A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2282 The Supreme Underworld

Lu Fei said that this bronze compass was the legendary Supreme Compass, but Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui both expressed disbelief.

But at this moment, Lu Fei moved.

Throwing away the towel in his hand, he stretched out his fingers and grabbed the rapidly rotating compass pointer.

Then press it down, and there will be a slight crisp sound from the compass.

Then I pulled the pointer upwards, and suddenly, a miracle happened.

In the meantime, the edge of the round bronze compass in Lu Fei's hand made a crisp sound, and then some fine patina fell off.

Then, an incredible scene happened.

The edge of the circular compass actually extended outward by two centimeters.

The two centimeters extending out are obviously different from the color of the central area.

The two centimeters on the outer circle are engraved with dense star patterns, which actually extend to fifteen layers.

Counting the forty-nine floors in the inner circle, it is exactly sixty-four floors.

Moreover, in the half-centimeter blank space pointing north and south on the outer circle, four bird seal characters are engraved on the upper and lower sides.

Seeing this scene, the two Earth Masters from Mingguan and Liangdao were completely stunned.

"This. How is this possible?"

"I have studied this compass many times. There are obviously no gaps in the compass. How can there be a mechanism inside?"

"This is incredible!!"

At this moment, the two old men forgot about hunger and were still tied up. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened to the extreme.

"The sixty-fourth floor, yes, the sixty-fourth floor."

"Oh my God!"

"This, this is really the Supreme Compass."

"It's incredible." Zhang Qinghua shouted with eyes wide open.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Now do you believe this is the Supreme Compass?"

The two old men nodded like chickens and rice. Their eyes were full of shock and they no longer cared about answering.

Lu Fei pointed to the four bird seal characters in the blank space in the south direction and asked.

"Old man, do you know these four words?"

The two old men looked at it and shook their heads in embarrassment.


"It doesn't matter if you don't know him, I can tell you."

"The two characters above are "Yellow Spring" and the two characters below are "Supreme"."

"How is it? Do you have any impression?"


Hearing the words "Huangquan Zhizun", the two old men felt as if they were struck by lightning, their faces were as pale as a sieve of chaff.

"Sovereign Huangquan?"

"You said this is the Huangquan Supreme Compass?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"That's right!"


"This is actually the Supreme Lord Huangquan!"

The two old men raised their necks and looked up at the sky.


! "

"I didn't expect that I would actually see the legendary Huangquan Supreme, Huangquan Supreme!"

"God, I'm so honored. Even if I die now, I can still have a smile on my face!!"

The two old men were so excited that even Zheng Rong, Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei next to them trembled.

Huangquan supreme!

This name is too loud.

Throughout the ages, there have been grave diggers, feng shui readers, fortune tellers, etc., as well as seasoned monks.

No matter which industry you are in, as long as you are involved in metaphysics, you have definitely heard of the name Huangquan Supreme.

If you meet a Feng Shui practitioner and ask him about Huang Quan Zhi Zhi, if he can't tell you why, then he must be a parallel importer and a liar.

Because the reputation of Huangquan Supreme is too great.

This is the first supreme compass in China.

It is precisely because of the emergence of Huangquan Supreme that China's metaphysics has been brought to a whole new level.

The person who developed the Huangquan Supreme Compass is named Tao Hongjing, and he is even known as a patriarch-like existence.

Speaking of Tao Hongjing, if you are not an insider, you may not have heard of it.

But name one of his achievements and you must know it.

The Maoshan sect is often mentioned in film and television works and various documents.

And Tao Hongjing is the founder of the Maoshan Sect and the real super boss.

Speaking of attainments in metaphysics.

China has a civilization of five thousand years, and the only one who can compare with him is the genius Yuan Tiangang.

However, this only refers to attainments in this area.

Strictly speaking, Yuan Tiangang still cannot be compared with Tao Hongjing.

The reason why Yuan Tiangang is so talented is not only his own talent, but also the accumulation of knowledge and flexible application, and his ability to draw inferences from one instance to other cases.

However, without Tao Hongjing's theory and knowledge as a guide, no matter how great Yuan Tiangang was, he would not be able to achieve his later achievements.

Therefore, it is absolutely deserved to say that Tao Hongjing is the first person in metaphysics.

Tao Hongjing is not only a master of metaphysics, but also a master of medicine, and he is also a pretty awesome alchemist.

Tao Hongjing had been engaged in alchemy experiments for a long time. Emperor Wu of Liang gave him gold, cinnabar, zengqing, realgar and other raw materials to make elixirs.

He mastered a lot of chemical knowledge during the alchemy process. For example, mercury can form amalgam with certain metals, and amalgam can be used for plating.

One of Tao Hongjing's contributions to chemistry was to record the flame analysis method of potassium nitrate: "Someone got a substance some time ago. Its color and properties are similar to those of saltpeter. It is as dense as snow but not ice. When it is burned hard, purple and green smoke rises. It still turns into ash and keeps boiling, like saltpeter, and the cloud is really sludge." The so-called "purple green smoke" is a unique property of potassium salt.

Tao Hongjing's record is the earliest record of potassium salt identification in the history of world chemistry.

In the tenth year of Qi Yongming's reign, Tao Hongjing retired to Maoshan. Emperor Wu of Liang came to ask Tao Hongjing to come out many times, but he politely declined.

Emperor Wu of Liang had no choice but to appoint Tao Hongjing as the prime minister of the mountain. From then on, he established Qingxiu in Maoshan. Lu Fei said that this bronze compass was the legendary Supreme Compass, but Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui both expressed disbelief.

