A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2266 A grasshopper on a rope

No one had any objections and the plan was finalized.

The next step is to decide who will join the team.

The four old men are the key to breaking the formation and must enter.

In addition, Zhang Qinghua also asked eight people to be brought in to carry necessary equipment and do miscellaneous tasks.

As a result, not only eight people, but all of them signed up enthusiastically.

This is a legendary formation!

Before, you could only see it in fantasy, but now you have the opportunity to be there, and no one wants to miss it.

As for the danger?


With Tao Ye's careful analysis and the protection of ropes, safety is absolutely guaranteed.

At everyone's request, Zhang Qinghua and Liu Peiwen finally decided to leave four people outside to guard the equipment and ropes, while everyone else entered the formation to help the four experts.

The order was given, and there was a burst of cheers.

Three kilometers away, the man in black put his hands together and began to recite "Namu Myoho Renge Sutra" silently.

After five days of preparation, all the required ropes were in place, and Liu Peiwen's team increased from thirty-six to forty people.

The man in black rolled his eyes and spat hard, picked up the shovel, and continued his hard life of digging holes helplessly.

At 4:30 in the morning the next day, everyone gathered outside the tent and stood ready.

Zhang Qinghua stood in front of everyone holding a fly whisk and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, after more than ten days of preparation, we will start to break the formation today."

"The Nine Palaces Formation in front of us belongs to the Wood Attribute Formation."

"The auspicious time for the wood attribute is Mao hour, A and B wood in the east. The birth gate at this time happens to be in the east."

"So, we have to set off in half an hour and enter the formation."

"The Nine Palaces Formation and the Bagua Stone Forest Formation perfectly fit together. In other words, on the surface they appear to be two formations, but in fact they are one Nine Palaces Bagua Formation, with only one formation eye."

"The array eye is a magnetic material, and the magnetic property is gold. According to the reasoning that the five elements are mutually incompatible, metal overcomes wood."\u003c


"That is to say, we must enter the Bagua Stone Forest Formation at the unitary hour corresponding to the metal property and break through the formation's eyes, otherwise we will all be in danger."

"However, don't worry too much."

"There are twelve hours between Mao Shi and You Shi. Such a long time is enough for us."

"It really doesn't work. With rope protection, we can still exit safely. We will consider the long term."

"But, I want to stress that."

"We will enter the formation in a moment. Elder Gao and Master Long will lead the way from the front. All of you must follow our footsteps and make absolutely no mistakes."

"Also, after entering the formation, everyone must obey my orders. No matter who they are, they must not disobey."

"Did everyone hear clearly?" Zhang Qinghua shouted.

"Listen clearly."

The crowd's voices were loud and they stayed together in the empty mountain for a long time. Zhang Qinghua was very satisfied.

"very good!"

"However, before setting off, I would like to emphasize something."

"Although I am 80% sure, I cannot guarantee that there will be unknown risks."

"If anyone is timid and wants to quit now, please stand up immediately. Don't wait until you get in and drag everyone back."

"Anyone quit?"

Zhang Qinghua asked three times in a row, and everyone was determined. No one stood up.

"very good!"

"Everyone, check the equipment. We will set off immediately after five past five."

Liu Peiwen arranged for four descendants of the Nine Gates to stay and guard the equipment and ropes.

This place is deep in the Qinling Mountains and is uninhabited. It is enough to leave four people to guard the equipment.

On the other side, Zhang Qinghua ordered people to unfold the rope that had been connected in advance and was 20,000 meters long.

One end was tied to an ancient tree held by three people, and the other end was tied to each person's waist.

Thirty-six people were tied to a rope, and they really became grasshoppers on a rope, but the number of grasshoppers was a bit too much.

The extra ropes were coiled up and carried evenly on the shoulders of the twenty or so descendants of the Nine Gates. They placed the ropes as they walked so that they would not get messed up easily. ??

After checking other equipment again, everyone came to stand in order outside Dongfangsheng Gate.

Everyone looked serious, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was five past five in the morning.

Zhang Qinghua gritted his teeth, shouted resolutely and set off, taking the lead and striding into the formation.

Outside, everyone was excited and full of yearning for the formation.

But when they actually stepped into the formation, everyone was extremely nervous and their heartbeats accelerated rapidly, even Zhang Qinghua and Gao Feng were no exception.

After all, formations are legendary.

In fantasy, formations are extremely terrifying and can kill people without being seen. Speaking of formations, it makes people tremble with fear.

Now we are about to enter the formation. Life or death is uncertain, good fortune or disaster is unpredictable, and anyone will be nervous.

However, when everyone safely took that step, the excitement that followed immediately drowned out the fear.



"It's really safe, nothing will happen!"


"Awesome, so awesome."

"I really entered the legendary formation, and I entered it safely, which is great."

"After this experience, I can brag about it for the rest of my life after I go back."

"This can only be heard in fantasy

The formation! "

"I experienced it myself today. This is simply awesome. Looking at the whole world, how many people can do it?"


"It feels so damn good."

Everyone shouted excitedly, but Zhang Qinghua at the front was furious.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Take your heart back, watch our footsteps, and follow us step by step."

"If anyone disobeys orders, get out of here immediately."

Zhang Qinghua's outburst caused the scene to suddenly become quiet.


Seeing that the situation was under control, Zhang Qinghua took a deep breath and took out the formation diagram.

Long Chenghui and Dou Jingshan each took a corner of the array diagram and unfolded it, and the four old men began to study it at the same time.

After studying for more than ten minutes, the four old men nodded in agreement.

"Master Dao, there is almost no difference from what we analyzed in advance, so there should be no big problem."

"If we go forward according to our original plan, we will be able to safely enter the Stone Forest Formation," Gao Feng said.

Zhang Qinghua nodded.

"Despite this, we cannot be careless. Safety is the most important thing."

"There are still twelve hours until Unity Time, and we have enough time."

"Everyone must be careful in a moment. No matter who it is, if they find anything abnormal, they should report it immediately and we will study it together." Zhang Qinghua said.


"Set off!"

Putting away the formation map, Zhang Qinghua identified the direction and took the first step with a serious expression, followed closely by the others.

Zhang Qinghua walked very slowly, and every step he took must be carefully calculated.

After walking for more than an hour, we advanced more than 200 meters.

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