A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2313 Make a deal

Liu Peiwen said that she believed in herself, which surprised Lu Fei.


The ancients said that those who really understand you are often your enemies. This is not unreasonable!

Pushing the hot pot aside, Lu Fei sat on the floor.

At this moment, there was no grudge between the two, as if they had been close friends for many years and had a tacit understanding.

"Second brother, I told Zhang Qinghua before that the formation here was set up by me personally a hundred years ago."

"I still say that now, can you believe it?" Lu Fei asked.

Liu Peiwen nodded without hesitation.

"Before, I thought you were talking nonsense, but now I really believe it."

"I wipe it?"

"Do you believe this too?"

"Is there something wrong with your mind?" Lu Fei was speechless.

"I believe!"

"I am a mortal, there is no need for you to play tricks on me."

"For more than a year, I have been studying you all the time."

“But the more I study, the more puzzled I become.”

"To be honest, I have investigated all the eighteen generations of your ancestors in detail."

"During the late Qing Dynasty, your ancestor once worked as a pawnshop apprentice."

"Just when your ancestor was about to become a full-time official, the troubled times came. In order to avoid being affected, your ancestor retired to the countryside."

"After the reform, your grandfather made a living collecting rags. Although he had a good eye, his harvest was only average."

"Later, your father Lu Tianlin opened a Jubao Pavilion in the thatched cottage, and the business was pretty good. But as far as I know, the treasure of your Jubao Pavilion is just a piece of gold amber and insect amber."

"And you, Lu Fei, are just a second-generation rich man who has never been outstanding before."

"But after graduating from Bianliang University, you were out of control."

"Picking up leaks is like picking up garbage, and your eyesight and knowledge are seriously inconsistent with your age."

"Even the old man Kong Fanlong called you a rare genius in two hundred years."

"No matter how smart you, Lu Fei, are, you won't be able to change so much in such a short period of time."

"So I firmly believe that you must have an ulterior secret."

"Before, you said that the formation here was set up by you yourself a hundred years ago. This sentence suddenly made me realize."

"If I guess correctly, you should have awakened the memories of two lifetimes, or be a legendary time traveler."

"Although this statement is extremely absurd, other than that, I really can't think of any other reason that can explain all this."

"Do you think so?" Liu Peiwen said lightly.

Lu Fei looked into the distance, smiled slightly, turned his head and gave Liu Peiwen a thumbs up.

"Second brother, congratulations on your correct answer."

"I have indeed mastered the memories of two lifetimes."

"The formation here was created by me personally in my previous life."


"I didn't plan to tell anyone these words in this life, but I didn't expect that I would tell you today."

"If we hadn't had any grudges, I might have regarded you as a close friend!" Lu Fei said with a smile.



Lu Fei admitted that Liu Peiwen looked up to the sky and laughed, but tears flowed out while smiling.


"This is life!"

"No wonder our Liu family is no match for you. It turns out you are such a monster. This is your fate!!"

At this moment, Liu Peiwen felt so ridiculous.

"Lu Fei, thank you for sharing your experience with me."

"However, I have one more question."

"You said that the formation here was created by you yourself in the previous life."

“Such a grand scale requires huge manpower

Material and financial resources are the foundation, and it cannot be completed in a short time. "

"You spent so much money, what kind of secret is there?"

"Since I'm about to die, can you tell me?" Liu Peiwen asked.


Lu Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly.

"Second brother, I advise you not to know, because if you tell me, I'm afraid you'll be pissed to death."


"I'm going to die anyway, what else do I have to be afraid of?"

"For the sake of the grudge between us, just tell me!"

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"You are not afraid of death, but I am afraid of your death."

"You haven't told me what I want to know!"

"I won't let you die until you tell me willingly."

"How about we make a deal."

"How about you tell me what I want to know and I answer your previous question seriously?" Lu Fei asked.

Liu Peiwen raised her eyebrows slightly, already making a decision in her heart.

In fact, Liu Peiwen had planned to tell Lu Fei since she sat down to chat with him.

It's not that Liu Peiwen has no integrity, she really doesn't want to linger and continue to suffer.

It's such a terrible feeling to want to die but live in fear all the time.

Liu Peiwen no longer wanted to continue.

Now that everyone around him is dead, in Lu Fei's words, no one will laugh at him anymore, so there is no need to be reserved.

Now, the Liu family has been ruined. Even if Lu Fei is not told, those treasures will not be passed down by the Liu family, let alone bring wealth to the Liu family.

In other words, those treasures no longer have any meaning to the Liu family.

If you don't tell yourself, sooner or later some lucky person will find out that you have taken advantage of others.

Rather than that, it would be better to tell Lu Fei to return these things to the Chinese archaeological community, which would be a way to accumulate a little bit of virtue for himself.

Thinking of this, Liu Peiwen nodded.

"Lu Fei, I can tell you, but you must agree to two conditions."

"What conditions?"

"First, you can't kill my daughter Sisi."

"No matter what, I hope she can continue to live." Liu Peiwen said.

"Okay, I promise you this."

"Not only will I not harm Liu Sisi, I can also promise not to let others hurt her."

"But the premise is that Liu Sisi will not commit suicide."

"If you want to escape from prison and continue to cause trouble to the world like this time, then you can't talk about it." Lu Fei said.

Liu Peiwen nodded solemnly.

"I'll be satisfied if you promise not to harm her."

"As for what will happen to her in the future, that is her own choice."

"Besides that, I have one condition."

"I can give you things, but you can't line your own pockets."

"No matter what method you use, sooner or later it must be returned to the Chinese archaeological community."

"I want a promise from you." Liu Peiwen asked Lu Fei without blinking.

"Second brother, you can rest assured about this."

"You don't need to tell me, I won't line my own pockets."

"This is a treasure of China and should be returned to the archaeological community."

"I, Lu Fei, will do what I say."


"Since you promised, I will tell you."

At this point, Liu Peiwen's body shook and she almost fainted.

This was due to excessive physical exertion, so Lu Fei injected him with two more glucose injections, and he quickly recovered.

Lu Fei handed over the self-stimulating pot, but Liu Peiwen refused.

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