A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2281 Open your eyes

Long Chenghui thought Lu Fei was going to let him out, so he was overjoyed and thanked him profusely.

But after thanking him, Lu Fei didn't untie him. Instead, he sneered.

Long Chenghui's heart trembled, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

"Mr. Lu, you"

Lu Fei waved his hand and interrupted Long Chenghui.

"Old man, where did you get this compass?" Lu Fei asked lightly.

Hearing this, Long Chenghui's eyes lit up.

It turns out that Lu Fei is interested in his compass!

"Mr. Lu, to be honest, this was given to me by my master." .??.

"Be more detailed!" Lu Fei said.


"About five years ago, a wealthy businessman from Changzhou in the Mainland came to Hong Kong Island and begged me to order an ancestral grave for their family."

"Originally, my schedule was already full and I wanted to refuse."

"But later, the wealthy businessman took out a forty-nine-layered bronze compass and promised to give the compass to Lao Cheng as long as he agreed to visit their family's ancestral graves."

"The attraction of compasses to earth masters is really great. What's more, this is a forty-nine-level heaven-level compass that is rare to see in a century."

"The old man was greedy for a moment, so he accepted this gift. Of course, he also helped his ancestors choose a geomantic treasure land."

Long Chenghui was right, the compass was too important to the Earth Master.

A common compass only has eighteen levels at most.

Anyone who can understand the eighteen-level compass is already considered a master in the industry.

With this ability, he must be a well-known earth master in the local area.

However, this level is just to show people the shady house and Feng Shui in the place.

In the broad and profound metaphysical theory, this ability is not yet considered top-notch.

A person who can be called a master can understand at least the thirty-sixth level.

Therefore, the compass is also divided into four levels: "Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow" due to the number of layers.

The twenty-fourth floor of the yellow-level compass looks at Feng Shui and Yin Mansion.

Xuan level Luo

On the 32nd floor, you can see the mountains, rivers and dragon veins.

The thirty-sixth level of the earth-level compass can be used to see luck and eliminate evil spirits.

The 49th level of the heavenly compass is said to be able to observe the stars, determine the universe, and even calculate the fortune for hundreds of years.

However, throughout the ages, people who can understand the forty-nine-level heavenly compass are very rare.

In the secular world, those who can understand the heaven-level compass are all super bosses at the national master level.

For example, super masters such as Yuan Tiangang and Liu Bowen.

As an earth master, seeing the forty-nine-level heaven-level compass is like a collector seeing a firewood kiln or a martial artist meeting a magic weapon. Of course, he can't stop.

Therefore, Long Chenghui had no reason to refuse.

"Mr. Lu, if you like it, I will give you this heavenly compass. I just ask you to take me out of this hellish place."

After Long Chenghui finished speaking flatteringly, a dozen disdainful looks came from around him.

Those fellow sufferers despised him at this time.

Damn it!

This old guy is so smooth.

In front of them, a group of arrogant people is called a bastard.

Now the situation has turned. He is as flattering to Lu Fei as a grandson. He has no integrity at all. He is so fucking mean!

Lu Fei sneered without comment.

"Old man, tell me carefully, what is the surname of the person who gave you the compass, and where did you place the ancestral grave for their family?" Lu Fei asked.

Several years have passed since the incident, but due to the appearance of the Heavenly Compass, Long Chenghui still remembers it fresh.

He told Lu Fei the story of his coming to the mainland in as much detail as possible. When Lu Fei heard this, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and he already knew what he was talking about.

"Mr. Lu, I gave you the compass, can you take me back?"

"Your great kindness and kindness will never be forgotten. I will always have Mr. Lu in the future."

Wherever I can use it, I will definitely not refuse. "Long Chenghui said confidently.

Lu Fei chuckled, took out a piece of deerskin, and carefully wiped the compass clean.

"Old man, do you think this is a heaven-level compass?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.


Long Chenghui was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously.

"You can't go wrong."

"Although I have limited abilities, I can still recognize the Heavenly Compass."

"Moreover, I have had someone authenticate it. This compass is at least a thousand years old and is definitely not a modern imitation."

"I know that Mr. Lu loves collecting swords and heroes, so he gave this compass to Mr. Lu."

Long Chenghui's eyes were filled with anticipation, but Lu Fei refused to let him go. Instead, he lit a cigarette and looked at him and laughed.

"Old man, how many layers can you see on this compass?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'm old and stupid, I can barely see the twenty-eighth floor." Long Chenghui said with shame.

"Only the twenty-eighth floor?"

"I heard that you are a famous earth master in Hong Kong Island, and you have only seen the twenty-eighth floor?"

"With your level, can you be called a master?"

"Isn't this master too cheap now?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


Long Chenghui smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. Lu, you are joking. The so-called master titles are all named by customers."

"I know I'm not at that level yet."

Lu Fei nodded.

"You still have some self-awareness."

With that said, Lu Fei sighed.

"Given your level, this treasure falling into your hands would be a waste."

"It's even an insult to the Supreme Compass, so I decided to confiscate it. Do you have any objection?"

"No no!"


"Wait a moment!"


"Mr. Lu, what did you just say?"

"You said this is the Supreme Compass?" Long Chenghui asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is the Supreme Compass."


Long Chenghui forced out a smile.

"Yes, you said it is the Supreme Compass, it is the Supreme Compass."


"Old man, it sounds like you are forcing yourself to say this!"

"Why, I said this is the Supreme Compass, don't you believe it?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Don't hesitate, just say what you're thinking. How uncomfortable is it to hold it in?"


Long Chenghui gritted his teeth and said.

"Mr. Lu, I dare not lie to you. This is not the Supreme Compass at all."

"Maybe you don't know much about metaphysics. The compass is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow."

"This compass has forty-nine levels. According to the levels, this is a heaven-level compass."

"And the Supreme Compass has sixty-four levels. It is a legendary treasure and does not exist at all."


"Have you never seen the Supreme Compass?" Lu Fei asked.

Long Chenghui shook his head.

"I've never seen it. The Supreme Compass is just a legend and doesn't exist at all."

Zhang Qinghua next to him also nodded.

"Mr. Lu, Lao Long is right, the Supreme Compass really does not exist."

"At the very least, no one has seen it within a hundred years, otherwise there must be records in the Taoist classics."

"Moreover, if the Supreme Compass comes out, Taoism in the world will be greatly shaken."

"They will even grab it at all costs."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Just because you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that the Supreme Compass doesn't exist."

"I am happy today, young master, so I will let you two old guys open your eyes."

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