A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2308 Twist Knot

When Lu Fei hung up the phone and came back, Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen were fighting each other.

Seeing Lu Fei coming back, the two quarreling people made a temporary truce.

Liu Peiwen put on an angry look and tilted her head to one side.

Chang Yufei was overjoyed to see Lu Fei.

"Brother Lu Fei, you'd better let me go quickly and I'll take you back to get those treasures, okay?" ??

"I haven't contacted my family for such a long time. They must think something happened to me."

"If it reaches the boss, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. I suggest that we go back immediately, otherwise things will change later!" Chang Yufei said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Brother Yufei, don't worry about this yet."

Before Lang Lijing didn't reply, Lu Fei was really not in a hurry.

"Brother Yufei, I have another question to ask you."

Chang Yufei nodded seriously.

"Brother Lu Fei, please tell me everything you know."

"Brother Yufei, I want to know where the treasures you got this time in China are hidden?" Lu Fei asked.

Hearing this, Chang Yufei frowned.

"Brother Lu Fei, I'm really sorry, I don't know this."

"My cooperation with Liu Peiwen is just a baby deal."

"As for collecting treasures and so on, the grandson Liu Peiwen has always been responsible."

"This is an important channel for their family. He will definitely not tell me."

"It's unlucky to say the least. I didn't have anything to do with it this time. I just wanted to see what the legendary formation looks like."

"Results, results."


Looking at his bloody crotch and thinking about his current situation, Chang Yufei couldn't help but sigh.

"You really don't know?" Lu Fei asked.

"I swear, I really don't know!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Liu Peiwen raised her head.

He snorted coldly.

Seeing Liu Peiwen's aggressive nature, Lu Fei understood that Chang Yufei really didn't know.

It’s no wonder, after all, it’s essential to be on guard against others!

"All right!"

"I will ask Mr. Liu personally about this issue later."

"Now, brother Yufei, please give me your vault access card and voucher card?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Chang Yufei's eyes began to roll rapidly.

The vault is in the basement of Christie's Hong Kong Island branch, and the security force is quite impressive.

Only Chang Yufei can enter with his voucher card and access card.

This thing is Chang Yufei's amulet, how could it be given directly to Lu Fei!

Lu Fei has mastered this thing, how can he survive?


"Um, brother Lu Fei, I said before that to open the vault door, you must enter my fingerprints. Even if I give these things to you, you can't get in without my fingerprints."

"My little brother is true to his word. As long as Brother Lu Fei lets me go, how about I take you to get the things in person right away?"


"It's certain to get things, but for the time being I'd rather see the two things I just mentioned." Lu Fei said.

"Brother Lu Fei, I don't have these two things with me. Can you take me back to Hong Kong Island and I'll bring them to you right away?" Chang Yufei said.

Looking at Chang Yufei's cunning little eyes, Lu Fei smiled.

"Brother Yufei, please don't play tricks on me."

"You tell me now where to put those two things, and I will send someone to get them."

"As long as I get it, I will be rewarded."

"Brother Lu Fei, you are joking."

"Those two items are of great significance to the company. They are usually kept in the safe in my office and are guarded by professional security guards."

"How can your people get in?" Chang Yufei said.


"I also run a company, so I still know some of the rules."

"I believe that as long as Brother Yufei calls back and informs me, my people will not be blocked, right?"

"Brother Lu Fei, you think too simply."

"Our company is different from other companies. The items stored in the vault are of incredible value. How can it be as simple as you think?"


Before Chang Yufei could finish speaking, Lu Fei waved his hand to stop him.

"It seems that Brother Yufei has no sincerity in cooperating!"

"In this case, you'd better calm down first. We'll talk about cooperation later."

"I have plenty of time."

Chang Yufei kept explaining and lobbying, but Lu Fei ignored him.

Jumped into the pit and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lu Fei left, and Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei continued to fight each other.

Liu Peiwen scolded Chang Yufei for being soft-headed, and Chang Yufei scolded him for being ignorant of current affairs and causing chaos for a while.

The descendants of the Nine Sects headed by Zheng Rong were not interested in listening to their bickering.

They now understood that no matter what, Lu Fei had no intention of letting them go.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to go out and fight.

Lu Fei happens to be away, this is a God-given opportunity!

Zheng Rong immediately explained, and several people cooperated in pairs, planning to use their teeth to untie the rope.

But when they saw the knot in the rope, the descendants of the Nine Sects almost cried.

"Twist knot?"

"Fuck your ancestors

! "

"Should we be so careful?"

Twist knot, that is the most complicated knot, bar none.

The founder of this kind of knot is quite awesome, that is, when the water came to Liangshan, one of the hundred and eight heroes, Gushang Flea Shiqian.

This kind of knot is quite complicated. After it is tied into a knot, one link is inside another link, and each link looks exactly the same. It is difficult to determine which rope end is.

If you're lucky, it will take more than ten minutes to untie this knot.

This only requires people who understand this kind of knot, otherwise, it is almost impossible to untie it.

These descendants of the Nine Sects are all from the world, so they certainly know about twist knots.

When they saw such a complicated twist knot, everyone suddenly despaired.

What's even worse is that there is not just one twist knot binding everyone, but multiple knots.

There were as few as four or five, but Zheng Rong, who was glanced at by Lu Feigao, had as many as nine twist knots.

This damn thing simply lacks virtue.

Not to mention being restrained all over, even if his hands and feet were freed, it would take less than two hours to untie Zheng Rong's body.

Break the rope with your teeth?


Those are all fictional scenes in the movie.

A nylon rope as thick as a thumb, not to mention human teeth, even a crocodile can't bite open for a while.

The weapon is not on him, and this will cost his life.

Damn it!

Lu Fei, this grandson is so cruel. You have tied so many twist knots, aren't you tired?

However, the opportunity was in front of us, and we would not be willing not to give it a try. In the end, everyone decided to give it a try with their teeth.

After trying for a few minutes, the descendants of the Nine Gates shed tears and gave up.


It's all in vain.

Everything is under Lu Fei's control, and it is absolutely impossible to escape.

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