A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2310 Surrender

Woo woo

Feeling the changes in body functions, Liu Peiwen burst into tears.

At this moment, he deeply realized what it means to live without dying.

He was determined to die, but Lu Fei didn't even give him a chance to die.

Seeing that his life was about to be lost, Lu Fei injected himself with antibiotics.

Moreover, he had to inject himself with glucose and let himself continue to suffer the agony of lingering. It was really unethical.

Feeling Liu Peiwen's resentful and vicious look, Lu Fei smiled.

"Second brother, you don't have to thank me. This is what I should do."

"Don't worry, with me as a miracle doctor, I can definitely guarantee your life safety."

"By the way, your equipment is really good!"

"The medical kit not only contains antiviral serum, glucose, but also antibiotics."

"This saves me a lot of trouble, otherwise I would have to go into the mountains to collect herbs."

"thank you!"


If Liu Peiwen hadn't had no strength, Jubi would have spurted out a mouthful of blood.


So wicked.

Damn it!

At this time, Liu Peiwen was extremely regretful.

Before entering the mountain, Liu Peiwen considered that there would be many potential dangers in the virgin forest, so she was quite well prepared.

Especially antibiotics, a kind of first-aid medicine, we have prepared a lot of them.

As a result, it had not been used in the phantom formation before, but now it became the biggest obstacle to his own death.

Could it be that this is the legendary self-result?

After giving Lu Fei an extremely vicious look, Liu Peiwen said weakly.

"Lu Fei, you are despicable."

"If you're a man, kill me."

Lu Fei waved his hands repeatedly when he heard this.

"Second brother, you are wrong to say that."

"Life is precious, we must respect life."


Besides, I can be considered a miracle doctor! "

"As doctors, it is our purpose to cure diseases and save lives by hanging pots to help the world."

"I abide by medical ethics and I will never allow anyone to trample on life in front of me."

"This is my principle."



How shameless! !

Not only Liu Peiwen, but everyone who could breathe at this moment was thinking the same thing.

Lu Fei, a great master of treasure appraisal, a famous entrepreneur and philanthropist in China, and the world-famous richest man in China, turned out to be so shameless.

It simply subverts everyone's views.

No Bilian! !

Lu Fei was not in a hurry to ask where Liu Peiwen's treasure was hidden.

Then he fed him a small mouthful of salt water, patted Liu Peiwen on the shoulder and smiled.

"Boy, you have a good rest. If you feel uncomfortable, call me right away!"

After saying that, under Liu Peiwen's murderous eyes, Lu Fei jumped into the pit and continued to drink and eat meat.

"Mr. Lu, give us a bite to eat!"

"Mr. Lu"

There's nothing more fucked up in the world than being starving and looking at delicious food that you can't get.

In this case, face, dignity, and status are nothing short of nothing.

The descendants of the Nine Sects continued to plead, but Lu Fei turned a deaf ear and just enjoyed himself.

The torturous night was finally over.

The white fog gradually dissipated, and the sun rose slowly from the east.

It's another brand new day, but in this barren mountain and wilderness, except for Lu Fei, everyone else's mood is in a mess, even extremely desperate.

The warm sunshine shone on them, and everyone slowly opened their eyes.

look around

In a circle, everyone's hearts began to twitch again.

After this night, the two descendants of the Nine Sects turned into corpses.

Lu Fei checked and confirmed that his hair was raised, and continued to act as a volunteer to bury the two corpses.

Although the descendants of the Nine Sects often deal with corpses and remains.

But in one day and one night, five living lives turned into cold corpses in front of them. This fear and inner pressure still caused them to completely collapse.

After a while, a silly laugh came out, and a descendant of the Nine Sects collapsed and went completely crazy.

However, this state only lasted two hours.

His constant laughter and overexcitement quickly consumed his life energy. Two hours later, the laughter stopped abruptly, and there was another corpse in the pit of four.

Seeing this, Zheng Rong burst into tears.

"Mr. Lu, you are too cruel."

"So many people died because of you, how can you bear it?"

"Mr. Lu!"

"Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"Ah?" Zheng Rong shouted with all his strength.

Lu Fei exhaled a puff of smoke and turned his head to look at Zheng Rong calmly, a look of determination and severity flashed in his eyes.


"Don't you find it ridiculous that you bunch of grave scorpions who have committed countless crimes are talking to me about retribution?"

"To tell you the truth, I, Lu Fei, have also fallen into traps, but I have my bottom line."

"Unlike you, a bunch of scourges who don't even let go of the treasures, even the coffins, you are simply a cancer to the Nine Sects."

"For people like you, death is the retribution."

"I kindly helped you collect the bodies. This is a sign of good deeds, you know?"

"Don't think too much. At this time, you should relax and welcome the moment that belongs to you."

"If you want to, you should think about the sins of your life. When you get down there, confess your sins and strive for a

A good attitude and entering reincarnation early is better than anything else. "


When Zheng Rong heard this, a mouthful of blood mist spurted out, and he straightened up and died.


"I don't want to die, I'm still young, I don't want to die"

Several descendants of the Nine Sects around Zheng Rong were so frightened that they cried and howled miserably.

Lu Fei turned a deaf ear, jumped down into the pit, filled Liu Peiwen with water again, and injected antibiotics and glucose to keep him alive.

Looking up at Lu Fei, Liu Peiwen felt that the person in front of her was not the Lu Fei she was most familiar with, but the ninth generation Shura from the demon world.

Just one look made him tremble all over.

After patting Liu Peiwen's face, Lu Fei chuckled.

"Boy, keep enjoying it!"

"When will you figure it out? Remember to call me!"

Liu Peiwen opened her mouth and finally closed her eyes without speaking.

Liu Peiwen continued to be strong, but Chang Yufei completely collapsed.

"Brother Lu Fei, please let me go!"

"I beg you!"

"Your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by Yu Fei. I can make you a cow or a horse!"


"You are a foreigner, but your understanding of Chinese idioms is quite profound!"

"However, in my eyes, what you said is all bullshit, and the bullshit is of no use."

"You know what I want. When you have figured it out, remember to let me know."

As Lu Fei said, he also injected an antibiotic into him, jumped into the pit and dialed Lang Lijing's number.

One day later, there were only two breathing lives left in the pit. Of course, these two were Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei who Lu Fei deliberately left behind.

By noon that day, Chang Yufei could no longer hold on and gave in completely.

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