A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2251 Nine Palaces and Bagua Array

What Liu Peiwen said was true. Long Chenghui and Dou Jingshan listened and nodded frequently.

They all believed it. After all, no one would make fun of their dead parents, right?

However, the experienced Zhang Qinghua still frowned.

"Is this true?" Zhang Qinghua asked.

"Of course, how could a junior make fun of my parents?"

"Besides, Mr. Gao is here too."

"Lao Gao is Lao Kong's disciple. He is currently the general consultant of China's archeology and is his junior disciple."

"If I do anything inappropriate, Elder Gao won't agree, right?"

"Also, I invite you all to come here just to help me break the formation."

"If you have any doubts, break the formation and you can leave immediately. All the conditions I promised before will be fulfilled immediately."

"Master Dao, do you think this is possible?" Liu Peiwen said.

Zhang Qinghua stared at Liu Peiwen and then at Gao Feng.

Gao Feng nodded.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. Mr. Liu told me about this. Mr. Liu really wants to bury his parents."

"If there is any violation of law or discipline, Gao will definitely not participate or ignore it."

Zhang Qinghua still believed that Gao Feng was the highly respected grand master, so he felt relieved.


"Pindao believes in Gao Lao."

"However, let's put the ugly words to the front. Pindao is only here to help break the formation."

"If a method to break the formation is developed, Pindao will leave immediately after the formation is broken."

"no problem!"

Liu Peiwen repeated her assurances, and Zhang Qinghua felt relieved and studied the map carefully.

Everyone moved the cups and plates away and all gathered together.

Except for Zhang Qinghua, the other three old men all took out their magnifying glasses and crouched down to watch carefully.

Looking at it, Zhang Qinghua became even more excited.

"Yes, it's really a formation."


Although this stone forest is uneven, its placement is extremely particular. "

"Judging from this picture, the location of these stone forests is indeed the Bagua array."

"Moreover, it reveals the secret of the formation, which is absolutely correct." Zhang Qinghua said.

"Niubi, look at these trees, they don't look simple!" Long Chenghui said.


"Pindao has noticed it a long time ago."

"These trees look ordinary, but when you put all the trees together, this is a natural nine-gong formation."

"Moreover, the Nine Palaces Array and the Bagua Array are perfectly combined to form a Nine Palaces Bagua Array with profound meanings."

"It is quite extraordinary for this person to be able to set up such a grand Nine Palaces and Bagua array!" Zhang Qinghua said.

"Master Dao, as you said, these trees and stone forests are all man-made?" Dou Jingshan asked.


"The profound meaning of the formation is profound, how could it be formed naturally?"

"This kind of coincidence is simply not true, let alone such a mysterious Nine Palaces and Bagua formation."

"However, judging from the proportions in the picture, the trees around the stone forest should be of a very old age, so this should be a large formation left over from ancient times."

"The specific year cannot be determined until on-site inspection." Zhang Qinghua said.

Liu Peiwen gave a thumbs up.

"Master Tao is indeed knowledgeable and talented, and Liu admires him very much."

"I dare to ask, is Taoist master able to break the formation?"

Zhang Qinghua frowned slightly.

"I can't guarantee this for the time being."

"The mystery of the formation cannot be seen by talking about it on paper."

"If you want to break the formation, you must conduct on-site investigation according to local conditions."

"This type of formation is extremely mysterious, and there are too many uncertain factors in it."

"For example, for example, the gate of life in the east is in the east at the moment, but it is very likely that the gate of life in the east will become the gate of death in the next hour."

"This must be considered based on many factors such as the magnetic field at the site and weather temperature. It is impossible to have a result now." Zhang Qinghua said.

Gao Feng nodded.

"Master Dao is right, the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation is a super complicated formation."

"Such a huge formation may contain a killing formation, and it is unpredictable."

"We must go to the scene, use the compass to locate the location, and then combine it with the Five Elements Bagua Qimen Dunjia technique to determine the birth door."

"Even so, you can't enter rashly."

"In my opinion, we'd better observe outside the formation for a few more days. Only by exploring the rules of the formation can we be foolproof," Gao Feng said.

"What Mr. Gao said is good. I completely agree with Mr. Gao's opinion."

When Zhang Qinghua said this, Long Chenghui and Dou Jingshan certainly had no objection.

Although they have all heard of the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation, no one has seen it with their own eyes.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were bright with excitement, and they couldn't wait to visit the site.

Liu Peiwen nodded.

"Since everyone agrees, let's set off and rush to the scene tomorrow."

"At that time, I hope that several experts will work together to help me break the formation."

"No matter what the result is, as long as everyone tries their best, Pei Wen will never let everyone down."

After the departure time was determined, Liu Peiwen put away the map and personally filled everyone's glasses with wine.

Everyone chatted while drinking and carefully determined all the equipment that needed to be prepared. The dinner did not end until nine o'clock in the evening.

After a long journey, Zhang Qinghua and others were already tired, so they went to bed early after washing up.

Liu Peiwen, Chang Yufei and Gao Fengsan

People get together to discuss.

"Mr. Gao, do you think Zhang Daoye and the others, together with you, are sure they can break the formation?" Liu Peiwen asked.

Gao Feng took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"It's hard to say for the time being."

"What we said at the dinner table just now is true."

"This formation is extremely mysterious. The people who set up the formation are absolutely proficient in the art of Qimen Dunjia. They are no less talented than Kong Ming and Han Xin!"

"If you are not absolutely sure of breaking the formation, you must not advance rashly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."


"So, you don't have any confidence at all?" Liu Peiwen said disappointedly.

Gao Feng smiled slightly.

"Mr. Liu, don't be too disappointed. We will definitely do our best to break the formation."

"You are anxious, but I am more anxious than you. After all, we have a common goal."

"As for breaking the formation, it's not impossible."

"This formation has existed for a long time. As trees grow and water and soil are lost, the formation will also change. Of course, its power will not be as powerful as before."

"Besides, we have an advantage over the ancients."

"If you want to break the formation, you must observe the formation in advance, and the best angle to view the formation is directly above the formation."

"The ancients couldn't do this, but it's not a problem here."

"When we arrive at the scene tomorrow, we will use a drone to take aerial photos first to get a bird's-eye view. Then we will be more confident."

"Zhang Daoye has a deep understanding of formations, Master Long is proficient in Feng Shui metaphysics, and I know a little bit about Qimen Dunjia, so it shouldn't be too difficult to break the formation," Gao Feng said.

Hearing what Gao Feng said, Liu Peiwen's confidence greatly increased, and her eyes were filled with brilliance.

"That's very good."

"However, Zhang Daoye and the others are outsiders after all. To break the formation, Pei Wenke relies entirely on Gao Lao."

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