A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2269 Illusion Array

After lunch, I checked the equipment and ropes again, everything was fine.

When the time comes, Zhang Qinghua stands in front of the stone pillar of Kun, with a slightly solemn expression.

There was a large group of grasshoppers behind, excited and nervous, staring at Zhang Qinghua without blinking.

Before the time came, Zhang Qinghua shook his fly whisk and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, the time has come. Please follow me into the formation."

"By breaking through the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation, everyone involved today will definitely be remembered in history. This is something everyone should be proud of."

"However, please do not let down your guard."

"As I said before, after entering, everyone must follow my steps and never make a mistake."

"If there are any timid people, please bring it up now and you can continue to stay here. Don't go in and drag everyone down."

Zhang Qinghua emphasized three times, but no one asked to quit. The old Taoist priest waved his whisk and gave orders.

"Everyone, follow me into the battle."

Zhang Qinghua took a step forward, veins popped out on his forehead, and big beads of sweat oozed out. He was extremely nervous.

After all, it was his first time to see a real formation, and it was also the legendary Nine Palaces Bagua super awesome physical formation.

To say that I'm not nervous is just showing off.

But when he took one step, nothing happened.

The route of the students in front of him remained unchanged. Zhang Qinghua let out a long breath, a look of pride appeared on his face, and he completely relaxed.


"Don't be nervous, everyone. Just as we predicted, our route is completely correct and there is no danger."

"Don't hesitate, come in right away!"

Hearing this, a bunch of grasshoppers walked in, stepping on Zhang Qinghua's footsteps.

After confirming that there was no danger, everyone cheered, as if they had seen the dawn of victory and could celebrate in advance.


"The Taoist master is awesome and the tall man is mighty."

"Master Long is well-deserved!"



"I can be regarded as a pioneer in breaking the formation. This experience is enough for me to brag about my awesomeness for a lifetime."


Everyone cheered, and the four old men were even more excited.

The person who drew the map for the Liu family must be an expert from outside the world.

It's a pity that this expert spent his entire life unable to find a way to break the formation. As a result, the four newbies broke it easily. This is definitely a miracle and indeed something to be proud of.

If they spread the word about this after they go out, their reputation in their respective fields will definitely rise to the next level, and their worth will inevitably rise.

The most proud person is Zhang Qinghua.

He was the number one leader in breaking the formation this time and deserved the most credit.

After going back, he will tell the story of his experience here to the Taoist disciples. From now on, even in front of all the great masters, he, Zhang Qinghua, will have more face.

After cheering for a while, everyone calmed down after Zhang Qinghua's prompting.

Adjust your condition and move on.

After walking windingly for more than half an hour, Liu Peiwen could not conceal her excitement.

"Master Tao, how long will it take to find the formation eye?"

Zhang Qinghua kept walking and talking.

"We estimate that the eye of the formation is in the central area. We just tested it with a compass and found that the magnetic field here is quite strong. It should not be far from the eye of the formation."

"I estimate that we will arrive in half an hour at most."

"Very good."

Liu Peiwen waved her fist vigorously, her whole body shaking with excitement.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master. If you break through the formation, I will be very grateful."

Zhang Qinghua in front waved his hands.

"You're welcome, kid.

, this is our job. "

"As long as you don't forget our previous agreement."

The agreement Zhang Qinghua was referring to was, of course, sharing the treasure land.

Seeing that the formation was about to break, Zhang Qinghua was worried that Liu Peiwen would regret it, so it was necessary to remind him.

Of course Liu Peiwen understood, and just when he was about to express his position, something unexpected happened.

Zhang Qinghua's feet suddenly felt light, and his right foot sank twenty centimeters without weight.


Then a crisp voice sounded, Zhang Qinghua's heart tightened, and he quickly lowered his head to look.

This didn't matter, Zhang Qinghua was scared to death.

I saw a thin stream of thick green smoke rising from his feet.

Green smoke surfaced from the ground and immediately dispersed with the wind.

At this moment, Zhang Qinghua felt dizzy and felt bad.

"No, everyone is young!!"

Before Zhang Qinghua finished speaking, his eyes blurred, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The tall and spectacular stone forests suddenly disappeared and were replaced by endless virgin forests.

The mist is shrouded, animals and birds are chirping, and the scenery is picturesque.


"how so?"

"This is where?"

"No, this, is this the legendary phantom formation?"

Before Zhang Qinghua could take a closer look, he suddenly heard a hissing sound coming from his lower body.

Zhang Qinghua lowered his head to look subconsciously. This sight scared him to death.

Because the rope around his waist had disappeared at some point, and was replaced by a spotted python as thick as an arm coiled around his waist.

The giant python opened its smelly bloody mouth and pointed it at his face. The scarlet letter kept spitting and was ready to attack.

Zhang Qinghua subconsciously knew that he had fallen into an illusion.


But when he saw the python preparing to attack him, he instinctively screamed and fell to the ground.

Then he tried his best to grab the python's neck with both hands to stop it from attacking him.


"Don't come here, go to hell!!"

At this moment, Zhang Qinghua's small universe completely exploded. He grabbed the python's neck and untied it, and then threw it away into the distance.

The python disappeared. Zhang Qinghua's limbs were limp and almost collapsed from exhaustion. He was breathing heavily, and his whole body was completely soaked with sweat.

Half a minute later, Zhang Qinghua finally calmed down, but he was still frightened.

He stood up with support, barely suppressed the fear in his heart, and looked around.

Seeing this, Zhang Qinghua felt even worse.

Except for the thick fog and green vegetation, there was no one around.

Gao Feng and Long Chenghui, who were standing side by side with him before, disappeared.


"how so?"

"Where are the people?"

"Where have everyone gone?"

"Gao Lao"

"Old Dragon."

"Brother Jingshan, boys from the Liu family, where are you?"

"Did anyone hear me?"

"If you hear this, please say something."

Zhang Qinghua screamed hysterically. After a few minutes, his voice became hoarse, but there was still no response.


There was deathly silence all around.

No, there was still a sound, but it was not the sound of his companions, but the howling of wild beasts.

The howling sound of wild beasts reached Zhang Qinghua's ears, making his soul tremble and his heart beat wildly and uncontrollably, almost making him cry out.

Feeling this state, Zhang Qinghua was frightened.

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