A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2283 You all deserve to die

The Huangquan Supreme Compass created by Tao Hongjing, the founder of the Maoshan School, was also the first Supreme Compass ever created.

It can be seen how significant this compass is.

Before, this was just a legendary treasure. Even ninety-nine percent of Xuanmen believe that there is no Supreme Compass in the world.

But when they saw it with their own eyes the day before yesterday, everyone was shocked.

Zhang Qinghua's eyes were as wide as a toad, and Long Chenghui was in a trance, which was even worse.

"Oh my God!"

"The compass in my hand is actually the Huangquan Supreme Compass of Patriarch Tao Hongjing. How is this possible?"

"Damn it, why didn't I notice it earlier!"


"I regret it to death!"

However, this is nothing.

At this moment, Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui both discovered a problem.

The pointer of the Huangquan Supreme Compass in Lu Fei's hand no longer rotates. The pointer is fixed and motionless, showing a majestic momentum that looks down on all things and suppresses evil spirits.

At this moment, the sixty-four layers of patterns and directions around the pointer seem to be alive, surrounding the central fixed plate, like a vast universe, mysterious and sacred, giving people an impulse to worship.

"Oh my God!"

"The legend is true!"

"The Supreme Compass is really not affected by any magnetic field interference. This is amazing. It is simply an artifact!"

At this time, Long Chenghui's intestines were about to turn green.


I hate myself for not discovering the secret of Huangquan Supreme.

If I had known that this was the Supreme Compass, with this treasure, I might not be able to get out of the formation!

Now that it was ruined, Lu Fei had no choice but to use this treasure if he wanted to survive.

Long Chenghui was unwilling to give in, but he had no choice. This made people dare not bow their heads under the eaves!

"Mr. Lu, today, I will dedicate this Huangquan Supreme Compass to you. I just ask you to take me out." Long Chenghui said anxiously.

Lu Fei put away the compass and smiled eerily, making Long Chenghui smile.

Feeling numb all over.

"Mr. Lu"


"Old man, as the saying goes, those who are virtuous will live in it, and those who are without virtue will lose it."

"With your half-hearted level, putting the Huangquan Supreme in your place is simply an insult to this treasure."

"So, I decided to confiscate the Supreme Underworld. You didn't give it to me on your own initiative. I don't have any friendship with you, so you can just stay here with peace of mind!" Lu Fei said with a smile.


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Long Chenghui and Zhang Qinghua almost peed their pants.

Right here!

What does this mean?

After looking at their surroundings, the two old men suddenly had a very bad idea!

Could it be that Lu Fei wanted to bury them alive?


Thinking of this, the two old men were frightened to death.

"Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

"It seems we haven't offended you, right?"

"Why don't you let us go?" Long Chenghui asked nervously.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Old man, you are wrong. It's not that I refuse to let you go, it's that God wants to take you in."

"I am called to do justice for heaven, so just accept your fate!"


The two old men almost vomited blood.

What is this nonsense?

It’s too unfair for us to just do justice to God for whatever happens to us!

"Mr. Lu, the old Zhang Qinghua has lived for sixty-seven years and has done some wrong things, but if he asks himself, he has never done anything immoral, let alone offended Mr. Lu."

"Not only that, I have also admired Mr. Lu for a long time. What do you mean by this?" Zhang Qinghua said.


Lu Fei smiled casually, but in the next second, his sword eyebrows stood up, and his hawk-like eyes suddenly became sharp. Zhang Qinghua was so frightened that he felt palpitations and almost had a heart attack, so he quickly lowered his head.

"Have you never done anything immoral?"

"Old Zhangtou, are you sure?" Lu Fei asked.

Zhang Qinghua's heart was beating wildly and he was scared to death.

But now was a critical moment of life and death. There was no point in being afraid, so Zhang Qinghua had no choice but to nod his head.

"I'm sure I've never done anything immoral."


"You said you have never done anything immoral, then let me ask you, what are you doing here?" Lu Fei asked.


Zhang Qinghua was slightly startled and then said.

"I was entrusted by Liu Peiwen to come here to break the formation. Is this true?"


Lu Fei snorted coldly and dismissed the second half of Zhang Qinghua's words.

"Break the formation?"

"Old man, can you tell there is a formation here?" Lu Fei asked.



"This is a huge Nine Palaces and Bagua formation." Zhang Qinghua said.


"You think you have some knowledge."

"Then let me ask you, why does such a huge formation appear here for no reason?" Lu Fei asked.


When Lu Fei asked, Zhang Qinghua was stunned.

"Mr. Lu, as far as I know, this is the first dragon vein branch of Kunlun's main dragon vein, and it is the best geomantic treasure in the world."

"The powerful one who laid down the formation must be using this formation to protect this area. Sis."

After saying this, Zhang Qinghua took a breath of air and turned pale instantly.


People spend countless manpower and material resources

Financial resources, set up this formation to occupy and protect this Feng Shui treasure land.

But he followed Liu Peiwen here to break the formation.

In name, it was to break the formation, but in reality it was to forcibly seize the treasured land occupied by others!

Isn't this a bad thing?

Not only is he lacking in virtue, but he also lacks great virtue.

If the powerful person who was put into the formation knew about it, Juebi would not let him go.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qinghua suddenly felt guilty.

"Old man, keep talking!"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Didn't you say you've never done anything immoral?" Lu Fei sneered.

"Me." Zhang Qinghua was suddenly speechless.


"Old guy, if you don't live a good life, and you come to this muddy water, you are seeking death."

"You are also from Baodao. Don't you know the virtues of the Liu family?"

"In the past sixty years, have you lived like a fucking dog?" Lu Fei yelled.

"Lu Fei!"

When Lu Fei said this, Liu Peiwen next to him didn't like hearing it.

"Lu Fei, you want to insult our Liu family again." Liu Peiwen glared angrily.


"You said I insulted you?"


"Don't say I didn't give you a chance, but tell me, why did I insult you?"


"What, you can't tell me?"

"I said your Liu family is not a thing, it's all light."

"They dig up graves, steal ancient relics, and collude with Christie's to resell cultural relics and antiques from China abroad to make huge profits."

"In the past, this was called collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. You, the Liu family, should all deserve to die!"


Liu Peiwen's eyes were about to burst and her eyes were red, but she was speechless.

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