A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2289 Give me a reason

Feeling the murderous look in Lu Fei's eyes, Gao Feng was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder trembled violently.

"Lu Fei, you can't kill me."

"You don't have the power. Kill me for your life. If you kill me, you will be punished by law."


Lu Fei laughed loudly, making everyone around him shudder.

Lu Fei stretched out his hand and pointed around the pit.

"Old Gaotou, come and see."

"This is your final destination."

"For Mr. Kong's sake, I will arrange a direction for you to sit north and face south. This is the most benevolent thing." Lu Fei said with a smile.


Previously, Gao Feng's heart was full of hatred, and he wished he could kill Lu Fei himself to relieve his hatred.

But at this point, Gao Feng seems to have felt the danger of death. The previous hatred is no longer there, and only fear is left.

Because Gao Feng knew that although Lu Fei was young, he acted decisively and ruthlessly.

If he really wanted to die, he might not be able to survive today.

"Lu Fei!"

"I was wrong, I apologize to you."

"Before, it was because I was confused, narrow-minded and jealous of your talent, and that's why I resented you."

"Now I know that my ability is nothing compared to yours."

"I am over 70 years old this year, please spare me once, okay?"

"As long as you let me go, I will change my mind for the rest of my life and never go against you again, okay?" Feng Feng begged.


Gao Feng begged for mercy, but Liu Peiwen rolled her eyes with extreme contempt.

Damn it!

At the beginning, Gao Feng made a vow to himself that he hated Lu Fei deeply and wanted to get rid of him.

For this, Gao Feng is willing to pay any price.

The words were harsh, but he turned out to be a weakling, so damn useless.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Gaofeng, do I, Lu Fei, give you few opportunities?"

"When you killed Zhang Huaizhi, if it weren't for Guan Laosan

I have begged you many times, do you think you can get out of Jincheng Prison? "

"At the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, you came here again to trouble me. I just asked you to go home and retire, but I still didn't do anything to you."

"Otherwise, you will be Lan Xiangdong's cannon fodder. You will die without a burial place without me taking action."

"I thought you could change your ways, but I was wrong."

"My kindness not only failed to influence you, but instead gave you the courage to do even worse."

"At this point, do you think I will give you a chance?"


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Gao Feng was heartbroken.

It seems that today is doomed!


I don't want to die, I can't die!

"Lu Fei, I was wrong."

"Please give me another chance, please!!"


"Give you another chance?"


"Okay, give me a reason. If this reason can impress me, I can give you another chance." Lu Fei said.


Gao Feng was speechless for a while, sweating violently, and his mind was running rapidly, thinking of reasons to live.

I can't die, I don't want to die yet, my body is fine, and I still have a lot of time to enjoy it!

I absolutely cannot die!

Damn it, give it a try!

"Lu Fei, you can't kill me."

"Give me a reason!" Lu Fei said calmly.


"Lu Fei, I have a reason."

"On the surface, Kong Fanlong and I have a master-disciple relationship, but in fact, I am still Mr. Kong's adopted son."

"My master has been kind to you. Without my master's cultivation, you may not have achieved what you have today."

"Without my master's protection, you might have died due to the Liu family's revenge."

"It can be said that my master is as kind to you as a mountain."

"For the sake of my master, you must spare me this time!" Gao Feng said with tears streaming down his face.

"shut up!"

Not to mention Kong Fanlong, things were better. But when it came to Kong Fanlong, the murderous look in Lu Fei's eyes became even more intense.

"Gaofeng, you still have the fucking nerve to mention Kong Lao?"


"I'm ashamed of you."

"In order to repay your father, Mr. Kong treated you as his own son and taught you all his skills."

"The old man has entrusted you with the ability to serve the motherland and fulfill your responsibility for China's archaeological cause."

"But how did you do it?"

"When Mr. Kong was alive, you disobeyed Mr. Kong and investigated me privately, which resulted in the serious consequences of Zhang Huaizhi's death."

"Did you know that Mr. Kong fell ill in the first place because he received the news of Zhang Huaizhi's death?"

"I have long said that with Mr. Kong's physical condition, he can live for at least five years."

"But it was because of you, an unfilial person, that Mr. Kong fell ill and died."

"Speaking of Mr. Kong, you are the number one sinner in the world."

"Mr. Kong is gone, but you refuse to repent. You collude with Liu Peiwen, a scumbag, and use the skills that Mr. Kong entrusted to you to steal cultural relics and antiques from China. You deserve to die for your damn crime." Lu Fei roared. .


Gao Feng trembled all over and burst into tears.

"That's not the case. My master's death has nothing to do with me. How could I harm him?" Gao Feng cried.

"It has nothing to do with it?"


"Gaofeng, up to this point you are still deceiving yourself. You simply don't want Bilian."

"Perhaps you don't know it, but you were stimulated and turned into a fool before."

"As for it

You know what caused your mental breakdown. "

"Now think about it carefully, what did you see in the formation?"


Speaking of the formation, Gao Feng's old body suddenly shook, shaking like chaff the next second.

His face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, his pupils were extremely dilated, and his eyes were full of fear.

At this moment, Gao Feng's consciousness returned to everything he saw in the formation.

A kind old man appeared in Gao Feng's mind.

Next, scenes quickly flashed through his mind.

The old man brought the young man to Tiandu City and raised him as his own son.

Send him to the best school, give him the best treatment, and teach him all his skills step by step.

"Son, study hard. In the future, when I am gone, you will take my place and raise the banner of Chinese archeology."

"Child, remember my words, be down-to-earth and know how to be grateful."

"Kid, remember, the national interest is above all else. No matter what happens, the national interest must be put first."

"The country has created us, and the nation has created us. We must repay the country and the people."

"Disciple, you have changed, your state of mind has changed."

"This is not good. If you continue like this, you will go crazy and kill yourself."

"Remember, keep a calm mind and put the national interest first."

"Disciple, you have disappointed me so much. How could you cause Mr. Zhang to perish just for your own grudges?"

"You are hopeless."

"Gaofeng, you bastard, you actually collaborated with Liu Peiwen to harm the national interests. Have you forgotten how you promised me?"

"You unfilial thing, I don't recognize you as my disciple."

"From now on, we, master and disciple, will sever all ties. Today, I will clean up the family."

"You evildoer, take your life."

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