A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2309 Antibiotics

An hour later, Lu Fei returned with two hares.

Lu Fei was surprised to see everyone awake and looking at him.


"I thought everyone had left, why are you still here?"

"It seems that you all can't bear to leave me!"


Damn it!

go to hell!

No Bilian!

Countless pairs of white eyes flew over, but Lu Fei turned a deaf ear and jumped deep in front of Liu Peiwen.

He took out the mineral water, pinched his cheeks and gave him a small sip.

Liu Peiwen could resist, but with his ability, it was simply useless.


"Lu Fei, don't do this to me."

"You'd better kill me quickly. What do you want to know from me? You are simply wishful thinking." Liu Peiwen shouted.


"Boy, you think too much."

"I'm just afraid that you'll die of thirst."

"I said that you will take the initiative to explain to me. Before that, if you die, it will be a huge loss to me!"

Liu Peiwen understood what Lu Fei meant. Lu Fei did not want to die, but tortured himself in ways that were worse than death and forced him to submit.

I have to say, this method is really damn vicious.

However, you, Lu Fei, have lost your mind, and I, Liu Peiwen, have lost all hope. Are you still worried that you will torture me?

Liu Peiwen was determined and closed her eyes and ignored Lu Fei. However, he still thought too highly of himself.

Next, Lu Fei didn't talk nonsense to them.

He gave Chang Yufei a sip of water, but as for others, they no longer received such treatment and could only fend for themselves.

For the next time, Lu Fei entertained himself on the pit.

Barbecuing and drinking wine at the same time, it's so comfortable.

But for a group of hungry wolves under the pit, this is the most cruel torture in the world.

In the evening, a group of people were attacked again. Hong Kong Island's famous master Lung Cheng-fai could not hold on and traveled westward.

Lu Fei had no expression on his face and took Long Chenghui's body aside to bury it, but the others were scared to death.

The four old men invited were all dead.

Moreover, these four old men are here to help.

In terms of sins, these people alive are much more serious than these four old men.

But Lu Fei didn't let go of an old man, so there was no chance of their survival.

Liu Peiwen was a little better, but Chang Yufei and the descendants of the Nine Sects were frightened to death.

He usually calls himself a tough guy and a pure man, but now he felt extremely guilty, and even the slightly weaker one was so scared that he peed his pants.

As night fell, Lu Fei's thin face, illuminated by the bonfire, looked eerie and even more despairing.

And the fatal lure on the barbecue grill-

The confusion is even more unbearable.

There was another round of begging, but this time Lu Fei was so hard-hearted that he ignored it completely.

Late at night, Liu Peiwen was twitching all over, and she was obviously at the end of her strength.

Liu Peiwen even had a fantasy in her mind.

In the fantasy world, Liu Peiwen returned to the Liu family manor in its heyday.

The family sat happily around the dining table, where a variety of delicacies from the mountains and seas were spread, making people salivate.

The whole family stared at each other, waiting for the head of the house, Liu Jianhua, to give the order to start dinner.

But after waiting and waiting, the old man didn't speak.

Liu Peiwen looked at her daughter, planning to ask her daughter Liu Sisi to remind the old man.

But the next second, her daughter Liu Sisi became increasingly blurry, and after a few breaths, she suddenly disappeared.

Liu Peiwen was shocked and looked at the others.

The eldest brother, nephew, and father Liu Jianhua disappeared one after another.

Liu Peiwen was left alone on the huge dining table, and the delicacies on the table turned into ashes. Liu Peiwen was stunned and covered her face and cried bitterly.


"Brother, Sisi."

"I, Liu Peiwen, am incompetent and have no way to avenge everyone."

"Please forgive me."

"Dad, Mom, please wait a moment. My son will go down to serve you."

Having said this, Liu Peiwen slowly closed her eyes and silently welcomed death.

At this moment, Liu Peiwen felt clear and relaxed as never before.


As long as I swallow this breath, I, Liu Peiwen, will be completely relieved.

After walking through the Huangquan Road, crossing the Naihe Bridge, and drinking Meng Po Soup, all the cause and effect in this life will be over.

I'm finally free.

But just when Liu Peiwen was happy, she suddenly felt a pain in her arm.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found Lu Fei holding a syringe and inserting it into the muscle of his arm.


"Lu Fei, what are you doing?" Liu Pein shouted weakly.


Lu Fei smiled, showing his small white teeth like enamel.

"Don't be afraid. I think you can't stand it any longer. I'll help you get some treatment. You don't have to thank me. We're all friends. This is what I should do."

Lu Fei said as he pulled out the syringe, and Liu Peiwen suddenly felt that her energy was much better.

"Lu Fei, what did you inject me with?" Liu Peiwen asked.

"calm down!"

"I'm not going to hurt you, these are antibiotics."

"This thing is a life-saving miracle medicine!"

"By the way, I will inject you with some glucose later to ensure that you can continue to survive."

"Don't worry, as long as I don't want you to die, even if Black and White Wuchang comes to claim your life, it will be of no use." An hour later, Lu Fei returned with two hares.

