A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2320 Korean Ginseng

Just when the old ghost was suffering from hunger and cold and was most desperate, the Dongcheng Medicinal Materials Market opened.

For him, this was a good opportunity given by God.

Dongcheng Medicinal Material Market was, at that time, one of the largest medicinal material trading markets in the entire north.

The market opens on the 15th day of every month and lasts for one week.

During this week, countless bosses closely related to the pharmaceutical industry will come to stock up on goods.

Therefore, every time the Dongcheng Pharmaceutical Market opens, it is always crowded with people.

Thousands of merchants come here to buy medicinal materials, and the transportation industry is a top priority. ??

Although Geng Siyuan has no business, he can work as a coolie and help others carry bags and transport medicinal materials.

At worst, you can make more than a dozen dollars a day.

With money, you will not starve to death, and you will also give yourself some buffer time.

Therefore, Geng Siyuan was overjoyed and dragged his weak body to the medicinal materials market.

The market is really lively, and there are so many bosses hiring people to transport them.

However, when the bosses saw Geng Siyuan's sallow complexion and pitiful little body, they all waved their hands and refused, and no one used him at all.

We can't blame the bosses, Geng Siyuan's condition is really bad.

I haven't had a full meal in more than ten days, I'm so hungry that my face is sallow and my muscles are thin, and I can't stop swaying when I stand there. How can this body be able to withstand such heavy physical work?

At that time, if the work is not done well and the boss is still exhausted here, he will have to face a lawsuit, which is not worth the gain.

Geng Siyuan begged hard and kept lowering his worth. Finally, he even said that he could just take care of the food and not pay a penny.

Even so, no one used him. Now, Geng Siyuan was desperate.

With all his thoughts in despair, Geng Siyuan walked out of the market like a zombie.

Just as he was about to leave the market, a stall caught Geng Siyuan's idea.

This stall, under the guise of Ma Kee, is above average in size in the entire market.

At this time, the shopkeeper was talking to a fat man

The Taoist priest discussed the price of a pack of medicinal materials.

The shopkeeper held a palm-sized black cloth bag in his hand, pointed at the yellow-brown medicinal slices inside, and uttered lotus flowers.

"Master Tao, take a look, this is a really rare item."

"Old wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain is at least two hundred years old, and the cutting time is no more than three months, so there is almost no loss of medicinal effect."

"This batch of old ginseng was originally reserved for Jiuzhitang. However, the guys from Jiuzhitang came over this morning to say that they have a surplus this year. Otherwise, you would have no chance of getting these high-end products."

Master Dao couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

He picked up a slice and looked at it carefully, then smelled it vigorously and smiled with satisfaction.

"How much?"

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up when he heard this.


"One look at Master Dao, you are a connoisseur of goods."

"This bag is worth six taels and three cents. The top and bottom are the same. They are both 200 years old."

"However, this is the package we ship, and we don't sell it for retail." The shopkeeper said.

The old Taoist nodded to express his understanding.

"Just tell me how much it is!"


"Seeing that you are so sincere, I will give you three yuan for free. It will be calculated as six taels. You can give me a round number, how about eight hundred yuan?" the shopkeeper said.

"Eight hundred?"



Next, the shopkeeper and the old man started a fierce war of words, attracting countless people to watch.

After more than half an hour of bargaining, the two finally reached an agreement and sold the package of slices to Lao Dao for 500 yuan.

Slices of ginseng that are more than two hundred years old, and they are still six taels.

Heavy, five hundred yuan is really not expensive.

People around him were talking with envy. If it weren't for the rules of the medicinal materials market, they would definitely stand up and compete with the old Taoist.

The old man was quite satisfied with the price and was ready to pay for the transaction.

At this moment, a weak shout came from behind.

"Wait a moment!"

When this voice sounded, everyone was stunned and looked over.

The person calling was a middle-aged man in his forties, tall but pitifully thin, with a sallow face and constant sweat on his forehead.

This is none other than Geng Siyuan.

"Master Tao, this is not Changbai Mountain ginseng."

"Five hundred yuan, not worth it!"


Geng Siyuan's words were like thunder exploding in the crowd, and everyone was shocked.

Shopkeeper Ma Ji's eyes flashed fiercely, but the fat old man took a breath of air.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"This layman, do you think this is not Changbai Mountain wild ginseng?" asked the old Taoist.

Geng Siyuan nodded seriously.

Normally, Geng Siyuan is not a meddlesome person, but today he couldn't stand it anymore.

When Geng Siyuan was young, he once received help from an old Taoist. He respected the Taoist priests very much, so he couldn't bear to see the old Taoist be deceived.

Although Geng Siyuan does not know medical skills, he is an expert in the appraisal of objects, and he also has unique research on precious medicinal materials such as ginseng.

Moreover, after working in a pawnshop for so many years, although he has always been a young apprentice, he has extremely rich experience, so he can tell at a glance that this is not the real Changbai Mountain wild ginseng.

Of course, Geng Siyuan also knew that being nosy might bring unnecessary trouble, but at this time he didn't care.

Penniless, hungry and cold, and unable to find a job, Geng Siyuan was completely despairing.

Before dying, saving the Taoist's losses and accumulating some moral virtue can be regarded as giving a little reward to the Taoist priests who helped him in the first place!

Geng Siyuan's words were so shocking that the shopkeeper of Maji would quit his job.

"Sun thief, whose crotch opened and you fell out?"

"Don't look at your aggressiveness, you know nothing."

"If you continue to talk nonsense, I will be rude to you."

The fat old Taoist frowned when he heard the shopkeeper's foul language, instinctively disgusted.

Geng Siyuan stood up and spoke, obviously helping him. Of course, Master Dao couldn't watch Geng Siyuan being threatened.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, thank you for this layman's advice."

"However, I would also like to ask lay people to clarify that this is not Changbai Mountain wild ginseng. Do you have any evidence?"

"You can say it with confidence, no one dares to bully you here."

When the fat old Taoist said this, Geng Siyuan became more determined in his original intention, gritted his teeth, nodded, and spoke.

"Master Tao, this is indeed not Changbai Mountain wild ginseng."

"Changbai Mountain ginseng has been growing for hundreds of years. It has a red-yellow color, thick skin and fine texture."

"After slicing, the texture breaks off, and after drying, there will be fine russet spots on the texture section."

"The color is more obvious when it is over two hundred years old, but if you look at these, it obviously does not meet the above conditions."

"This is indeed not Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, but it is still a good thing."

"This is Korean ginseng imported from Korea."

“The growth cycle of Korean ginseng is much faster than that of Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, so the texture is relatively loose and the color is not as heavy as Changbai Mountain wild ginseng.”

"Korean ginseng is also considered a valuable medicinal material, but its efficacy is very different from Changbai Mountain ginseng, and the price is even worse."

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