strongest lineup is invited, Liu Peiwen is still unsure.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the restaurant was about to start dinner.

After three drinks, Zhang Qinghua couldn't wait.

"Boy from the Liu family, hurry up and bring up your original formation map. Let's study it while drinking."

Several other people also responded to Zhang Qing

Hua, Liu Peiwen quickly brought up the treasure map.

However, the treasure map has been divided by him, and only the stone forest treasure part was taken out, and the other two are useless.

The map was taken out, but Liu Peiwen did not take out the accompanying annotations.

Because there are some hidden things in the annotations,


Zhang Qinghua was stunned when the map appeared in front of him.

"Boy from the Liu family, where is this map marked?" Zhang Qinghua asked with a frown.

Previously, the copy Liu Peiwen gave to Dou Jingshan only had a pattern of the location of the stone forest.

What appears now is a panoramic map.

Judging from the map, the stone forest was obviously in a large mountain, which made Zhang Qinghua alert.

Although he is not too familiar with the Liu family, he is also from Baodao and has some understanding of the Liu family.

Does he know that although the Liu family is a family of collectors, it is not particularly clean behind the scenes.

There are even rumors that the Liu family started their business by robbing tombs and smuggling cultural relics.

Now that everyone is in China, Liu Peiwen asks them to crack a formation in the mountain, which makes Zhang Qinghua a little worried.

If this breaking of the formation is involved in a tomb robbing case, that would be nonsense.

Liu Peiwen didn't think much and said with a smile.

"Master Dao, please don't worry about where it is. We should first study what kind of formation this is. Is there any possibility of cracking it?"

"If it can't be cracked, it's useless to say anything, right?"

After hearing what Liu Peiwen said, the others didn't say anything, but Zhang Qinghua waved his hand.

"That can't happen!"

"Boy from the Liu family, you must tell us clearly where the location marked on this map is, and what is your purpose for asking us to crack the formation, and what are you going to do after cracking it?

What? "

"This is very important!"

"China's laws are very strict. If it involves any illegal or disciplinary matters, I will not be able to participate." Zhang Qinghua said seriously.

Depend on!

Hearing this, Liu Peiwen spat hard in her heart.

Damn it!

This old guy is so damn difficult!

How can you tell the truth about this kind of thing?

If he was telling the truth, he could guarantee that Zhang Qinghua would definitely turn around and leave. That would be a big deal!

Fortunately, Liu Peiwen had already thought that something like this would happen and had thought of countermeasures in advance.

"Master Dao, everyone!"

"Please put your hearts in your stomach, I invite you all to come, it is just to break the formation, and it will never involve other things."

"Since Master Tao has asked this question, I will tell the truth."

"As we all know, my father unfortunately passed away due to his battle with Lu Fei for treasure."

"When my father was dying, he specifically asked me to bury him and my mother together."

"My mother was buried in Yunxia Villa in Alishan, but the Villa has been owned by Lu Fei."

"Our family has a blood feud with Lu Fei. Of course I can't bury my parents' bodies together in his territory."

"So, I decided to return the bodies of the two elders to their roots and bury them together in a geomantic treasure land in China."

"The location drawn on the map is in the Yunwu Mountains of the Qinling Mountains. It is the place where the Qinling Dragon Veins and Dragon Head are located."

"My ancestors once had an earth master who fell in love with this feng shui treasure land and planned to keep it as the ancestral tomb of the Liu family."

"Unfortunately, there is a stone forest formation that was formed at an unknown time. It is impossible for outsiders to enter, so we had to give up."

"I invited some experts here today to help me decipher the formation. Pei Wen can also fulfill his filial duty and bury his parents here together."

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