A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2263 Fortunately, he lived up to his fate

The man in black watched the drone take off and couldn't help but sigh.

Then, he looked at Dou Jingshan, who was studying trees in the northwest corner.


"This old guy still has some eyesight, but his state of mind is not worthy of his age."

"You've got the dust buried in your throat, and you're still so damn greedy. You deserve your misfortune!"

After glancing at Dou Jingshan, the man in black looked at Zhang Qinghua dressed as a Taoist priest and couldn't help but sneer.

At this time, Zhang Qinghua was standing on the Qinglong Seat, holding a fly whisk in his hands and stepping on the Tiangang Steps. He was holding a tablet computer in his other hand, and from time to time he compared the actual scene of the stone forest in front of him with the patterns on the computer.

The Taoist priest put on an incomprehensible pose, and the eyes of the people around him were filled with stars of admiration, but the man in black couldn't help but roll his eyes.


"Are all Taoist sects today in such a state?"

"Where is this pretense coming from? He has no bullshit skills, but he can actually play tricks."

"It's a damn miracle that something like this can survive to this day."


"Old guy, you'd better be self-aware, otherwise you'll regret it later."

No longer paying attention to the pretender, the man in black looked at Long Chenghui.

Seeing this guy, the man in black almost laughed.


"Is this a showdown?"

"Where did Mr. Liu get these funny guys? They're so interesting!"


Suddenly, the man in black noticed Long Chenghui, who was looking pretentious, and took out a bronze compass from his bag.

Seeing this compass, the man in black's eyebrows jumped.

"Lord of the Underworld?"


"How come this thing is in his hands?"

"Damn it, such a treasure is in the hands of a half-hearted person. It's such a waste!"


\u003e "You are unlucky when you meet me. If you want to blame me, it's your own fault for not stepping into this muddy water!"


The man in black was sighing, but found that Long Chenghui had opened the compass, and his fat old face suddenly wrinkled together, like a mutated black chrysanthemum.

Seeing this scene, the man in black laughed out loud, but Long Chenghui was completely confused.

"Niubi, Zhang Laodao, come here quickly and take a look, what the hell is going on?"

Long Chenghui shouted eagerly. Zhang Qinghua in the distance was stunned and quickly turned his head.

"You old man, what happened?"

"You're already old, how can you behave like this?"

"Depend on!"

"Old man, please stop inking and come over and take a look. Damn it, it's like hell."

Long Chenghui's expression was extremely serious. This shout brought everyone together, even Gao Feng walked out of the tent.

Everyone leaned over and took a look at the bronze compass in Long Chenghui's hand, and couldn't help but gasp.

At this time, the pointer on the compass seemed to be enchanted, shaking and rotating rapidly. This persistence subverted people's cognition.

When several grave scorpions saw it, they instantly got goosebumps all over their bodies, and some even started to tremble.


"how so?"

"Isn't this too weird?"

Chang Yufei was shocked, Liu Peiwen also frowned, Zhang Qinghua looked at it and nodded slightly.

"Don't be nervous, this phenomenon is normal."

"This is a huge Nine Palaces and Bagua formation, and the essence of the formation is to change the magnetic field here."

"Moreover, generally large formations must be activated by magnetic substances."

"So it's not surprising that the magnetic field here is disordered and the compass fails." Zhang Qinghua said.


Everyone suddenly understood after hearing this, and they all gave a thumbs up sincerely.

"Master Dao is awesome!"

"Master Tao is still very knowledgeable and talented, but I am not as good as him!"

Hearing the compliments, Zhang Qinghua enjoyed it very much and nodded in an upright manner.

"Okay, this is a normal phenomenon, don't be curious, everyone can continue to work."


Everyone dispersed with admiration in their eyes. When the man in black heard Zhang Qinghua's words three miles away, he rolled his eyes with extreme contempt.

"A magnetic substance activates the formation?"


"Have you seen too much fantasy from this old guy?"



The next day, there were ten more people in Liu Peiwen's team.

The men brought enough rations to last a month, and then two of them left, leaving eight men behind to do odd jobs.

As a result, Liu Peiwen's team increased from the previous twenty-eight to thirty-six.

Liu Peiwen's team grew stronger, but the man in black who was digging a hole three miles away was furious.


"Eight more are here. Do you want to exhaust me to death?"

Looking at the large pit behind him with a diameter of more than eight meters, the man in black spat hard.


"We have to continue to expand!"

"It really doesn't make people worry, bah!!"

In the next week, Zhang Qinghua did not act rashly and continued to observe the formation.

The drones in the sky patrol every hour, quite regularly.

Dou Jingshan also married all the people outside the stone forest.

After picking up the tree seeds and observing them, Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui observed three large circles around the formation.

No matter where he goes, his pretentious demeanor follows him everywhere.

Zhang Qinghua and the others had almost finished collecting the data, and the man in black three miles away finally stopped what he was doing.

After a week of continuous excavation, the diameter of the large earth pit that was originally eight meters in diameter is now more than fifteen meters.

Looking at the blood blisters on his palms, the man in black spat hard.

"Damn it, I haven't done such heavy physical work for a long time, Liu Laoer, don't let me down!"

"Also, these people are enough, don't let any more come."

"I really can't dig it out anymore."

At night, a blazing bonfire was set up in front of the tent, and thirty-six people sat on the ground in two groups.

Various delicacies and various famous wines were placed among everyone, and everyone's eyes were filled with excitement.

"Young man from the Liu family, you are lucky to have lived up to your fate!" Zhang Qinghua took a sip of wine and laughed with joy.

Hearing this, Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei stood up excitedly.

"Master Tao, have you found a way to break the formation?"

Zhang Qinghua stroked his inch-long goatee, with a pretentious look on his face that didn't deserve a beating.

"Fortunately, I live up to my fate!"

"After everyone's unremitting efforts these days, we finally figured out how to break the formation."

"Really?" Liu Peiwen's eyes almost fell out, and her whole body was shaking with excitement.


"Can I still lie to you?"

Zhang Qinghua was slightly angry, and Liu Peiwen quickly apologized.

"Master Dao, don't get me wrong. How dare I doubt the abilities of all the masters?"

"It's just that I'm too excited."

"Master Dao, could you please tell everyone what the specific situation is?" Liu Peiwen asked.

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