A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2321 It’s you

Geng Siyuan said that what he saw in front of him was not Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, but Korean ginseng with different medicinal effects. Everyone was shocked.

Although Korean ginseng also has the effect of replenishing qi, it is mainly used to treat symptoms such as promoting body fluids and calming the nerves. It is suitable for people with panic, insomnia, physical weakness, heart failure, cardiogenic shock and other symptoms.

At the same time, it can promote blood circulation, prevent fatigue, enhance immunity, and also has certain curative effects on cardiovascular diseases.

However, this is not the same as Changbai Mountain wild ginseng.

Wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain has more significant medicinal effects due to its longer growth cycle.

In addition to replenishing qi, it can also nourish the five internal organs, soothe the spirit, calm the soul, relieve panic, remove evil spirits, improve eyesight, happiness and improve intelligence. It plays a prominent role in many medicinal prescriptions.

Of course, this does not mean that Korean ginseng is bad.

However, there are many differences in the efficacy of the two medicines.

If you regard Korean ginseng as Changbai Mountain wild ginseng and use it as medicine, it is very likely that it will not achieve the effect prescribed in the medicine.

If there are contradictory drugs in the prescription, it may even be very dangerous. Therefore, it is very important to make sure the medicine is correct.

In addition, it is the price of both.

Changbai Mountain wild ginseng has been famous as early as thousands of years ago.

Due to over-exploitation, scarce materials are becoming increasingly scarce.

Things are rare and expensive, and the price is outrageous.

Korean ginseng is different.

The reputation of Korean ginseng is not as high as that of Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, and its medicinal efficacy is several grades lower. The yield is much higher than that of Changbai Mountain ginseng, and the price is several times lower.

At that time, a large pharmacy purchased a hundred-year-old wild ginseng for about three to five hundred dollars.

The price of wild Korean ginseng of the same year is less than 100 yuan, which is a big difference.

If Fatty Taoist bought these Korean ginseng as Changbai Mountain ginseng, not only would he have wasted hundreds of dollars in vain, but the effect would not be achieved when used as medicine, wouldn't it be a loss?

Geng Siyuan talked endlessly about the differences between Korean ginseng and wild ginseng.

The evidence is conclusive, this package of slices from Maji is undoubtedly Korean ginseng.

The experts around him heard this and were full of praise for Geng Siyuan's knowledge, and the old Taoist was also constantly grateful.

But shopkeeper Ma Ji became angry because Geng Siyuan ruined the situation.

After giving the waiter a wink, the two waiters rushed out to take revenge on Geng Siyuan.

At this time, Fat Old Taoist stood up.

Even though the veteran weighed nearly two hundred kilograms, he was as nimble as an ape and could knock the guy to the ground in just a few clicks.

With this hand exposed, shopkeeper Ma Ji didn't dare to make any mistakes.

After the matter was resolved, Geng Qinghua was about to find a place to try his luck, but was stopped by Fat Lao Dao.

Without saying anything, he took Geng Siyuan to the tavern outside the market.

If the old man asks him to do something else, Geng Si

Yuan may refuse and ask him to eat, but he can't refuse.

Even if he refused out of face, his belly would not agree.

In this meal, Geng Siyuan replenished his meal for more than ten days.

After having enough wine and food, the two drank tea and chatted.

The fat old Taoist kept testing Geng Siyuan's knowledge. This test surprised the old Taoist.

Good guy!

It’s you.

The fat old Taoist came down the mountain for one purpose, to find an expert to learn from for his precious apprentice.

There was no way, the kid at home knew more than he did, and he really had nothing to teach him.

Not only that, he was laughed at by the kids at home every day, saying that his master was worse than his apprentice and he was nothing more than a loser.

The old Taoist couldn't stand it anymore, so he went down the mountain to visit the experts.

I originally planned to buy some medicinal materials at the medicinal materials market to go back to stock up on. Unexpectedly, I met Geng Siyuan, a big treasure. The fat old man's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

While Geng Siyuan was drunk, he expressed his thoughts.

Geng Siyuan was desperate and agreed without hesitation.

This is Lu Fei's third master.

In fact, Geng Siyuan should be regarded as Lu Fei's second master.

However, later, the old Taoist brought back a very good escort leader and taught Lu Fei martial arts.

Since he couldn't beat the newcomer, Geng Siyuan had to settle for third place.

When they came to the mountain, Geng Siyuan's knowledge exposed the young Lu Fei to a whole new field, and his interest greatly increased, and he has been out of control ever since.

In just three years, he grafted all of Geng Siyuan's knowledge onto himself.

The old Taoist got back many books for Lu Fei. Another year passed, and the third master was no longer Lu Fei's opponent.

In addition to studying, the relationship between the two men is quite good. Geng Siyuan often sighs when chatting.

He told Lu Fei that he had a knot in his heart that he could never get rid of in his life, and that was the position of the counter in a pawn shop.

After working for more than ten years, he has never been able to sit in the cabinet, which has become Geng Siyuan's inner demon.

Therefore, his biggest wish is to have a pawnshop of his own and to be the pawnshop himself.

Geng Siyuan just complained and did not ask Lu Fei to do anything. However, Lu Fei kept his master's wishes in mind.

After Lu Fei came down from the mountain, he quickly made a name for himself by relying on the medical skills he learned from Lao Tao, the martial arts skills he learned from his second master, and the treasure appraisal skills taught by his third master.

Not only did he make friends with many righteous people in the world, but because of his mysterious medical skills, he became the guest of many wealthy and powerful people.

With friends and status, wealth is of course not a problem.

But just when Lu Fei was about to open a pawn shop for the third master, bad news came that the third master died unexpectedly.

