A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2312 All ears

After receiving Lu Fei's promise, Chang Yufei, who was despairing of all hope, actually showed a smile.

This smile is not helpless, but an expression from the heart.

Chang Yufei knew that Lu Fei kept his promise and promised to take care of his daughter, so he would definitely try his best to be perfect.

But with Lu Fei's promise, Chang Yufei no longer worried about it.

In order to survive, I have been fighting for fame and fortune for decades. From now on, I can finally rest.

At this moment, Chang Yufei felt more relaxed than ever before.

Finally relieved.

Half an hour later, Chang Yufei closed his eyes peacefully and passed away with a smile.

As for whether he has any resentment towards Lu Fei, no one knows.

It is estimated that Chang Yufei should not have any resentment, because the fear Lu Fei brought to him far outweighed the hatred.

Lu Fei did not break his promise and immediately called Thomas Murray to ask him to pay attention to Chang Yufei's daughter at all times and give him maximum help.

After his daughter graduates, Murray will be solely responsible for her work.

After ending the call, Lu Fei carried Chang Yufei's body and climbed up into the pit. He found a place with relatively good feng shui and dug a big pit. He found a new set of clothes from his backpack and put it on for him. Only then did he put Chang Yufei's body into the pit. Fei buried him and personally gave salvation to his deceased soul.

No matter how many grievances the two had before, death is the most important thing.

Since Chang Yufei told Lu Fei everything he knew, of course Lu Fei had to respect him.

The only drawback is that there are no coffins.

However, personally giving him a treasure land can be regarded as the greatest explanation to Chang Yufei.

After doing all this, night has fallen.

Returning to the edge of the pit, Lu Fei took out his own medicinal hotpot and heated it up.

The aroma of medicated hot pot is far superior to that of open-air barbecue.

This addictive smell floated over, and Liu Peiwen, who was extremely weak, slowly opened her eyes.

Lu Fei's shadow had become blurry, but the tempting smell fascinated him.

After the hot pot was heated, Lu Fei brought the hot pot to Liu Peiwen and sat on the floor.

"Second brother, everyone else is dead. Now you and I are the only ones left. If you tell me what you know, no one will laugh at you."

"How about it? Say no?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Lu Fei said that everyone was dead, and Liu Peiwen frowned slightly.

Struggling to raise his head and look around, there was no one except himself and Lu Fei.

The deathly silence and gloomy wind around them made people shudder.

Opening her dry mouth, Liu Peiwen asked in horror.

"All, all dead?"

"That's right!"

"I said that anyone who enters the stone forest will die regardless of the reason." Lu Fei said.


"I, Liu Peiwen, have a relationship with you

We have sworn hatred. If you kill me, I won’t have any complaints, but why don’t you let anyone go? "

"Lu Fei, are you too cruel?"

"Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Liu Peiwen said.

Lu Fei ate the hoof, took a sip of soup, and smiled slightly.

"I said, I will not kill anyone with my own hands."

"These people all died of natural causes. Even if there is cause and effect, they will not be remembered on my head, Lu Fei."

"Moreover, I gave them a decent burial, and they will thank me," Lu Fei said.


Liu Peiwen smiled miserably.

"Lu Fei, please stop fooling yourself."

"Would they have died of natural causes if you hadn't tied us all up?"

"If you don't kill Boruto, Boruto will die because of you."

"You have committed this karma. You devil, you will definitely receive retribution."

"I will definitely do it." Liu Peiwen said fiercely.

Lu Fei put down the hot pot, stood up and looked at the stone forest in the distance, his brows furrowed, his expression solemn and full of melancholy.

"I swear to God I was here."

"No matter who you are, you must die if you enter the stone forest."

"You are trapped in the stone forest. If I hadn't rescued you, you would have been unable to escape your misfortune. Therefore, this cause and effect does not belong to me."

"Even if the blame falls on me, what do I, Lu Fei, have to fear?"

"Compared to my promise and oath, I, Lu Fei, will die without regrets."

"Lu Fei!"

Liu Peiwen looked at Lu Fei again, full of doubts in her heart.

"I knew you wouldn't let me go, and I didn't expect to leave here alive."

"Before I die, can you tell me the truth?" Liu Peiwen asked.


"What do you want to know?"

Liu Peiwen asked, looking in the direction of the stone forest.

"I can tell that you have a lot to do with this place."

"Can you tell me, a person who is about to die, what is going on?" Liu Peiwen asked.


Lu Fei shook his head slightly and laughed.

"Forget it, even if I tell you, you won't believe it. There's no need."


"As your enemy, I understand you fairly well."

"Although you, Lu Fei, are not an upright and honorable man, your words are still relatively reliable."

"I believe you, you will not deceive a dying person, and there is no need." Liu Peiwen said.


"I never thought that you, Liu Laoer, would believe me."

"Do you really want to know?" Lu Fei asked.

