A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2287 The gap between us

Gao Feng vented his anger and shocked everyone.

Damn it!

Is Lao Gao crazy?

Have you seen the situation clearly?

Now Lu Fei is the master!

Is it wise for you to challenge him?

Aren't you afraid that Lu Fei will stab you in a rage and bury you alive first?

What a fool!

Liu Peiwen thinks differently from others.

Gao Feng's words completely spoke to Liu Peiwen's heart.

Not only Gao Feng was suspicious of Lu Fei, but Liu Peiwen was even more suspicious.

A rag-collecting bastard wandering the streets of Bianliang with no roots or roots.

Within half a year, it suddenly emerged.

Taking the treasure Ru kiln back to Jincheng to take revenge, the Liu family lost billions, and they became mortal enemies from then on.

Half a year ago, I was still a student and did not stand out in school.

But when he came out to collect rags, he got out of hand.

His eyesight exceeds that of China's top treasure appraiser, his mind is more meticulous than the old Toutiao who has decades of experience, and he is still a master of craftsmanship. This is simply unbelievable and absolutely abnormal.

Liu Peiwen investigated this doubt for a long time, but unfortunately she still had no clue.

Now Gao Feng asked, Liu Peiwen pricked up her ears, ready to hear Lu Fei's explanation.

Lu Fei looked at Gao Feng and curled his lips in disdain.

"Old Gaotou, is there any evidence for what you said?"


"If there was evidence, would you still be able to keep talking till today?"

"Although there is no evidence, I firmly believe in my guess that those things of yours definitely came from something wrong," Gao Feng said.

When Lu Fei heard this, his eyebrows suddenly stood up.

"So, you have been working tirelessly to investigate me?" Lu Fei asked.


"Then the last time you went to my house in Jincheng, were you also going to investigate me?"



"It's a pity that you destroyed all the evidence, and there's nothing I can do for you.

. "

"But don't forget, God is watching what you do, sooner or later you will be exposed." Gao Feng roared.


Lu Fei waved his hand and hit Gao Feng firmly on the face.

The latter screamed, and an object, mixed with blood foam, flew out of his mouth.

Everyone looked closely, it was Gao Feng's dentures.

The dentures came out of his mouth, and when he looked at Gao Feng's mouth, it suddenly shrank together, looking like a strange chrysanthemum.


"Lu Fei, you fucking dare to hit me?"


As soon as Gao Feng finished speaking, Lu Fei slapped him again.

"Gaofeng, I am Cao Nima!"

Lu Fei cursed loudly and burst out with murderous aura, frightening the people around him and even Gao Feng trembled all over.

"Gaofeng, do you know why I hit you?"

"If you find evidence that I, Lu Fei, have violated the law and discipline, I, Lu Fei, will truly admire you."

"But you don't have any evidence, you just rely on your own nonsense guesses, and yet you mess with me everywhere."

"It's okay for you to cause trouble for me, but my elder Zhang Huaizhi died in Jincheng just because of your speculation."

"Just for this, you deserve to die."

"If you try to force a villain or a big fool, I will make sure you die today."

"You think you're the only one who's smart?"


"Actually, you, Gao Feng, are the number one idiot in the world!"

"Why doesn't Guan Haishan doubt me?"

"Why doesn't Mr. Wang doubt me?"

"Your master, Mr. Kong, why doesn't he doubt me?"

"Do you think they are all protecting me?"

"You are wrong!"

"Your master is an upright man.

Upright, if he knew that I had violated laws and disciplines, he would personally bring me to justice. "

"The reason why I asked you not to investigate is because your master knows my strength, Lu Fei."

"The task that you think is impossible is completely possible with my ability."

Lu Fei said, taking out the reset Huangquan Supreme Compass and sending it to Gao Feng.

"Old guy, people say you are a great master, so show me what this is?" Lu Fei shouted.

Gao Feng was so scolded by Lu Fei that he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Before he could get angry, Lu Fei changed the subject.

Gao Feng looked at the compass in Lu Fei's hand and said disdainfully.

"Isn't this the heavenly compass of Master Long?"

"What do you mean you brought this thing out?"

"Take a closer look. Are you sure this is a heaven-level compass?" Lu Fei asked.


"No matter what tricks you want to play, this is also a heaven-level compass."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Tell me again, when did this compass come from?"

Gao Feng wanted to challenge Lu Fei, so he couldn't help but take a closer look.

"Baolan Fei, don't think that you are the only one with outstanding eyesight. I have decades of experience at the peak and you don't need to be inferior!"


Lu Fei smiled disdainfully.

"Let's not talk about the useless things. Instead, tell me, what dynasty did this thing come from?"


"Look at the coating, this compass is more than 1,500 years old."

"The material of the compass is refined bronze. Judging from the age of the reform of bronze smelting technology, this heaven-level compass should be from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the early Sui and Tang Dynasties," Gao Feng said.

After hearing what Gao Feng said, Lu Fei couldn't help but look at this guy.

Although Lu Fei hates Gao Feng, he has to say that this old guy is indeed rich in experience and can definitely be called a master. Unfortunately, he has evil intentions, thinks too highly of himself, and is too arrogant.

"Old Gaotou, based on your guess, how much would you value this compass?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, are you sick?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Gao Feng asked.

"answer my question."


"This heaven-level compass has exceeded the year of the transaction. However, according to the market situation, the price of a heaven-level compass of this quality will not be less than 8 million." Gao Feng said.


"Are you sure?" Lu Fei smiled.

"Of course I'm sure, the error will not exceed 500,000." Gao Feng said proudly.

"Hahaha!" Lu Fei laughed wildly upon hearing this.

"Why are you laughing?" Gao Feng asked.

"Old Gaotou, this is the gap between you and me."

"Through this compass, you can understand why you think it is an impossible task, but I, Lu Fei, can do it."

"Because your eyesight and ability are not worth mentioning in front of me."

"As for my master's level and ability, even if you spend your whole life, you can only compare to him."

"So, in my eyes, you are trash." Lu Fei said.


Gao Feng gritted his teeth and glared angrily.

"Lu Fei, what do you mean?"

"Speak clearly." Gao Feng roared.


"Well, now I'll show you how big the gap is between us."

Lu Fei said, pressing and pulling on the pointer, and the outer ring of the compass extended again.

Seeing this scene, Gao Feng was completely shocked.

"how so?"

"How is this possible?"


"nothing is impossible!"

"Old Gaotou, if you look at it now, is this still a heaven-level compass?"

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