A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2319 Geng Siyuan

Style thunder!

These three words are really a thunderous sound that everyone knows.

The palaces built by others have not expired until now. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first house to build wooden structures.

If the pawn shop in front of you were moved above ground, it would definitely be rated as a historical site. You could make a lot of money just by collecting tickets.

At that time, if the Lei family wanted to help design and build a house, let alone ordinary people, even high-ranking officials might not have such great dignity.

Not to mention building houses underground deep in the mountains, that is even more wishful thinking.

Fortunately, Lu Fei and Lei Aofeng are close friends.

When Lu Fei found Lei Aofeng, he agreed without saying a word. ??

Not only did they help with the design and construction, but they also didn’t charge Lu Fei a penny.

Because Lu Fei once saved his life.

This pawn shop is large in scale. It can be said that it combines the strengths of hundreds of pawn shops. It contains all the advantages of a pawn shop. It is simply luxurious to the extreme.

There is also a couplet at the entrance of the main hall.

The first couplet is: Merchants from the north and the south travel from the north and the south. The pawn shop relieves the worries and helps the world's emergencies.

The second line is: To pawn things in a pawn shop, to pledge things is a matter of having no money, and to know everything in the world.

This is also the work of Lu Fei.

After opening the main hall door and lighting the oil lamp, the more than 300-square-meter hall was as bright as day.

The living room, cabinets, guardrails, treasure chests and other necessary furnishings for a pawn shop are all here.

Sitting at the counter, man, entertaining a dozen people, but none of them moved.

Because these are all wax figures, all fake.

However, they are extremely realistic, because these wax figures are also made by an expert, Yangcheng wax man Zhang.

If it were true in this kind of environment, Lu Fei probably wouldn't be able to stand it.

Even if it is fake, if you see it without knowing it, you will be scared to death.

The personnel and furnishings are all available, but inside the cabinet,

But there was nothing.

Lu Fei did not lie to Liu Peiwen, there was indeed no such thing here.

However, if these buildings alone are moved out, even if Christie's spends all its money, it is guaranteed that they will not be able to afford them.

Lu Fei just glanced at the lobby and did not stay.

He opened the back door and stepped into the back house.

There were three main rooms in the back house, and Lu Fei went straight to the east. As for the other two, Lu Fei took a look at them, but had no intention of going in.

There is no furniture in the east room. If you really think this is a room, you would be completely wrong.

There are two objects here.

One is a huanghuali offering table.

There was not even an incense burner on the offering table, only an ivory tablet.

There are a few simple words written above.

"Your Majesty, this is the spiritual place of my mentor Geng Siyuan."

Facing the memorial tablet is a table of huge golden nanmu coffins.

Lying inside is the rightful owner of the tablet, the old miser Geng Siyuan, the third master of Lu Fei in his previous life.

No, not Geng Siyuan!

Geng Siyuan's name was changed by Lu Fei after the old ghost died.

The old ghost's real name is Geng Siyuan.

The reason why Lu Fei changed his master's name was not disrespectful. There is indeed a story in it.

After a hundred years, Lu Fei should have been heartbroken and filled with melancholy when he saw his master's coffin again.

But thinking of this story, Lu Fei couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

When Lu Fei was young, he was taken to the mountains by an old Taoist to learn martial arts. The old Tao taught Lu Fei Taoism, various Taoist classics, metaphysical knowledge, etc.

As for Lu Fei's treasure-appraisal skills, he was given them by his third master, Geng Siyuan.

The three masters’ appreciation of historical allusions and appreciation

The mastery of precious knowledge can be said to be astonishing from ancient times to the present, and he is definitely a genius of a generation.

Unfortunately, the third master was not very lucky.

Although he has a lot of skills, he will live in poverty all his life.

It stands to reason that such an awesome person would not be so miserable no matter how bad things happen, but this is not the case. ??

Gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times.

Living in troubled times, it is a big joke to expect the antique industry to make a fortune.

Ordinary people who get a good item will not only not be able to get rich overnight, but they may also be guilty of using it, leading to death.

In that era, only high-ranking officials and Baylors were interested in collecting.

Ordinary people do not have this ability, and all they think about all day long is how to survive.

Being able to eat without dying is my greatest wish.

In order to make a living, the third master entered the pawnshop industry.

Working in a pawn shop requires qualifications.

You say you have the ability, but that won't work. You have to start from a young apprentice.

An apprentice is worse than a waiter. Apart from taking care of the family's meals, he basically gets no salary.

Pawn shop Pawn shop, a place that specializes in being cheated,

This kind of place not only cheats its customers, but also its own people.

Therefore, pawnshop owners are usually evil thieves. As far as this rule is concerned, you have to endure it if you don't obey.

There is only one way to change this situation, and that is to stay in the closet.

Becoming a master means becoming a master.

Geng Siyuan worked in Liu Ji's pawnshop for five years, but fortunately, he finally died from sitting at the counter.

The old guy is dead. In terms of qualifications, Geng Siyuan has no doubt that he will be the clerk.

But I never expected that after working for more than half a month, my butt was still hot, and I didn't get a cent. The shopkeeper offended someone and was killed.

The boss died, and the proprietress was not good at running the business, so she transferred the pawnshop to Sun Ji and took her with her.

He took the money and followed the pretty boy to a foreign country.

Although Geng Siyuan did not receive a salary, he was lucky. The new shopkeeper kept him on because he was honest.

However, if you want to sit in the closet, that is impossible.

The new boss has his own team. Besides, he doesn’t know you well and can’t completely trust you, right?

You can stay and work for me, but I'm sorry, you have to continue being an apprentice.

Geng Siyuan wanted to cry but had no tears.

He wanted to refuse, but outside this door, other families might not even use him as an apprentice.

He had no savings, and if he couldn't find a job in two months, he would starve to death.

There is no other way, just keep enduring it!

This endurance lasted another eight years.

In the past eight years, I have not suffered from sitting in the closet, but my boss has taken the lead and traveled westward.

As a result, I contacted a buyer from the counter, and the two of them teamed up to buy Sun Ji's pawn shop.

After becoming the boss, he could no longer sit at the counter. Geng Siyuan volunteered, thinking that it would be my turn this time!

Unexpectedly, despite his fulfilling ideals, reality played an international joke on him.

Not only did the boss not let him work as a counter, but what was even more outrageous was that he fired him directly.

Now, even the most basic food and clothing cannot be guaranteed.

Geng Siyuan has no other skills except for appreciating treasures.

Looking for a job everywhere, but hitting a wall everywhere.

After a month, I didn't even get to work as an apprentice, but all the copper coins in my pocket were completely spent.

Human relationships are cold and warm, and the world is cold and cold.

It's the dead of winter, and if there is no income, Geng Siyuan will freeze to death, even if he doesn't starve to death.

Just when he was at his most desperate, God finally favored him once.

On this day, the Dongcheng medicinal materials market opened. Geng Siyuan came to the medicinal materials market with his weak body, intending to get a job, but he accidentally met his noble lady.

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