Lu Fei was surprised to see everyone awake and looking at him.


"I thought everyone had left, why are you still here?"

"It seems that you all can't bear to leave me!"


Damn it!

go to hell!

No Bilian!

Countless pairs of white eyes flew over, but Lu Fei turned a deaf ear and jumped deep in front of Liu Peiwen.

He took out the mineral water, pinched his cheeks and gave him a small sip.

Liu Peiwen could resist, but with his ability, it was simply useless.


"Lu Fei, don't do this to me."

"You'd better kill me quickly. What do you want to know from me? You are simply wishful thinking." Liu Peiwen shouted.


"Boy, you think too much."

"I'm just afraid that you'll die of thirst."

"I said that you will take the initiative to explain to me. Before that, if you die, it will be a huge loss to me!"

Liu Peiwen understood what Lu Fei meant. Lu Fei did not want to die, but tortured himself in ways that were worse than death and forced him to submit.

I have to say, this method is really damn vicious.

However, you, Lu Fei, have lost your mind, and I, Liu Peiwen, have lost all hope. Are you still worried that you will torture me?

Liu Peiwen was determined and closed her eyes and ignored Lu Fei. However, he still thought too highly of himself.

Next, Lu Fei didn't talk nonsense to them.

He gave Chang Yufei a sip of water, but as for others, they no longer received such treatment and could only fend for themselves.

For the next time, Lu Fei entertained himself on the pit.

Barbecuing and drinking wine at the same time, it's so comfortable.

But for a group of hungry wolves under the pit, this is the most cruel torture in the world.

In the evening, a group of people were attacked again. Hong Kong Island's famous master Lung Cheng-fai could not hold on and traveled westward.

Lu Fei had no expression on his face and took Long Chenghui's body aside to bury it, but the others were scared to death.

The four old men invited were all dead.

Moreover, these four old men are here to help.

In terms of sins, these people alive are much more serious than these four old men.

But Lu Fei didn't let go of an old man, so there was no chance of their survival.

Liu Peiwen was a little better, but Chang Yufei and the descendants of the Nine Sects were frightened to death.

He usually calls himself a tough guy and a pure man, but now he felt extremely guilty, and even the slightly weaker one was so scared that he peed his pants.

As night fell, Lu Fei's thin face, illuminated by the bonfire, looked eerie and even more despairing.

And the fatal lure on the barbecue grill-

The confusion is even more unbearable.

There was another round of begging, but this time Lu Fei was so hard-hearted that he ignored it completely.

Late at night, Liu Peiwen was twitching all over, and she was obviously at the end of her strength.

Liu Peiwen even had a fantasy in her mind.

In the fantasy world, Liu Peiwen returned to the Liu family manor in its heyday.

The family sat happily around the dining table, where a variety of delicacies from the mountains and seas were spread, making people salivate.

The whole family stared at each other, waiting for the head of the house, Liu Jianhua, to give the order to start dinner.

But after waiting and waiting, the old man didn't speak.

Liu Peiwen looked at her daughter, planning to ask her daughter Liu Sisi to remind the old man.

But the next second, her daughter Liu Sisi became increasingly blurry, and after a few breaths, she suddenly disappeared.

Liu Peiwen was shocked and looked at the others.

The eldest brother, nephew, and father Liu Jianhua disappeared one after another.

Liu Peiwen was left alone on the huge dining table, and the delicacies on the table turned into ashes. Liu Peiwen was stunned and covered her face and cried bitterly.


"Brother, Sisi."

"I, Liu Peiwen, am incompetent and have no way to avenge everyone."

"Please forgive me."

"Dad, Mom, please wait a moment. My son will go down to serve you."

Having said this, Liu Peiwen slowly closed her eyes and silently welcomed death.

At this moment, Liu Peiwen felt clear and relaxed as never before.


As long as I swallow this breath, I, Liu Peiwen, will be completely relieved.

After walking through the Huangquan Road, crossing the Naihe Bridge, and drinking Meng Po Soup, all the cause and effect in this life will be over.

I'm finally free.

But just when Liu Peiwen was happy, she suddenly felt a pain in her arm.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found Lu Fei holding a syringe and inserting it into the muscle of his arm.


"Lu Fei, what are you doing?" Liu Pein shouted weakly.


Lu Fei smiled, showing his small white teeth like enamel.

"Don't be afraid. I think you can't stand it anymore. I'll help you get some treatment. You don't have to thank me. We're all friends. This is what I should do."

Lu Fei said as he pulled out the syringe, and Liu Peiwen suddenly felt that her energy was much better.

"Lu Fei, what did you inject me with?" Liu Peiwen asked.

"calm down!"

"I'm not going to hurt you, these are antibiotics."

"This thing is a life-saving miracle medicine!"

"By the way, I will inject you with some glucose later to ensure that you can continue to survive."

"Don't worry, as long as I don't want you to die, even if Black and White Wuchang comes to claim your life, it will be of no use."

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