A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2290 Inner Demon

The scene in the fantasy world once again appeared in Gao Feng's mind.

Subconsciously, Kong Fanlong doted on him.

But gradually, Master became disillusioned with what he had done.

Later, when Kong Fanlong learned that he and Liu Peiwen were colluding to harm the interests of the country, the old man resolutely severed the relationship between master and apprentice with him.

This was not over yet. Later, the kind teacher turned into a ferocious ghost and stretched out his hands to strangle Gao Feng's neck, demanding Gao Feng's life.

All of this is too real.


Gao Feng screamed, followed by a feeling of suffocation, and Gao Feng struggled desperately.

All this happened in Gao Feng's subconscious, and Liu Peiwen and others outside could not feel it at all.

What everyone saw was just the change in Gao Feng's expression.

From tears to regret.

From full of regret to trembling all over.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Gao Feng's face turn pale quickly, his eyes rolled up, and his body was shaking violently.

The next second, Gao Feng's body froze, and then a large mouthful of red-yellow liquid spilled out of his mouth. Then, Gao Feng's body twitched, suddenly collapsed, his eyes widened, and he finally became quiet.

Lu Fei tested Gao Feng's breath and shook his head slightly.

"You can do evil if God does it, but you can't live if you do evil on your own!"

"Old Gaotou, I'm taking advantage of you."

Zheng Rong, who was closest to the peak, felt the changes in the peak and was frightened.

"Mr. Lu, is Mr. Gao dead?" Zheng Rong asked in horror.

Lu Fei nodded.

"That's right, I was so scared that I died!"


Listen, everyone is not doing well.


I was so scared that I was scared to death.

What happened to Gao Lao?

How could he be scared to death?


This is incredible!


It is often said that you are scared out of your wits!

However, the gallbladder is an important organ of the human body, how can it be broken easily?

In the 5,000-year history of China's civilization, there was only one person who was frightened to death, and that was the unlucky guy Xia Houjie.

"Three Kingdoms" records that Cao Cao pursued Zhao Yun and was stopped by Zhang Fei at Dangyang Bridge.

As a result, Zhang Fei shouted loudly, scaring Xia Houjie to death.

However, this is also the plot described in the article, and no one has ever seen a real case.

In the 1990s, the medical community also specifically studied this topic.

Medical experts have written several papers proving that fear is a myth and cannot be established.

However, everyone present today encountered a real case.

Gao Feng was so frightened that his gallbladder broke out and he died.

Oh my God!

This is so evil and scary.

What the hell is going on?

Is Gao Feng's endurance too fragile, or has he encountered something super terrifying?

It's too awful!

It’s really too miserable to be scared to death and still die with one’s eyes open.

Looking at Gaofeng, Lu Fei sighed.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

"I hope you can change your mind when you get there and serve your teacher well!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he untied the rope that bound Gao Feng and dragged his body to the pile of dead people.

Lu Fei did not break his promise and personally arranged a north-south orientation for Gao Feng, then picked up a shovel and buried Gao Feng's body.

Death is a big deal, and past grievances become a cloud of smoke.

After the burial, Lu Fei silently recited a section of "Namo Myoho Renge Sutra" to transcend Gao Feng's soul. At this point, the grudge between himself and Gao Feng came to an end.

"Mr. Kong, this is all cause and effect. You won't blame me, right?"

Lu Fei murmured, which frightened the ten living people.


Lu Fei is really cruel this time. It seems that he really won't survive this time!

Thinking of this, everyone was panicked, and the timid one trembled all over and almost peed his pants.

Pleading was in vain, but the two old men Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui were relieved.

After burying Gao Feng, Lu Fei turned around, and Zhang Qinghua met Lu Fei's eyes.

"Mr. Lu, I have something unclear and I would like to ask Mr. Lu for advice."


Lu Fei squatted down and smiled slightly.


"Whatever you want to ask, just ask!"

Zhang Qinghua took a deep breath.

"Mr. Lu, can you tell me what methods you used on Gao Feng?"

"How could he die from a broken gallbladder for no reason?" Zhang Qinghua asked.

"Old man, you are overthinking. I didn't use any means. Gao Feng was scared to death by himself." Lu Fei said.


"Old man, at this point, do you think I need to lie to you?"

"I said before that I will not get involved in your karma, so I will never kill you personally."

"I, Lu Fei, keep my word!" Lu Fei said.



"Then what is it that scares Old Man Gao like this?"

"It's terrible, it's just terrible."

"Could it be that there are really ghosts and monsters in this world?" Zhang Qinghua said to himself with horror in his eyes.


"I can't guarantee whether there are ghosts or monsters, but one thing I can be sure of is that Gao Feng was definitely not killed by evil spirits." Lu Fei said.


"Who is Lao Gao?"

"Gaofeng should have been scared to death by his own inner demons." Lu Fei said softly.

"Inner demon?"

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

"What is the inner demon?" Chang Yufei asked.

"Inner demons are the deepest fears in a person's heart."

"Everyone has inner demons, and the inner demons will stay with him throughout his life and will never go away."

"Even if you forget it for a long time, there will always be a day when you remember it." Lu Fei said.

"Then what is Gao Lao's inner demon?"

"How could he be scared to death?" Chang Yufei asked.


"No one knows this."

"However, I guess that Gao Feng's inner demon should be his teacher Kong Fanlong."

"In the bottom of Gao Feng's heart, the person I respect the most in this life is his teacher."

"He collaborated with you to steal and resell Chinese cultural relics, which seriously violated the sect's rules."

"So, what Gao Feng is most worried about must be the blame from his teacher's heroic spirit."

"Just now, perhaps in Gao Feng's subconscious, his teacher's disappointed expression appeared and he collapsed." Lu Fei said.

"I go!"

"real or fake?"

"Is there really an inner demon?" Liu Peiwen said to herself.


"Whether you believe it or not, inner demons do exist."

Lu Fei looked at Liu Peiwen and laughed.

"I don't know about others, but I guess I can guess what your inner demon is, Liu Laoer?"



"Your inner demon is, of course, me!"

"If my guess is correct, the scene you Liu Laoer saw after you took the traditional Chinese medicine in Stone Forest must have something to do with me."

"Am i right?"


When Lu Fei said this, Liu Peiwen was completely shocked.

His body couldn't move, but his mouth was open to the extreme, with a look of disbelief on his face.

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