A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2322 I can’t bear to leave you

The son wants to take care of him, but he doesn't want to be loved.

After going down the mountain for five years, I made friends all over the world and accumulated countless wealth. I originally planned to let the three masters enjoy a happy life, but when I returned to the mountain again, I received the sad news that the third master Geng Siyuan had passed away.

Lu Fei regretted it.

Geng Siyuan had no children in his life and treated himself as his own son. Unfortunately, he did not wait for Lu Fei's return.

When Master was still alive, what he said the most was that he wanted to understand his long-cherished wish in his lifetime.

In addition, he had a miserable fate in this life. He hoped to be reincarnated into a wealthy family in the next life, so he hoped that Lu Fei could choose a Feng Shui treasure for him to bury.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei was heartbroken.

Mobilizing friends from all over the world, using all connections, and spending a huge price to find Geng Siyuan's most precious geomantic land deep in the Qinling Mountains as a place to stay.

However, the name on the Geng Siyuan tablet was changed by Lu Fei on his own initiative.

When the old ghost was alive, he often complained that his life was miserable.

Lu Fei and Fat Lao Tao explained to him that the reason why his life was miserable was directly related to his name.

Geng Siyuan!

The word "Geng" means fire in the ear.

The word "source" means source, and water source is the source of rivers and lakes.

The ears are on the head, and the word Geng means there is fire on the head.

This is the power of fire and prosperous clouds, which brings good fortune and good fortune.

But damn, when combined with the last two words, it's bad luck.

I finally have the fire of good luck in my head, but I miss the source.

As the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible. How can this be better?

Therefore, Lu Fei suggested that Geng Siyuan change his name from the word "source" to the word "yuan".

Yuan and Yuan are homophones, so it is not obvious when they are called.

In addition, the word "far" has a special meaning.

"Yuan" can be understood as far-reaching, long-lasting, and long-standing.

When combined together, the fire of good luck on your head will last forever and will never be extinguished. This is absolutely awesome.

Not only Lu Fei

So, when the fat old Taoist heard about it, he praised it again and again.

Unfortunately, my family disagreed. As soon as I mentioned this, the old ghost Geng Siyuan went crazy.


The name is a gift from the parents, how can it be changed?

This is the greatest form of unfilial piety. No one should mention it in the future. Who said I was jealous of anyone?

When he was alive, Lu Fei had no way to deal with him.

But if he travels westward with a crane, it's not up to him.

Although Lu Fei ordered him an excellent Feng Shui treasure land, the effect would still be much worse if the unlucky name was not changed.

Therefore, on the day of the burial, Lu Fei personally performed the rituals, offered sacrifices to the deceased, and changed his name on his own initiative.

As for whether the spirit of the old ghost in heaven would be angry, Lu Fei couldn't care less.

A hundred years later, Lu Fei had mixed feelings when he returned here again.

Looking back on every bit of his previous life, Lu Fei was very sad.

But thinking about changing his name, Lu Fei laughed again.

"Old ghost!"

"I'm doing this for your own good, so don't curse!"

After that, Lu Fei cleaned the east room carefully.

After that, he took out the Xuande stove and placed it on the altar table, and respectfully offered incense to Master.

"Old ghost, Lu Fei is here to see you."

"What do you think this is?"

"In your last life, you said that if you could see the authentic Xuande furnace with your own eyes, you would die without regrets."

"Today, I brought it to you."

"However, I have to take it away later, so I can't break your rules. You should seize the time and have a good eyeful!"

After adding incense, Lu Fei took out the Ge family's 500-year-old wine that had been prepared in advance, took out the chicken cup, and poured a full bowl.

"Look at this again, this is good stuff too!"

"A serious 800-year-old chicken vat cup, plus 500-year-old wine."

"Before I came here, some things delayed my time. All the things I brought you were broken. There are no tributes, so you just have to make do with it!"

"But you should be content."

"Back then, Yuan Lao Er was reluctant to drink tea from a chicken vat cup. I let you drink from a chicken vat cup. This treatment is much better than Yuan Lao Er."

"By the way, there's more!"

"Modern cigarettes, with filters, are much better than your old cannons. I'll break your fast today too."

Lighting the cigarette, Lu Fei turned around and knelt down facing the coffin.

Open the backpack and take out the good things one by one.

"Old ghost, what do you think this is?"

"Yes, this is Huangquan Supreme. This unexpected surprise will open your eyes."

"Look at this again!"

Lu Fei took out a pair of small bowls again, and in an instant, the whole room was filled with bright stars and thousands of rays of light, tightly wrapping the huge golden nanmu coffin.

Lu Fei stared at the coffin without blinking, imagining that his master's soul could stand up and enjoy this unique spectacle.

Unfortunately, the coffin never moved.

Lu Fei sighed and continued.

"You once told me that the miracles created by our ancestors have become the inheritance of the islanders, and you are not willing to accept it."

"Today, I learned about your long-cherished wish."

"This pair is the Yaobian Celestial Eye inherited by the people of the island country."

"However, it is mine now, and I also changed the name back to Haobianzhan."

"From now on, there will be no more celestial eyes in the world, so you can rest assured."

Putting the cup aside, Lu Fei took out Huo Qubing's "Championship" seal, and then took out the valuable treasures one by one to show to Geng Siyuan.

Lu Fei took out these, and they all have some connection with Geng Siyuan. They are all the key points between the third master and himself in the previous life.

The treasure I mentioned.

This brings about understanding the third master's wish.

However, the things were obtained, but the master could no longer see them.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei's eyes were filled with tears, and he burst into tears.

"Master, I regret it!"

"I really fucking regret it!"

"I have booked a shop for you in Dashilan, and the shop assistant has found it for you. Unfortunately, it was delayed by some trivial matters."

"I should go back early so you could see your pawn shop."

"I fucking regret it!!"

When Lu Fei said this, he covered his face and cried bitterly.

After a long time, Lu Fei stopped crying, took out the last item from his bag, and carefully held it in front of the coffin.

"Master, what do you think this is?"

"Open your eyes and take a look!"

"As thin as paper!"

"Bright as a mirror!"

"Sound like a chime!"

"Blue as the sky!"

"Open your eyes and look, this is a firewood kiln!"

"This is the God Porcelain Firewood Kiln!"

"I found it, I really found it, I brought it to you, take a good look at it."

Lu Fei stayed in the east room for two days and two nights.

During this period, I didn't drink a sip of water or eat a sip of food. I just kept mumbling to myself and recalling bits and pieces of the past.

Two days later, Lu Fei stood up slowly, shaking slightly.

"Depend on!"

"My legs are numb."

"Old ghost, I, I, I'm leaving!"

"There are still a lot of things waiting for me to do outside. I really have to leave."

"But I really can't let you go!"

"Now that I'm gone, I don't know if I'll have a chance to see you again. You won't blame me, will you?"

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