A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2280 Is it unexpected?

Seeing the look in the eyes of the man in black, Zhang Qinghua's pupils expanded sharply, thinking that it was a seducer coming to lock the soul, his heart tightened, and he fainted again.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhang Qinghua's dry and flaky lips felt a hint of moisture.

The average person can live a week or more without eating.

However, you can’t do it without drinking water.

If the water loss in the body cannot be replenished, the hair will be curled up in three days at most. If it exceeds three days, it is already a miracle.

In the past few days, Zhang Qinghua and others have been living off the moisture of wild grass and vegetables, and they are at the end of their rope.

At this critical moment, Zhang Qinghua suddenly felt the nourishment of water, and his spirit was lifted. It was like dew after a long drought. .??.

Zhang Qinghua opened his mouth greedily, and a mouthful of nectar flowed into his mouth, making his energy and energy instantly return to the light.

It's a pity that the nectar is just a mouthful and there is no more.

Zhang Qinghua licked his lips and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the "Educator" again for the first time, he was frightened to death.

Fortunately, the "Soul Seducer" didn't embarrass him and walked aside.

Zhang Qinghua's heart was beating wildly and he looked around subconsciously.

Seeing this, the old Taoist priest couldn't help but take a breath of air.

At this time, he, who was tied up with five flowers, was in a huge pit.

To his left, lay some twenty corpses that had begun to decay.

The exposed skin of the corpse was covered with spots, exuding a disgusting putrid odor. Countless flies were buzzing around the corpse.

On the other side of him, Long Chenghui, Gao Feng, Liu Peiwen and others were all lying on the ground tied up.

Zhang Qinghua also unexpectedly discovered that the four people staying outside were among them.

Moreover, the condition is not much better than them.

At this time, the "Seducer" was holding a bottle of mineral water and walking among all the prisoners with an expressionless face.

Give each prisoner a small sip of mineral water, and then search everyone.

Soon, big

All the tools and weapons carried by the family were searched out by men in black.

The man in black was obviously not interested in these things and threw them on the ground casually. He just picked up Long Chenghui's bronze compass and played with it with interest.

With the nourishment of mineral water, everyone woke up after a while.


After taking a long breath, Liu Peiwen opened her eyes and looked around vaguely. Liu Peiwen suddenly became energetic.

"Are we coming out?"

"Ha ha!"

"There are no stone pillars here, we are out, we are really"


Liu Peiwen, who was originally full of surprises, said this, her voice stopped suddenly, and the next second, her eyes were full of fear.


"how so?"

"This is where?"

Everyone woke up one after another, and everyone was shocked when they saw their own state.

After a few seconds, everyone's eyes were focused on the man in black playing with the compass.

Needless to say, this person must have brought them out.

Who is this person?

How could he bring everyone out of the formation?

Even the corpse was brought out, this is so awesome!

But since he brought everyone out, why did Mao tie everyone up?

Everyone was confused and completely bewildered.

At this moment, the man in black lowered his head and was concentrating on playing with the compass. Liu Peiwen and others could not see his face clearly.

Liu Peiwen took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

"Friend, may I ask who you are?"

"Did you rescue us?"

"Are you the hunter here?"

After asking three times in a row, the man in black did not respond. Liu Peiwen did not give up and continued to ask.

"Friend, since you rescued us, why are you tying us up again?"

"Oh I see."

"Did you see the weapons on us and think we were bad guys?"

"If you think so, you've misunderstood."

"We are all travel enthusiasts. We met here for an adventure a few days ago, but ended up being accidentally trapped."

"We are only carrying weapons for self-defense. Don't worry, we are definitely not bad people. If you don't believe it, you can check our identification."

"Please let us go, we will be grateful."

"Can I give you one million?"

Having said this, the man in black suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth and smiled, his white teeth forming a sharp contrast with his dirt-covered face.

When the man in black smiled, not only did Liu Peiwen feel no kindness, but she was frightened out of her wits.


"It's you."


"Liu Laoer, you are so shameless!"

"Even a scum like you dares to call yourself a good person, how can you have the nerve to say this?" The man in black sneered.


Hearing this voice, Liu Peiwen exclaimed, rolled her eyes, and almost fell into coma again.

"You, you, you are Lu Fei."

"How will you be here?"


As soon as Liu Peiwen's words came out, it was like a thunderbolt exploded above everyone's heads, and everyone shivered in excitement.

Even Chang Yufei, who was in unbearable pain, woke up.

"Lu Fei, it's really brother Lu Fei."

"Brother Lu Fei, I am Yu Fei!"

"Help me, help me!"

Chang Yufei groaned in pain and used Lu Fei as a life-saving straw, but Lu Fei ignored him at all and kept his eyes on Liu Peiwen.

"Liu Laoer, you didn't expect to see me here, did you?"

"How about it?"

"Are you surprised or surprised?"


Before meeting Lu Fei, Liu Peiwen hated Lu Fei deeply and was always thinking about how to kill Lu Fei and avenge her family.

But when she really saw Lu Fei, Liu Peiwen's fear concealed her hatred, and she even felt guilty.

Just like an animal encountering a natural enemy, this is a fear engraved in the subconscious, a shadow that will never go away.

Although Zhang Qinghua has never met Lu Fei, Lu Fei's reputation is so famous that everyone knows it, and Zhang Qinghua certainly knows it.

Zhang Qinghua heard that although Lu Fei was arrogant, he hated evil and was quite decent.

He boasted that he had never offended Lu Fei, so of course there was no need to be afraid of Lu Fei.

"Boss Lu, I am Zhang Qinghua from the Zhang family in Baodao. I have been close friends with Boss Lu for a long time."

"I have nothing against Boss Lu. Can you let me go first?"

"Old man, I haven't eaten for several days. If I don't eat anymore, I really can't stand it anymore."

"Boss Lu"

There were pleadings all around, but Lu Fei ignored them all, smiled sinisterly at Liu Peiwen, and then came to Long Chenghui.

Long Chenghui and Lu Fei were overjoyed and excited to let him go.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, thank you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, Long Chenghui will never forget your life-saving grace today."

“After returning to Hong Kong Island, I will definitely prepare a generous gift to express my gratitude!

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