A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2265 What’s so difficult about this?

The man in black three miles away was stunned by Zhang Qinghua's words.

It almost made him doubt his life.

However, the descendants of the Nine Sects over there admired Zhang Qinghua very much.

After clearing his throat, Zhang Qinghua, who was in a good mood, continued to talk.

"Actually, the biggest credit this time belongs to Mr. Gao."

"After these days of sample collection, Mr. Gao has used the Five Elements technique combined with the Qimen Dunjia technique to find the pattern of this formation."

When Zhang Qinghua said this, everyone became even more excited and looked at Gao Feng.

Feeling everyone's fiery gazes, Gao Feng also had a strong sense of presence, his temperament was rising steadily, and he immediately assumed the appearance of a worldly master.


"Master Tao is too modest. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts. How dare Mr. Gao take credit!"


"This is so pretentious that I almost want to call the police." The man in black three miles away muttered to himself.

"Mr. Gao, please tell everyone, what are the rules of the formation?" Chang Yufei asked excitedly.

Gao Feng nodded.

"Then I will tell everyone."

"After this week of on-site investigation, we really discovered the rules."

"This Nine Palaces and Bagua formation is endlessly changing. The gate of life is not static, but changes according to the temperature at each hour."

"Thanks to Mr. Dao for his thoughtfulness, he allowed us to collect samples for a week for investigation."

"Otherwise, if you go in rashly, the door of life will probably become the door of death, which will definitely lead to eternal disaster!" Gao Feng said.


"The Shengmen can still change, this formation is really awesome."

"Master Tao, Mr. Gao."

"Having said so much, are you sure you can break the formation?" Liu Peiwen asked impatiently.

Zhang Qinghua said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, according to our research, the broken wood genus

There is absolutely no problem with the Sexual Nine Palace Formation. "

Hearing what Zhang Qinghua said, Liu Peiwen frowned.

"Just break through the Nine Palaces Formation?"

"What about the Stone Forest Formation?"


"Boy, don't be discouraged. Listen to me."

"The Bagua Stone Forest Formation is inside the Nine Palaces Formation. If we don't enter the formation, we will never find a way to break it."

"However, according to our aerial video, the Bagua Stone Forest Formation also has the attributes of the Five Elements."

"The Nine Palaces Formation and the Bagua Stone Forest Formation are perfectly combined and integrated. This is our opportunity." Zhang Qinghua said.


Liu Peiwen was confused for a while.

"Master Tao, how do you say this?"

Zhang Qinghua stroked his inch-long goatee and nodded slightly.

"Boy, you don't understand the formation. It's quite mysterious and difficult."

"If the Nine Palaces Formation perfectly matches the Bagua Formation, it will be very difficult. If you want to achieve this goal, there is only one way."

"That is to fuse the two formations together into a whole according to the law of the five elements interfering with each other."

"This is the only way."

"Now that we know that the five elements are in conflict with each other, it will be much easier to crack it."

"We enter the Wood Attribute Nine Palaces Formation, arrive safely at the Bagua Stone Forest Formation area, and use the five elements to restrain each other to find the birth gate of the Stone Forest Formation. Then we will be foolproof."

"The metallic formation eye is in the center of the entire formation."

"Enter the stone forest formation, go to the central area and dig out the formation's eyes. The entire formation will collapse on its own."

"There is also good news. If I am not mistaken, the location of the formation eye is exactly this dragon.

The dragon position of the pulse. "

"Break the formation and bury your parents together. Then we can slightly change the formation and take it into our own hands."

"With the protection of this formation, your Liu family's ancestral tombs will be safe for thousands of years, and no one will be able to damage them," Zhang Qinghua said.

Hearing what he said, Liu Pein was extremely excited.

"Master Dao, you mean, we can make this formation for my use?"

"is it possible?"


"What's so difficult about this?"

"Of course we can use it by slightly changing the formation and rearranging the formation eyes." Zhang Qinghua said.


"If that were the case, that would be awesome."

Liu Peiwen almost jumped up with excitement.

But after the excitement, Liu Peiwen was a little worried.

"Master Tao, please give me a solid foundation. How sure are you of breaking the formation?"

"If, I'm just saying if!"

"If your calculations are wrong, will our lives be in danger after we go in?" Liu Peiwen asked.

When he said this, everyone became nervous.

Just now Zhang Qinghua boasted a lot, but after all, this was their one-sided statement.

The scale of this formation is impressive, and the person who created this formation is definitely a super powerful being.

Is such an awesome formation set up by such an expert really as simple as Zhang Qinghua said?

If the calculations of these old guys are wrong, it will cost their lives.

This is the most important thing related to life. If your life is gone, whatever you say is nonsense.


After Liu Peiwen finished speaking, Zhang Qinghua smiled slightly.

"Boy, your worries are reasonable, but you don't need to be too nervous."

"Although Pindao is 80% sure, I won't act rashly. I have my own way to ensure the safety of all of us."

"After all, I won't make fun of my own life, right?"

"Master Dao, what is the method you mentioned?"

Liu Peiwen's face was filled with anticipation, and the others also pricked up their ears.


"My method is simple to say."

"Tomorrow, ask someone to prepare some ropes. The length should not be less than 20,000 meters."

"After we are ready, we tie one end of the rope outside the formation and leave a few people to guard it."

"And those of us who enter the formation tie the rope around our waists. After entering, if we feel something is wrong, we can immediately follow the rope and exit safely."

"The Wood Attribute Nine Palaces Formation, the top of the sky is an illusion formation, with ropes as protection, we are absolutely foolproof." Zhang Qinghua said.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Hearing this, Liu Peiwen slapped her thigh and jumped up excitedly.

"A good idea, really a good idea."

"The rope is our guiding light. The rope is outside the formation. We no longer have to worry about getting lost and unable to get out."

"Master Tao, this junior admires you so much!" Liu Peiwen said.


"Boy, you don't have to flatter me. We are all our own people. Since we agreed to help you break the formation, we will go all out."

"Everyone, do you have any objections to Pindao's method?" Zhang Qinghua asked.



Although Zhang Qinghua’s idea is very mediocre, it is absolutely practical and effective.

No matter it is a magic array or a maze, with the rope as a guide, you will never get lost.

Coupled with Zhang Qinghua's previous analysis, everyone has already regarded him as the backbone and will definitely not object.

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