But at this moment, Lu Fei moved.

Throwing away the towel in his hand, he stretched out his fingers and grabbed the rapidly rotating compass pointer.

Then press it down, and there will be a slight crisp sound from the compass.

Then I pulled the pointer upwards, and suddenly, a miracle happened.

In the meantime, the edge of the round bronze compass in Lu Fei's hand made a crisp sound, and then some fine patina fell off.

Then, an incredible scene happened. .??.

The edge of the circular compass actually extended outward by two centimeters.

The two centimeters extending out are obviously different from the color of the central area.

The two centimeters on the outer circle are engraved with dense star patterns, which actually extend to fifteen layers.

Counting the forty-nine floors in the inner circle, it is exactly sixty-four floors.

Moreover, in the half-centimeter blank space pointing north and south on the outer circle, four bird seal characters are engraved on the upper and lower sides.

Seeing this scene, the two Earth Masters from Mingguan and Liangdao were completely stunned.

"This. How is this possible?"

"I have studied this compass many times. There are obviously no gaps in the compass. How can there be a mechanism inside?"

"This is incredible!!"

At this moment, the two old men forgot about hunger and were still tied up. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened to the extreme.

"The sixty-fourth floor, yes, the sixty-fourth floor."

"Oh my God!"

"This, this is really the Supreme Compass."

"It's incredible." Zhang Qinghua shouted with eyes wide open.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Now do you believe this is the Supreme Compass?"

The two old men nodded like chickens and rice. Their eyes were full of shock and they no longer cared about answering.

Lu Fei pointed to the four bird seal characters in the blank space in the south direction and asked.

"Old man, do you know these four words?"

The two old men looked at it and shook their heads in embarrassment.


"It doesn't matter if you don't know him, I can tell you."

"The two characters above are "Yellow Spring" and the two characters below are "Supreme"."

"How is it? Do you have any impression?"


Hearing the words "Huangquan Zhizun", the two old men felt as if they were struck by lightning, their faces were as pale as a sieve of chaff.

"Sovereign Huangquan?"

"You said this is the Huangquan Supreme Compass?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"That's right!"


"This is actually the Supreme Lord Huangquan!"

The two old men raised their necks and looked up at the sky.


! "

"I didn't expect that I would actually see the legendary Huangquan Supreme, Huangquan Supreme!"

"God, I'm so honored. Even if I die now, I can still have a smile on my face!!"

The two old men were so excited that even Zheng Rong, Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei next to them trembled.

Huangquan supreme!

This name is too loud.

Throughout the ages, there have been grave diggers, feng shui readers, fortune tellers, etc., as well as seasoned monks.

No matter which industry you are in, as long as you are involved in metaphysics, you have definitely heard of the name Huangquan Supreme.

If you meet a Feng Shui practitioner and ask him about Huang Quan Zhi Zhi, if he can't tell you why, then he must be a parallel importer and a liar.

Because the reputation of Huangquan Supreme is too great.

This is the first supreme compass in China.

It is precisely because of the emergence of Huangquan Supreme that China's metaphysics has been brought to a whole new level.

The person who developed the Huangquan Supreme Compass is named Tao Hongjing, and he is even known as a patriarch-like existence.

Speaking of Tao Hongjing, if you are not an insider, you may not have heard of it.

But name one of his achievements and you must know it.

The Maoshan sect is often mentioned in film and television works and various documents.

And Tao Hongjing is the founder of the Maoshan Sect and the real super boss.

Speaking of attainments in metaphysics.

China has a civilization of five thousand years, and the only one who can compare with him is the genius Yuan Tiangang.

However, this only refers to attainments in this area.

Strictly speaking, Yuan Tiangang still cannot be compared with Tao Hongjing.

The reason why Yuan Tiangang is so talented is not only his own talent, but also the accumulation of knowledge and flexible application, and his ability to draw inferences from one instance to other cases.

However, without Tao Hongjing's theory and knowledge as a guide, no matter how great Yuan Tiangang was, he would not be able to achieve his later achievements.

Therefore, it is absolutely deserved to say that Tao Hongjing is the first person in metaphysics.

Tao Hongjing is not only a master of metaphysics, but also a master of medicine, and he is also a pretty awesome alchemist.

Tao Hongjing had been engaged in alchemy experiments for a long time. Emperor Wu of Liang gave him gold, cinnabar, zengqing, realgar and other raw materials to make elixirs.

He mastered a lot of chemical knowledge during the alchemy process. For example, mercury can form amalgam with certain metals, and amalgam can be used for plating.

One of Tao Hongjing's contributions to chemistry was to record the flame analysis method of potassium nitrate: "Someone got a substance some time ago. Its color and properties are similar to those of saltpeter. It is as dense as snow but not ice. When it is burned hard, purple and green smoke rises. It still turns into ash and keeps boiling, like saltpeter, and the cloud is really sludge." The so-called "purple green smoke" is a unique property of potassium salt.

Tao Hongjing's record is the earliest record of potassium salt identification in the history of world chemistry.

In the tenth year of Qi Yongming's reign, Tao Hongjing retired to Maoshan. Emperor Wu of Liang came to ask Tao Hongjing to come out many times, but he politely declined.

Emperor Wu of Liang had no choice but to appoint Tao Hongjing as the prime minister of the mountain. From then on, he established Qingxiu in Maoshan.

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