"Liu is all ears." After receiving Lu Fei's promise, Chang Yufei, who was despairing of all hope, actually showed a smile.

This smile is not helpless, but an expression from the heart.

Chang Yufei knew that Lu Fei kept his promise and promised to take care of his daughter, so he would definitely try his best to be perfect.

But with Lu Fei's promise, Chang Yufei no longer worried about it.

In order to survive, I have been fighting for fame and fortune for decades. From now on, I can finally rest. ??

At this moment, Chang Yufei felt more relaxed than ever before.

Finally relieved.

Half an hour later, Chang Yufei closed his eyes peacefully and passed away with a smile.

As for whether he has any resentment towards Lu Fei, no one knows.

It is estimated that Chang Yufei should not have any resentment, because the fear Lu Fei brought to him far outweighed the hatred.

Lu Fei did not break his promise and immediately called Thomas Murray to ask him to pay attention to Chang Yufei's daughter at all times and give him maximum help.

After his daughter graduates, Murray will be solely responsible for her work.

After ending the call, Lu Fei carried Chang Yufei's body and climbed up into the pit. He found a place with relatively good feng shui and dug a big pit. He found a new set of clothes from his backpack and put it on for him. Only then did he put Chang Yufei's body into the pit. Fei buried him and personally gave salvation to his deceased soul.

No matter how many grievances the two had before, death is the most important thing.

Since Chang Yufei told Lu Fei everything he knew, of course Lu Fei had to respect him.

The only drawback is that there are no coffins.

However, personally giving him a treasure land can be regarded as the greatest explanation to Chang Yufei.

After doing all this, night has fallen.

Returning to the edge of the pit, Lu Fei took out his own medicinal hotpot and heated it up.

The aroma of medicated hot pot is far superior to that of open-air barbecue.

This addictive smell floated over, and Liu Peiwen, who was extremely weak, slowly opened her eyes.

Lu Fei's shadow had become blurry, but the tempting smell fascinated him.

After the hot pot was heated, Lu Fei brought the hot pot to Liu Peiwen and sat on the floor.

"Second brother, everyone else is dead. Now you and I are the only ones left. If you tell me what you know, no one will laugh at you."

"How about it? Say no?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Lu Fei said that everyone was dead, and Liu Peiwen frowned slightly.

Struggling to raise his head and look around, there was no one except himself and Lu Fei.

The deathly silence and gloomy wind around them made people shudder.

Opening her dry mouth, Liu Peiwen asked in horror.

"All, all dead?"

"That's right!"

"I said that anyone who enters the stone forest will die regardless of the reason." Lu Fei said.


"I, Liu Peiwen, have a relationship with you

We have sworn hatred. If you kill me, I won’t have any complaints, but why don’t you let anyone go? "

"Lu Fei, are you too cruel?"

"Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Liu Peiwen said.

Lu Fei ate the hoof, took a sip of soup, and smiled slightly.

"I said, I will not kill anyone with my own hands."

"These people all died of natural causes. Even if there is cause and effect, they will not be remembered on my head, Lu Fei."

"Besides, I gave them a decent burial, and they will thank me," Lu Fei said.


Liu Peiwen smiled miserably.

"Lu Fei, please stop fooling yourself."

"Would they have died of natural causes if you hadn't tied us all up?"

"If you don't kill Boruto, Boruto will die because of you."

"You have committed this karma. You devil, you will definitely receive retribution."

"I will definitely do it." Liu Peiwen said fiercely.

Lu Fei put down the hot pot, stood up and looked at the stone forest in the distance, his brows furrowed, his expression solemn and full of melancholy.

"I swear to God I was here."

"No matter who you are, you must die if you enter the stone forest."

"You are trapped in the stone forest. If I hadn't rescued you, you would have been unable to escape your misfortune. Therefore, this cause and effect does not belong to me."

"Even if the blame falls on me, what do I, Lu Fei, have to fear?"

"Compared to my promise and oath, I, Lu Fei, will die without regrets."

"Lu Fei!"

Liu Peiwen looked at Lu Fei again, full of doubts in her heart.

"I knew you wouldn't let me go, and I didn't expect to leave here alive."

"Before I die, can you tell me the truth?" Liu Peiwen asked.


"What do you want to know?"

Liu Peiwen asked, looking in the direction of the stone forest.

"I can tell that you have a lot to do with this place."

"Can you tell me, a person who is about to die, what is going on?" Liu Peiwen asked.


Lu Fei shook his head slightly and laughed.

"Forget it, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. There's no need."


"As your enemy, I understand you fairly well."

"Although you, Lu Fei, are not an upright and honorable man, your words are still relatively reliable."

"I believe you. You will not deceive a dying person, and there is no need." Liu Peiwen said.


"I never thought that you, Liu Laoer, would believe me."

"Do you really want to know?" Lu Fei asked.

"Liu is all ears."

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