A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2311 Self-destruction

Seeing the living lives dying one by one in this way, Chang Yufei was frightened to death.

In particular, in the past two days, Chang Yufei reached the edge of disappointment more than once, and was rescued by Lu Fei again and again.

After these several experiences, Chang Yufei completely collapsed.

"Brother Lu Fei, I tell you, I tell you everything, please let me go, okay?"

"I did a lot of wrong things before, and I regret it so much. Please give me a chance to change my ways, brother Lu Fei!" Chang Yufei said with tears streaming down his face. ??

At this moment, Lu Fei's expression was extremely serious.

"Chang Yufei, I, Lu Fei, will not deceive a dying person."

"I tell you clearly, this is your burial place."

"However, if you give me the things so that I can successfully get back the treasures in your vault, I can give you a respect."

"I can even promise to find you a separate burial place. You should consider it!"

"Of course, you don't have to tell me. That way, you can live longer."

"Don't worry, you still have a lot of antibiotics and emergency medicines in stock, and there is absolutely no problem in supporting them for two months."


When Chang Yufei heard this, his empty and lifeless eyes were filled with despair.

Chang Yufei knew that he would definitely die this time.

Without hope, what Chang Yufei wanted was not to live a few more days, but to die happily.

Living like this is simply worse than death!

Just when Chang Yufei was struggling, Lu Fei injected him with another glucose.

Chang Yufei shivered with excitement and became even more frightened.

"Lu Fei, I've thought about it clearly and I'll tell you everything."


"Really, I swear, please don't torture me anymore." Chang Yufei said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"That's right if you think so."

"Chang Yufei, actually you don't have to worry about it."

"Those treasures in your warehouse are originally Chinese cultural relics, and they are black goods of unknown origin."

"Besides, you are just a wage earner. To put it bluntly, you are just a pawn in the hands of your boss."

"If you really make a mistake, your chess piece will become a discarded piece, and your end will be quite tragic."

"Death is not terrible. If you can hand these things back to me before you die, it will be regarded as your personal atonement."

"Enter reincarnation in the underworld and be a good person in your next life!"

Next, Chang Yufei explained everything to Lu Fei.

Moreover, Chang Yufei also put forward a condition to Lu Fei, asking Lu Fei to treat his only daughter who is still studying in college in the UK well.

Of course Lu Fei would not refuse this.

Although Chang Yufei confessed everything, Lu Fei did not let him die immediately.

Chang Yufei was right. The security at Christie's Branch was very tight. If Chang Yufei didn't say anything, no one could get in.

Lang Lijing called. Although she could crack the fingerprint password system of the vault, she was helpless against the artificial security forces.

Therefore, if you want to successfully enter the treasure house, you need Chang Yufei's full cooperation.

After adjusting Chang Yufei's physiological functions to the best state, Chang Yufei called the vice president of the company.

Following Lu Fei's instructions, Chang Yufei told the vice president that he had important things to do and could not return to the company for the time being.

Those treasures in the vault need to be temporarily transferred due to some special reasons.

Later, there will be

A gentleman named Zuo Xuesong took people to the company.

When he saw Zuo Xuesong, he asked the vice president to hand over the access card and voucher, and informed the security guard not to block him.

The rest is all up to Zuo Xuesong's arrangement.

After listening to Chang Yufei's explanation, the vice president was a little confused, but he did not dare to ask any more questions.

Although he is the vice president, he is only the vice president of Hong Kong Island. He is much inferior to Chang Yufei, the president of Asia. He does not even have the authority to report directly to the head office.

Moreover, Chang Yufei has always been directly responsible for all matters in the company's treasure house, and he does not know the specific situation in the treasure house.

In order to protect his own safety, he did not dare to ask any more questions.

In short, it is right to follow the boss's arrangements for everything.

Even if something goes wrong, with Chang Yufei on his side, the superiors will not hold him responsible.

If the vice president has such a mentality, the next thing will be much simpler.

An hour and a half later, Zuo Xuesong led a dozen people to Christie's Hong Kong Island branch and met with Vice President Sun Huaxin.

Sun Huaxin greeted him warmly and confirmed that it was Zuo Xuesong himself, and immediately handed the access control and voucher to Zuo Xuesong.

He took Zuo Xuesong and others to the underground vault and removed the security force without asking a single question the whole time.

At this point, Zuo Xuesong was in full control of the situation.

The fingerprint password system had been destroyed. According to the password given to him by Lu Fei, Zuo Xuesong easily opened the vault.

The next step is to move the vault.

Not only the objects that Christie's traded with Liu Peiwen, but also Christie's own collection were not used to it.

Half an hour later, Zuo Xuesong led his men to clear out the vault and left Christie's Hong Kong Island branch with a full harvest.

After getting the treasure, Zuo Xuesong did not return to Phoenix Villa or send it back to Jincheng.

According to Lu Fei's request, he bought a ship and left immediately after loading the goods.

Open Hong Kong Island.

At this point, Chang Yufei's side is considered a complete victory.

Zuo Xuesong's feedback call came over, and Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

In the past, Lu Fei would be ecstatic when he got a treasure.

But this time was an exception. Not only was Lu Fei not happy, his mood was extremely complicated.

Compared with the Chinese treasures that have been lost overseas through Christie's over the years, these are just a drop in the bucket.

Getting these back is not enough.

Now I have detailed evidence of Chang Yufei's office information in my hands. With this evidence, it is enough to buy Christie's a drink.

But there is still a long way to go before we can completely move to this century-old brand.

If Chang Yufei is handed over to the special department and combined with these evidences, the effect will be much better.

However, Lu Fei couldn't do this.

Chang Yufei must not hand it over.

It's not that Chang Yufei is worried about nonsense, but that Chang Yufei must die here.

This is my own promise and my own oath.

No matter what the reason, it cannot be changed.

Lu Fei walked to Chang Yufei and untied him.

At this moment, Chang Yufei was at the end of his strength.

He was skinny and skinny, couldn't exert any strength in his body, and was seriously injured. He couldn't escape even without Lu Fei's supervision.

Light a cigarette and stuff it into Chang Yufei's mouth.

"Chang Yufei, you and I don't have much grudges at first."

"Logically speaking, I shouldn't kill you, but that's your mistake. You shouldn't have come here. This is also the reason why you must die."

"But don't worry, from now on, I won't torture you anymore, you can just fend for yourself!"

"Also, I, Lu Fei, keep my word. I will be responsible for your daughter's future to the end."

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