A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2268 The power of hatred

After an hour of intense walking, everyone finally arrived at the edge of the stone forest formation.

Twenty meters ahead, stone pillars several stories high rise from the ground.

I saw it in the video and found it quite shocking.

But being there and observing the stone pillars up close, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

so big.

So spectacular!

It’s incredible! !

Perhaps it was a mental effect. When everyone arrived here, they felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, and they felt inexplicably nervous and fearful.


"Is this the deterrent of the formation?"

“How scary!!”

The follower muttered to himself, Zhang Qinghua and a few old guys were so tired that their bones were falling apart, and they didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Boys from the Liu family, let everyone rest where they are while we study the Bagua Stone Forest Formation."


Everyone sat on the floor. After Zhang Qinghua's explanation and feeling the "deterrence of the formation", no one dared to move. Even Chang Yufei, who was always unsatisfied, kept his mouth shut.

The four old men took a short break for ten minutes and studied the array diagram carefully.

Half an hour later, the old men nodded to each other and reached a tacit agreement.

"Mr. Zhang, have you found a way to break the formation?" Liu Peiwen asked eagerly.

Zhang Qinghua led everyone into the Nine Palaces Formation and arrived here safely. By this time, no one doubted the abilities of these four old guys anymore. Everyone pricked up their ears in anticipation.

Zhang Qinghua nodded with a smile.

"Yes, we have found a disciple."

"This Bagua Stone Forest Formation is similar to the Nine Palaces Formation we are in."

"As we have judged before, the Stone Forest Formation and the Nine Palaces Formation are fused together through the conflict of the five elements. Therefore, the methods of breaking the formation are also different."


The attribute of Lin Dazhen is earth, which corresponds to the southwest Kun position, and the auspicious time is the last time. "

"In other words, between one and three o'clock in the afternoon, Kun position is the birth gate of the Stone Forest Formation."

"After this hour, the door of life becomes the door of death, and you will definitely die if you step in." Zhang Qinghua said.

Everyone was excited when they heard that they had found a way to break the formation.

But upon hearing this time, Liu Peiwen frowned again.

"Master Tao, there is only four hours difference between Wei Shi and You Shi. Is that enough time?"

Zhang Qinghua clearly told everyone before that the formation eyes must be dug out before Youshi.

If this is not possible, the entire formation must be evacuated before Youshi.

It has been nearly five hours since everyone set out to enter the Jiugong Formation in the early morning.

I expected that entering the Stone Forest Formation would not be any easier than outside. We also had to find the center of the formation to excavate. Time was really tight.

Zhang Qinghua laughed and said.

"Don't worry, kid, you have enough time."

"It took us five hours when we came in. That's because everyone didn't have enough confidence. Besides, the formations on the outside are much larger than those in the center."

“Now that we have experience, it’s much easier when we go in.”

"I can guarantee that we can find the formation within an hour at most, so time is enough for us."

When Zhang Qinghua said this, Liu Peiwen's anxious heart instantly relaxed.

"Then I'll leave it to all the experts."


"That person's money should be used to eliminate disasters."

"It's still a long time before the end of the day. Let's take a rest where we are. After lunch, we will be refreshed. We will break the formation in one fell swoop." Zhang Qinghua raised his arms and shouted.


"Everyone listens to Master Dao."

"The Taoist Lord is mighty"

After Zhang Qinghua's words, everyone's nervousness relaxed.

After laying out moisture-proof mats, many people fell asleep, including the four old guys.

Chang Yufei called Liu Peiwen to the back and asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Liu, are you sure the treasure is in this formation?"

Liu Peiwen nodded.


"The expert who left the map also left a note."

"It says that in the center of the formation, there is a large dirt bag ten meters high, and it is at the location with the best feng shui."

"The expert judged that more than 90% of the earth bag is an imperial tomb. Even if it is not the tomb of an emperor, it is at least the tomb of a super boss who has the power in the world and is rich enough to rival the country."

"Otherwise, how could we bear such a price to build such a terrifying formation?"

"A project of this scale consumes a lot of human and financial resources, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can afford."

"Moreover, this place is protected by a formation. Even the expert who has been studying it for decades cannot enter. There is almost no possibility of being stolen. Therefore, there must be a great treasure inside."

"I firmly believe in this." Liu Peiwen said.

Chang Yufei's eyes lit up.

"I also believe that in such a treasure land, if you say there are no good things in it, I won't believe it even to death."

"But what should I do with the old guys?"

"They are all awesome earth masters who have been famous for a long time and have real talents!"

"If they see that dirt bag after entering, I think they will definitely recognize it."

"It will be troublesome if the news leaks out." Chang Yufei said worriedly.


"I've thought of this a long time ago."\u003c


"Don't worry, Mr. Chang, I have a way to deal with them."

"But I'm just a little worried."

"If the formation point that Daoye mentioned is under the dirt bag, it will be troublesome."

"Master Dao once said that the formation eye is in the central area, and it is very likely to be in the so-called dragon riding position."

"I have thought about it for a long time, and the possibility of a collision with the ancient tomb is very high," Liu Peiwen said.


Chang Yufei also frowned upon hearing this.

"What should we do?"

"If they discover there is an ancient tomb, our purpose will be exposed."

"Even if they don't report us, they probably still want to share the profits with us."

"People are unpredictable, and when it comes to interests, human nature is bullshit!" Chang Yufei said.

After saying this, Liu Peiwen raised her eyebrows and instantly burst out with murderous intent.

"If they are really ignorant, then don't blame me for being cruel."

"I, Liu Peiwen, bear a blood feud. No one can fucking interfere with my revenge plan."


Feeling the murderous aura in Liu Peiwen, Chang Yufei stirred up huge waves in his heart.

All 84,000 hairs stood on end, goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body, and I felt shuddering.

Chang Yufei really didn't expect that Liu Peiwen, who usually flatters a lot of people around him and is just like his grandson, can burst out with such a terrifying momentum. From this point of view, the power of hatred should not be underestimated!

Thinking of what Liu Peiwen said just now, Chang Yufei couldn't help but become nervous.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"You won't want it"


"Mr. Chang, don't be nervous. No matter what happens, I, Liu Peiwen, will be responsible for it. Just help me open up sales. You don't have to worry about anything else."

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