A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2286 Is it normal?

When he saw Lu Fei, Gao Feng was stunned at first, but when he saw his tied state, Gao Feng suddenly became furious.

"Baolan Fei, you tied us up?"

Lu Fei nodded disdainfully.



"Lu Fei, you are so brave, what do you want to do?"

"Do you still have the king's law in your eyes? Do you still have the law?"

"I advise you to let me go immediately, otherwise I will sue you for kidnapping!"


Lu Fei was amused by Gao Feng's serious expression.

"Lu Fei, why are you laughing?"


"Don't think that you can be lawless now that you have money and status. If you think that way, you are totally wrong."

"China is a country that follows laws. No matter how powerful and wealthy you are, you cannot act recklessly."

"In China, there are many people who can control you."

"You'd better let us all go immediately, otherwise, if I spread what happened today, you will be in catastrophe." Gao Feng shouted hysterically.

It's a pity that after venting his anger, Lu Fei's expression remained unchanged, his heart didn't beat, and he didn't have a trace of fear.

Looking at Liu Peiwen and others around him, they all stared at him like an idiot. There was even a hint of sympathy in their eyes, which surprised Gao Feng.

"Mr. Liu, everyone, don't be afraid of Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei is indeed rich and powerful, but no matter what, it is a fact that he kidnapped us."

"If we sue him, he will still be able to walk around without food."


There were sighs all around, and Lu Fei smiled.


"You're done pretending. If you keep pretending, I'm going to vomit."

"Lu Fei, what do you mean?"

"Do you still want to kill people and silence them?" Gao Feng said angrily.


Silence? "


"Your suggestion is very good and worth considering."

"How dare you!" Gao Feng roared.


"You, Gao Feng, dare to collude with Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei to steal and smuggle Chinese cultural relics. Why don't I, Lu Fei, dare?"

Speaking of this, Lu Fei put away his smile, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and Gao Feng's heart suddenly trembled.

"The rags are flying, you are spitting blood." Gao Feng shouted.


"You said I was a slanderer?"

"Okay, then let me ask you."

"What were you doing at Huangbai Mountain in Liujiawan on April 12th?"

"On April 18th, what were you doing in Tianshui Huanglongling?"

"What happened when you appeared here today?"

"Old guy, don't tell me you're here for a trip."


Lu Fei's words were no less than a nuclear bomb exploding in the hearts of Gaofeng Liu Peiwen, Chang Yufei, and all the surviving descendants of the Nine Sects. It almost blew up the souls of these people and wiped them out. They were all bad.


At this moment, Gao Feng was sweating profusely, his clothes were all soaked, and his face turned pale instantly.

"you you"

Gao Feng has been talking to you for a long time, but you are speechless.


"What, you can't say it yet or you dare not say it?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You, how did you know?" Liu Peiwen asked fearfully.


Lu Fei rolled his eyes at Liu Peiwen and said coldly.

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing."

"Do you think all Chinese people are fools?"

Before Lu Fei left Xianyang, he gave Xuanlong an order to thoroughly investigate the case of Liu Peiwen and his gang's excavation of ancient tombs and ancient relics.

Even though the cultural protection department was helpless about this case, it couldn't help Xuanlong.

What's more, Lu Fei also provided them with a series of clues about Liu Peiwen and the Zheng brothers.

After several days of investigation, Xuanlong has obtained some evidence of the crimes committed by Liu Peiwen and others.

Three days ago, Yang Yi sent the evidence to Lu Fei. To Lu Fei's surprise, Gao Feng was actually involved.

From that moment on, Lu Fei had already sentenced Gao Feng to death in his heart.

Lu Fei lit up his cigarette, looked at Gao Feng, who was mourning for his concubine, and smiled coldly.

"Old Gaotou, you were always against me before. I just thought that my rise had covered up your glory. You were a little resentful towards me."

"But I really didn't expect that you would be willing to degenerate and do things that harm the country."

"The country and Mr. Kong have trained you for so many years, but you repay the country in this way. Doesn't your heart hurt?"

"I" Gao Feng's face was red, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

But looking at Lu Fei's expression, Gao Feng's shame instantly turned into overwhelming anger.


"Lu Fei, you don't have to tell me this."

"Who do you think you are?"

"Are you worthy of teaching me a lesson?"

"Others don't know you, but I, Gao Feng, know."

"In the eyes of outsiders, you are a famous treasure appraiser and a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist."

"But how could they know that beneath all this vanity, what is concealed is your despicable, shameless, ugly and disgusting face." Gao Feng roared.


"I didn't expect that you could give me such a high evaluation, Lao Gaotou. I'm really flattered.


"But, I don't understand, how could I be so despicable?" Lu Fei said.


"Lu Fei, you don't need to use clever words. I, Gao Feng, have already investigated you clearly."

"Although your Lu family has opened a Treasure Collection Pavilion, it's just a low-end antique shop."

"Two years ago, you were just a fresh graduate from the Archeology Department of Bianliang University. You were not even qualified to be an intern at the Bianliang Museum, so you had to make a living by collecting rags."

"But half a year later, you were shocked."

"I harvested countless treasures and took Ru Kiln back to Jincheng to seek revenge on the Liu family."

"You tell others that your treasures are collected from junk. You can fool others, but you can't fool me."

"There are thousands of people collecting rags in the world, but you are so lucky. Is this possible?"

“There’s nothing wrong with receiving one or two antiques.”

"But if you can collect more than a dozen pieces, dozens of pieces, and even Ru kiln, do you think everyone is an idiot?"

"What international joke are you kidding?"

"Also, at the Hong Kong Island Treasure Fighting Conference, you showed off the bamboo slips, Suma Liqing, Yuan blue and white, Hongwu tea and other important treasures."

"Taking out just one of these can cause a huge shock in the collecting and archaeological circles, but you take them out in batches. Is this normal?"

"This is also collected from rags?"

"Are you fooling the devil?"

"I dare to swear that those things of yours definitely came from the wrong place. They were either stolen ancient tombs or stolen ancient ruins."

"What's annoying is that I don't know what means you used to confuse my teacher. I asked him to investigate, but he strictly prohibited it."

"I'm telling you, Baoshaifei, you are lucky to be where you are today."

"If my teacher had asked me to investigate you, your fucking reputation would have been ruined."

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