For this reason, Lu Fei deeply regretted it. Geng Siyuan said that what he saw in front of him was not Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, but Korean ginseng with different medicinal effects. Everyone was shocked.

Although Korean ginseng also has the effect of replenishing qi, it is mainly used to treat symptoms such as promoting body fluids and calming the nerves. It is suitable for people with panic, insomnia, physical weakness, heart failure, cardiogenic shock and other symptoms.

At the same time, it can promote blood circulation, prevent fatigue, enhance immunity, and also has certain curative effects on cardiovascular diseases.

However, this is not the same as Changbai Mountain wild ginseng.

Wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain has more significant medicinal effects due to its longer growth cycle.

In addition to replenishing qi, it can also nourish the five internal organs, soothe the spirit, calm the soul, relieve panic, remove evil spirits, improve eyesight, happiness and improve intelligence. It plays a prominent role in many medicinal prescriptions.

Of course, this does not mean that Korean ginseng is bad.

However, there are many differences in the efficacy of the two medicines.

If you regard Korean ginseng as Changbai Mountain wild ginseng and use it as medicine, it is very likely that it will not achieve the effect prescribed in the medicine.

If there are contradictory drugs in the prescription, it may even be very dangerous. Therefore, it is very important to make sure the medicine is correct.

In addition, it is the price of both.

Changbai Mountain wild ginseng has been famous as early as thousands of years ago.

Due to over-exploitation, scarce materials are becoming increasingly scarce.

Things are rare and expensive, and the price is outrageous.

Korean ginseng is different.

The reputation of Korean ginseng is not as high as that of Changbai Mountain wild ginseng, and its medicinal efficacy is several grades lower. The yield is much higher than that of Changbai Mountain ginseng, and the price is several times lower.

At that time, a large pharmacy purchased a hundred-year-old wild ginseng for about three to five hundred dollars.

The price of wild Korean ginseng of the same year is less than 100 yuan, which is a big difference.

If Fatty Taoist bought these Korean ginseng as Changbai Mountain ginseng, not only would he have wasted hundreds of dollars in vain, but the effect would not be achieved when used as medicine, wouldn't it be a loss?

Geng Siyuan talked endlessly about the differences between Korean ginseng and wild ginseng.

The evidence is conclusive, this package of slices from Maji is undoubtedly Korean ginseng.

The experts around him heard this and were full of praise for Geng Siyuan's knowledge, and the old Taoist was also constantly grateful.

But shopkeeper Ma Ji became angry because Geng Siyuan ruined the situation.

After giving the waiter a wink, the two waiters rushed out to take revenge on Geng Siyuan.

At this time, Fat Old Taoist stood up.

Even though the veteran weighed nearly two hundred kilograms, he was as nimble as an ape and could knock the guy to the ground in just a few clicks.

With this hand exposed, shopkeeper Ma Ji didn't dare to make any mistakes.

After the matter was resolved, Geng Qinghua was about to find a place to try his luck, but was stopped by Fat Lao Dao.

Without saying anything, he took Geng Siyuan to the tavern outside the market.

If the old man asks him to do something else, Geng Si

Yuan may refuse and ask him to eat, but he can't refuse.

Even if he refused out of face, his belly would not agree.

In this meal, Geng Siyuan replenished his meal for more than ten days.

After having enough wine and food, the two drank tea and chatted.

The fat old Taoist kept testing Geng Siyuan's knowledge. This test surprised the old Taoist.

Good guy!

It’s you.

The fat old Taoist came down the mountain for one purpose, to find an expert to learn from for his precious apprentice.

There was no way, the kid at home knew more than he did, and he really had nothing to teach him.

Not only that, he was laughed at by the kids at home every day, saying that his master was worse than his apprentice and he was nothing more than a loser.

The old Taoist couldn't stand it anymore, so he went down the mountain to visit the experts.

I originally planned to buy some medicinal materials at the medicinal materials market to go back to stock up on. Unexpectedly, I met Geng Siyuan, a big treasure. The fat old man's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

While Geng Siyuan was drunk, he expressed his thoughts.

Geng Siyuan was desperate and agreed without hesitation.

This is Lu Fei's third master.

In fact, Geng Siyuan should be regarded as Lu Fei's second master.

However, later, the old Taoist brought back a very good escort leader and taught Lu Fei martial arts.

Since he couldn't beat the newcomer, Geng Siyuan had to settle for third place.

When they came to the mountain, Geng Siyuan's knowledge exposed the young Lu Fei to a whole new field, and his interest greatly increased, and he has been out of control ever since.

In just three years, he grafted all of Geng Siyuan's knowledge onto himself.

The old Taoist got back many books for Lu Fei. Another year passed, and the third master was no longer Lu Fei's opponent.

In addition to studying, the relationship between the two men is quite good. Geng Siyuan often sighs when chatting.

He told Lu Fei that he had a knot in his heart that he could never get rid of in his life, and that was the position of the counter in a pawn shop.

After working for more than ten years, he has never been able to sit in the cabinet, which has become Geng Siyuan's inner demon.

Therefore, his biggest wish is to have a pawnshop of his own and to be the pawnshop himself.

Geng Siyuan just complained and did not ask Lu Fei to do anything. However, Lu Fei kept his master's wishes in mind.

After Lu Fei came down from the mountain, he quickly made a name for himself by relying on the medical skills he learned from Lao Tao, the martial arts skills he learned from his second master, and the treasure appraisal skills taught by his third master.

Not only did he make friends with many righteous people in the world, but because of his mysterious medical skills, he became the guest of many wealthy and powerful people.

With friends and status, wealth is of course not a problem.

But just when Lu Fei was about to open a pawn shop for the third master, bad news came that the third master died unexpectedly.

For this reason, Lu Fei deeply regretted it.

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