A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2326 Solution

Shen Lianxi moved the media out, and everyone on the Chinese archaeological team was slightly startled, followed by a series of eye rolls.

The veterans here in China are full of disdain.

If you are a popular traffic star, you will become irritated when it comes to the media.

But we are exchanging cultural relics. Does this have anything to do with the media?

Can the media still influence the outcome of negotiations?

Seeing that Shenzhou didn't care, Shen Lianxi smiled slightly.

"Everyone, originally, our exchange of cultural relics across the Taiwan Strait has nothing to do with the media."

"But who would have thought? Today's media is so capable."

"I don't know how they found out about it, but they actually dug out what Mr. Kong said back then."

"Many of you here are old people."

"I believe everyone knows what Mr. Kong's attitude was towards this matter back then."

"We have nothing. Mr. Kong is an old man. We don't care what he says."

"But the media doesn't care about this. What they want is explosive news. The more explosive the news, the more attention it will attract."

"But if they do it, the masses who don't know the inside story will definitely have different opinions. If not, it will cause serious damage to Mr. Kong's reputation!"


Shen Lianxi's words were like a bolt from the blue among the old guys in the Chinese archaeological community, and everyone was shocked on the spot.

Fatty Guanhai Mountain King and others suddenly stood up, their eyes almost splitting.

Son of a bitch!

These bastards have gone too far.

Although Mr. Kong's attitude was domineering back then, his remarks were inappropriate and, to put it bluntly, a bit unreasonable.

Although somewhat unreasonable, Mr. Kong has such capital.

When those words came out of his mouth, no one dared to make mistakes.

But things are different now. Mr. Kong is no longer here, and the treasure island will soon return to its glory.

Now they have no scruples and directly bring Mr. Kong out to talk about the matter.


If the matter is not resolved well, the consequences will be too serious.

Those who know the inside story will definitely support Mr. Kong 100%.

Not only will he not have any objections, but he will admire the old man's domineering attitude to the extreme.

But it's hard to agree.

Under the instigation from Baodao, there will definitely be voices of opposition.

With the hype, this kind of opposition must have become more and more vocal, so that in the end, it was out of control.

If this happens, the old man's reputation will be destroyed in one day.

Therefore, the old guys on the Baodao side are blaming Kong Lao, and the old guys on the Shenzhou side are filled with indignation.

However, all they can do is get angry.

Baodao kept everything secret and put all the responsibility on the media.

Everyone knows that this news must have been deliberately released by those shameless old people in Baodao, but there is no evidence.

Even if there is evidence, it is useless.

Because what they say is true, and even if you are unhappy, you have no reason to refute it, so you can only get angry here.

Guan Haishan gnashed his teeth in hatred and breathed heavily.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder which media is so irresponsible?"

"Is it that bastard who has killed a thousand swords again and revealed these secrets to the media?"

Guan Haishan knew clearly that it was them who did it, but he had no choice but to make insinuations.

Xu Shijie's palace is extremely deep, how could he not hear that Guan Haishan had other ideas?

However, he didn't care. He smiled and asked his secretary to take out the tablet and send it to Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, take a look!"

“What’s up here is overwhelming, all about what Mr. Kong said back then.”

"However, we have already used our hands

Section, try to suppress the spread of negative news. "

"As for who disclosed the information to the media, we are investigating this, and there is no result yet."

"Then again, even if we find out who did it, we can't do anything to them."

"After all, what is disclosed in the media is all true, isn't it?"

When Xu Shijie said this, everyone became even more nervous.

Guan Haishan gritted his teeth, glared at Xu Shijie, and then looked at the news on the computer.

[Mr. Kong Fanlong, the general consultant of China’s history and archeology and the great master of treasure appraisal in China, declared domineeringly. 】

[The domineering spirit of a centenarian]

[Patriotic remarks by the general consultant of China Archeology]

[I’ll sit in this position for a day, so don’t have any wishful thinking]

Countless headlines all seem to praise Kong Fanlong, but in fact, they state the old man's unreasonable remarks in detail.

This may seem like nothing wrong, but in fact it is extremely despicable.

On the Shenzhou side, the impact is not particularly serious, but on the Baodao side it is a different situation.

In the comment section below, 90% of the voices are against it.

It sounds nice to say that the old man is unreasonable and irresponsible in his words.

In more serious cases, the old man's remarks were even escalated into a trigger for the deterioration of cross-strait relations.

There were even a lot of scoldings, saying that the old man was a bandit, had Alzheimer's disease, etc.

Seeing these remarks, Kong Fanlong's eyes burst into flames and his teeth chattered.

Slowly raising his head, Guan Haishan looked at Xu Shijie fiercely.

"Mr. Xu, is this a bit too much?"


Hearing what Guan Haishan said, Xu Shijie, Shen Lianxi and others sneered, and the veterans in the Chinese archaeological community almost vomited blood.

You are paralyzed!

People have done it all, so what’s the point of talking about it?

You are a family member, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to say this?

At this time, if you don't show your spirit as a family member, when will you wait?


It was delivered to my home and it was so embarrassing!

If it were Mr. Kong, he would definitely fight back without hesitation.

Why are you so cowardly?

There are leaders watching over you, are you worried?

If this was aimed at Guan Haishan personally, the veterans might not care, but now it is aimed at Mr. Kong!

We can't fucking take it anymore, how can you still hold it in?

At that moment, Fatty Wang and several other hot-tempered guys were about to step forward, but they were forcibly held back by everyone.

Fatty Wang's eyes were red with anger. He panted heavily and tilted his eight-and-a-half-pound head to one side. In his mind, he greeted the eighteen generations of Baodao old guys' ancestors several times.

At the same time, I despised Guan Haishan even more.

Xu Shijie chuckled.

"Mr. Guan, don't be angry. This is not what we want to see."

"Since this incident broke out, we have used various relationships to find ways to prevent the situation from spreading."

"If this were not the case, these news would have covered the entire Asia."

"Mr. Kong is a senior we respect, and we don't want his reputation to be tarnished by unreasonable people."

"But these are facts after all, and we can't refute them, right?"

"Right now, there is only one way to quickly solve this problem."

"That is to allow these cultural relics to be settled in Baodao Gubo as soon as possible."

"At that time, we will display those cultural relics and attribute the credit to Mr. Kong for promoting the return of the fallen leaves of cultural relics on both sides of the Taiwan Strait."

"In this way, the negative comments on the Internet will certainly be self-defeating."

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