A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2288 Conceit is a reminder of death


"This, how is this possible???"

Gao Feng was completely shocked when he saw with his own eyes that the outer ring of the compass extended by two centimeters.

He was no stranger to this compass.

This is Long Chenghui’s compass.

Heaven-level compasses are rare, and Long Chenghui's heaven-level compass is more than a thousand years old.

When I was in the camp before, I had climbed the peak and admired it carefully.

But he never noticed that this compass actually had a mechanism, which was simply incredible.

Extending two centimeters, there are fifteen more floors.

Counting the previous forty-ninth floor, it is exactly the sixty-fourth floor. ??

Where is this heavenly compass?

This is simply the Supreme Compass, okay?


There are words on it!

Inscribed with bird seal script, it says "Underworld. Supreme?"

Huangquan Supreme?


Zhang Qinghua, Long Chenghui and others did not recognize the Bird Script script, but Gao Feng was, after all, a great master in the subject. How could he not recognize it?

Looking at the fonts above clearly, Gao Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning.


"This is actually the Supreme Compass of the Underworld, the Supreme Underworld Compass of Tao Hongjing, the founder of Maoshan Mountain. It is the most precious treasure!"

"Am I dazzled?"

"How is this possible?"

After taking a closer look and confirming that it was correct, Gao Feng was completely confused.

"Lu Fei, is this really Master Long's compass?" Gao Feng asked in disbelief.



Lu Fei confirmed again, Gao Feng's head was buzzing and he almost vomited three liters of blood.

Long Chenghui used the compass for a long time, but he still couldn't find the mechanism.

But Lu Fei could tell Mao'er Ni at a glance. Isn't his vision too exaggerated?

How did he do it?

"Old Gaotou, please estimate the value of this compass now. In your opinion, how much is Master Tao's Supreme Treasure Compass of the Underworld worth?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Don't go against your will!"

"Give me a fair price."

Gao Feng's face turned pale and he sighed slightly.

"The Huangquan Supreme is the first supreme compass, and it was cast by Master Tao himself. Later generations will call it a divine instrument, and it is a priceless treasure."

"If I have to give a price, if I meet an expert who is not short of money, the value will be at least 500 million Shenzhou coins."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Yes, you said something fair."

"However, 500 million is only the most conservative price."

"If we had publicized it in advance and went on sale, it would definitely not be less than 800 million."

"Old Gaotou, you estimated eight million for this compass before. In the blink of an eye, the price of the same compass has varied by a hundred times!"

"In other words, the value of the same compass in your eyes and mine is a hundred times different."

"Whether you accept it or not, this is the gap."

"In other words, this is my ability, a height that you will never reach in your lifetime."

"You think it's abnormal for me to miss those valuable treasures, but there's nothing abnormal about me."

"As long as you have good eyesight and good luck, anything is possible."

"Your teacher just saw my level and believed in me, and at the same time he didn't let you continue the unnecessary investigation."

"But you pursued me fiercely because of your humble supremacy and ignorant pride."

"Even if I can't find any evidence and hit a wall, I still refuse to repent and end up making a big mistake."

"So, you don't blame anyone for what you ended up with today."

"If you want to blame it, it's because you are too conceited."

"If there is an afterlife, remember this sentence."

"People can be proud."

"However, he must have the capital to be proud, otherwise, blind conceit will be his talisman."


Lu Fei's words were like thunder exploding in Gao Feng's mind.

The rapid high-voltage current stimulated his brain to go blank and completely shut down.

"Pride requires pride?"

"Is blind conceit a life-threatening talisman?"

"how so?"

"how so?"

"I was an apprentice when I was sixteen years old. I was on my own at the age of twenty-one. I was called one of the five great treasure appraisers in China at the age of forty-five. I have more than fifty years of experience in the industry, but I am not as good as a rag collector."

"How can this be?"

"How is this possible!!"

Stimulated by Lu Fei's words, Gao Feng almost went crazy.

Thanks to the medicinal power of Wangxingcao, Gao Feng slowly calmed down.

After calming down, Gao Feng looked at Lu Fei again. There was no hatred in his heart, replaced by deep fear.

"Baolanfei, my master said you are a super genius that only happens once in two hundred years."

"It seems that we have all underestimated you." Gao Feng said with a helpless smile.


"I can only say that your knowledge limits your imagination."

"Old Gaotou, now that the matter is over, do you have anything else to say?" Lu Fei asked.


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Gao Feng shivered, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do?"

"Do you still want to kill someone?" Gao Feng asked nervously.


Lu Fei laughed loudly, making everyone around him feel hairy.

"Old Gaotou, you have repeatedly opposed me, so I don't need to argue with you."

"However, you should not kill Zhang Huaizhi, and you should not collude with Liu Peiwen and others."

"You've done so many immoral things that make people and gods angry, don't you deserve to die?" Boom——

"This, how is this possible???"

