A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2264: Read too many fantasy novels

Hearing Zhang Qinghua say that he had found a way to break the formation, Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei stood up excitedly.

"Master Dao, could you please tell everyone about it?"


Zhang Qinghua squinted and nodded, placing the large formation diagram he drew on the ground.

In an instant, everyone came closer, and dozens of flashlights illuminated the formation, shining brightly.


Zhang Qinghua said after clearing his throat. ??

"First of all, let me talk about what you have gained from your recent work."

"First of all, it's Jingshan."

"These days, Jingshan has identified the grafted trees on the outside of the formation one by one and confirmed that all the grafted trees on the outside are almost the same age, between one hundred and one hundred and ten years."

"Through this, we can judge that the actual age of this formation is not as old as we previously guessed."

"At the very least, the Nine Palaces Formation contained in this was formed only about a hundred years ago."

"Of course, I am only talking about the Nine Palaces Formation. This does not mean that the entire formation is a hundred years old."

"Perhaps, the Stone Forest Formation inside has existed for a longer time, but a hundred years ago, an expert who was proficient in formations integrated the Nine Palaces Formation into it to form a more advanced formation."

"Since we currently cannot determine the age of the stone pillars inside, all of us must not take it lightly."

"Boy from the Liu family, brother Jingshan worked tirelessly this time and deserves a lot of credit. Don't let me go to waste!" Zhang Qinghua said.

Liu Pein nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Dou, and please rest assured, Mr. Dao, I, Liu Peiwen, will never lose money to Mr. Dou."

Zhang Qinghua nodded with satisfaction, but Dou Jingshan was extremely excited.

Although I can determine the age of the trees, this probably has little to do with breaking the formation. At most, it plays a supporting role.

In fact, this was originally within the scope of his work, but when Zhang Qinghua said this, Liu Peiwen would definitely give him an extra reward, which was so cool.

Thinking of this, Dou Jingshan handed Zhang Qinghua

Look up with gratitude.

The latter understood, nodded slightly, and continued.

"In the past few days, Lao Long and I have surveyed the entire perimeter of the formation three times."

"Judging from the results of our survey, the magnetic field of the entire array is extremely strong, and its power cannot be underestimated."

"After our judgment, this Nine Palaces and Bagua array should be driven by a substance containing extremely strong magnetism."

"In other words, this magnetic material is the center of the entire formation."

"Magnetic, the property is gold."

"The attribute of stone is earth."

"The attribute of trees is wood."

"So, the entire formation is based on the changes in the Five Elements, combined with the changes in the Eight Diagrams and the Nine Palaces formation. It has many changes and is infinitely powerful. It can be called an eternal formation!"

"Such a formation, even if Han Xin and Kong Ming were alive, would never be able to break it," Zhang Qinghua said.


Everyone heard this and took a collective breath.

"Master Dao, is this formation really so awesome?"

"Of course, it's much scarier than you imagine."

"Wood attribute formations are mostly illusion formations."

"And the metallic formation is mainly for killing."

"So, this formation not only has phantom formations, but also a terrifying killing formation."

"If you make the wrong move, you will definitely die without a burial place." Zhang Qinghua said.

"What the hell!"

When some descendants of the Nine Sects heard this, they were all frightened out of their wits.


"This sounds more fucking terrifying than fantasy!"

"I had only heard about the horror of the formation in the Internet before, but I never thought it actually existed in reality!"


As they discussed, Zhang Qinghua curled his lips and smiled.

"Don't doubt it, everything passed down is definitely not groundless. However, don't be too nervous. No matter what the formation is, as long as a flaw is found, it will be useless."

Hearing what Zhang Qinghua said, some young descendants of the Nine Sects had the urge to worship.

"Master Dao is awesome!"

"Master Dao is mighty!"

"Master Tao is indeed an expert in this world!"

"Nonsense, do you still need to say it?"

"Zhang Daoye's reputation is second to none in the Three Islands!"

"Just now, Taoist Master said that even if Han Xin and Kong Ming were alive, they would not be able to break this formation, but our Taoist Master has found a way to break it."

"This shows that Han Xin Kongming is just a scumbag in front of our Taoist master."

"If Master Tao had lived in their time, Juebi would have been a genius and a superpower who could change history."

The more these people talked, the more evil they became. Even the person involved, Zhang Qinghua, felt a little embarrassed.


"Everyone's words are a bit exaggerated."

"How can I be compared with Han Xin and Kong Ming, who are so experienced in the world?"

"We still have to treat superiors with awe!"


"Master Dao, didn't you say it yourself just now that even if they are alive, they can't break the formation here?"

"They are helpless, but Master Dao, you are able to capture them. This is enough to prove that Master Dao, you are much better than them. Why do you have to belittle yourself?" said a young man.

Zhang Qinghua chuckled.

"Young man, you are too naive."

"I did say that Han Xin and Kong Ming could not break the formation, but it does not mean that I am better than them. On the contrary, they are the real masters."

"The reason why it can't be broken can only mean that they were born at the wrong time."


In the era, without our modern high technologies, we would not be able to observe the entire formation as carefully as we do. Of course, there would be no way to start. "

"One more thing, the formation here has existed for more than a hundred years."

"Over a hundred years, the landscape has undergone some changes."

"The trees are growing taller, the stone forest is weathering, and the magnetism of the formation's eyes is constantly being consumed, which greatly weakens the power of the entire formation."

"With these conditions, it will be much easier for us to break the formation."

Hearing this, everyone kept nodding.

"So this is ah!"

"However, even with high-tech support, we can't see the way out."

"In the final analysis, Master Dao, you have the real ability!"

"Even if you lose to Han Xin and Kong Ming, at least in the current land of China, Master Dao, you are definitely second to none."

"If we need anything from Master Tao in the future, I hope you will not refuse!" said a flatterer.


Words are a happy lock.

With just a few words from this guy, Zhang Qinghua nodded with smiles on his face.

"no problem!"

"If you encounter difficulties in metaphysics in the future, you can call Pindao at any time."

"As long as Pindao has a schedule, I will try my best not to refuse."


"Thank you, Master Dao!"

"The Taoist Lord is righteous."

Listening to the chaotic noise below, the man in black almost vomited three miles away.

Damn it!

I have seen many shameless people, but this is the first time I have seen such shameless people.

Five Elements Formation, Magnetic Formation Eye?

Damn it!

How dare you say it!

I thought it was fantasy!

It seems that you, old man, are simply unlucky when you come here!

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