Gao Feng was completely shocked when he saw with his own eyes that the outer ring of the compass extended by two centimeters.

He was no stranger to this compass.

This is Long Chenghui’s compass.

Heaven-level compasses are rare, and Long Chenghui's heaven-level compass is more than a thousand years old.

When I was in the camp before, I had climbed the peak and admired it carefully.

But he never noticed that this compass actually had a mechanism, which was simply incredible.

Extending two centimeters, there are fifteen more floors.

Counting the previous forty-ninth floor, it is exactly the sixty-fourth floor.

Where is this heavenly compass?

This is simply the Supreme Compass, okay?


There are words on it!

Inscribed with bird seal script, it says "Underworld. Supreme?"

Huangquan Supreme?


Zhang Qinghua, Long Chenghui and others did not recognize the Bird Script script, but Gao Feng was, after all, a great master in the subject. How could he not recognize it?

Looking at the fonts above clearly, Gao Feng felt as if he had been struck by lightning.


"This is actually the Supreme Compass of the Underworld, the Supreme Underworld Compass of Tao Hongjing, the founder of Maoshan Mountain. It is the most precious treasure!"

"Am I dazzled?"

"How is this possible?"

After taking a closer look and confirming that it was correct, Gao Feng was completely confused.

"Lu Fei, is this really Master Long's compass?" Gao Feng asked in disbelief.



Lu Fei confirmed again, Gao Feng's head was buzzing and he almost vomited three liters of blood.

Long Chenghui used the compass for a long time, but he still couldn't find the mechanism.

But Lu Fei could see Maoer Ni at a glance. Isn't his vision too exaggerated?

How did he do it?

"Old Gaotou, please estimate the value of this compass now. In your opinion, how much is Master Tao's Supreme Treasure Compass of the Underworld worth?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Don't go against your will!"

"Give me a fair price."

Gao Feng's face turned pale and he sighed slightly.

"The Huangquan Supreme is the first supreme compass, and it was cast by Master Tao himself. Later generations will call it a divine instrument, and it is a priceless treasure."

"If I have to give a price, if I meet an expert who is not short of money, the value will be at least 500 million Shenzhou coins."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Yes, you said something fair."

"However, 500 million is only the most conservative price."

"If we had publicized it in advance and went on sale, it would definitely not be less than 800 million."

"Old Gaotou, you estimated eight million for this compass before. In the blink of an eye, the price of the same compass has varied by a hundred times!"

"In other words, the value of the same compass in your eyes and mine is a hundred times different."

"Whether you accept it or not, this is the gap."

"In other words, this is my ability, a height that you will never reach in your lifetime."

"You think it's abnormal for me to miss those valuable treasures, but there's nothing abnormal about me."

"As long as you have good eyesight and good luck, anything is possible."

"Your teacher just saw my level and believed in me, and at the same time he didn't let you continue the unnecessary investigation."

"But you pursued me fiercely because of your humble supremacy and ignorant pride."

"Even if I can't find any evidence and hit a wall, I still refuse to repent and end up making a big mistake."

"So, you don't blame anyone for what you ended up with today."

"If you want to blame it, it's because you are too conceited."

"If there is an afterlife, remember this sentence."

"People can be proud."

"However, he must have the capital to be proud, otherwise, blind conceit will be his talisman."


Lu Fei's words were like thunder exploding in Gao Feng's mind.

The rapid high-voltage current stimulated his brain to go blank and completely shut down.

"Pride requires pride?"

"Is blind pride the talisman of death?"

"how so?"

"how so?"

"I was an apprentice when I was sixteen years old. I was on my own at the age of twenty-one. I was called one of the five great treasure appraisers in China at the age of forty-five. I have more than fifty years of experience in the industry, but I am not as good as a rag collector."

"How can this be?"

"How is this possible!!"

Stimulated by Lu Fei's words, Gao Feng almost went crazy.

Thanks to the medicinal power of Wangxingcao, Gao Feng slowly calmed down.

After calming down, Gao Feng looked at Lu Fei again. There was no hatred in his heart, replaced by deep fear.

"Baolanfei, my master said you are a super genius that only happens once in two hundred years."

"It seems that we have all underestimated you." Gao Feng said with a helpless smile.


"I can only say that your knowledge limits your imagination."

"Old Gaotou, now that the matter is over, do you have anything else to say?" Lu Fei asked.


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Gao Feng shivered, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do?"

"Do you still want to kill someone?" Gao Feng asked nervously.


Lu Fei laughed loudly, making everyone around him feel hairy.

"Old Gaotou, you have repeatedly opposed me, so I don't have to worry about you."

"However, you should not kill Zhang Huaizhi, and you should not collude with Liu Peiwen and others."

"You've done so many immoral things that make people and gods angry, shouldn't you deserve to die?"

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