A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2327 Chapter 2327

"Mr. Guan, please stop worrying."

"Those cultural relics and documents originally belong to our Baodao Ancient Museum. The complete set of cultural relics from both sides of the Taiwan Strait is located in the Baodao Ancient Museum. It is well deserved."

"What we have to do is to facilitate the settlement of those cultural relics on Treasure Island as soon as possible. In this way, the discussion about Kong Lao on the Internet will immediately be undermined."

"Mr. Kong has always been an elder we respect. We really don't want to see his reputation be tarnished by those who are ignorant."

"This is the best of both worlds. You are Mr. Kong's disciple. I believe you don't want the situation to continue to spread, right?" Xu Shijie said.

Damn it! .??.

Guan Haishan's eyes widened, and he had the urge to stand up and curse in the street.

Lao Xiaozi, you are so fucking damaged.

This is a huge hole dug, forcing me to jump into it!

If I don't agree, I will be disregarding the honor of my mentor. I will be scolded by the archaeological community in the future, saying that I am an ungrateful white-eyed wolf.

I promise you, it won’t be much better. You will also be scolded by the archaeological community for being incompetent.

It will even arouse resistance and abuse from the majority of Chinese netizens. No matter what, you are not a human being inside or outside!

Your uncle's!

When my master was the general counsel, he was respected by everyone, even the No. 1 leader.

But why is it so difficult when it's my turn?

Is it really a matter of my lack of ability?

At this moment, Guan Haishan looked around at a loss and was extremely depressed.

"Mr. Guan, please don't hesitate any longer."

"Now in the media, we are trying our best to suppress it, but no one can guarantee how long it will last."

"If it really ferments, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"At that time, not only will Mr. Kong's reputation be affected, but some extremists will even make a fuss about this matter and tie it to cross-strait relations. That would be too serious."

"Treasure Island is an inseparable part of China. We are one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and it is understandable that cultural relics should be settled here."

"There's nothing to worry about. Mr. Guan, please put the overall situation first!"


When Xu Shijie said this, Guan Haishan's heart aroused another huge wave.

Xu Shijie is right. If it really ferments, the consequences will be disastrous.

Nowadays, there are so many people online who are full and full of idleness. These are people who just watch the excitement and don’t take it too seriously. As for what is right and what is wrong, they don’t care!

It would be terrible if it really got hyped up.

What people say is terrible!

When the time comes, not only will Master's reputation be at stake, but I will also be pushed to the forefront.

Don't say you always

The consultant's position cannot be kept, and he may even be infamy for eternity, which is something he cannot accept no matter what.

Guan Haishan forced himself to calm down, and his mind was racing to study countermeasures.

As he thought about it, Guan Haishan's eyes glowed with an imperceptible light.

Xu Shijie is so aggressive that if he continues to waste time with him, he won't be able to gain any advantage.

It is almost impossible to turn things around.

After all, the documents are actually in other people's hands. This is an indisputable fact.

In this case, why should I bother talking to them?

Anyway, I have made full preparations, and those cultural relics have been transferred to the museum of Tashaan Fei.

If I just push this matter onto Lu Fei, wouldn't it be over?

Xu Shijie has a lotus-tongued tongue, so you go find the broken flying theory.

You can take those cultural relics from the broken hands and bring them back to the treasure island. That's because you, Xu Shijie, are awesome.

If the archaeological community and netizens are dissatisfied, they can only blame Lu Fei, and he will not be too implicated.

On the other hand, if Xu Shijie and the others failed at Lu Fei's side, they would also be credited!

After all, it was him who made the decision to transfer the things to Lu Fei, thus avoiding losses to the Chinese archaeological community.

Even if the superiors don't give me credit, they probably won't blame myself.

My status is preserved and my master's reputation is preserved. This is a good way to get the best of both worlds.

This thought burst into his mind, and even Guan Haishan himself didn't realize that he had changed.

Once upon a time, he and Lu Fei were close friends who talked about everything.

He is where he is today not only because he is Kong Fanlong's most proud disciple, but more importantly because of Lu Fei, who allowed him to repeatedly perform extraordinary feats, and thus he was able to convince the public.

However, since the anniversary of Kong Lao, when he learned that his superiors intended to replace him with Lu Fei, Guan Haishan's mentality had subtly changed.

He couldn't understand Lu Fei's abilities very well.

He also knew that Lu Fei was absolutely capable of replacing him as general counsel.

That is because he knew that Lu Fei had this ability and the leaders were more optimistic about Lu Fei. Therefore, Guan Haishan's attitude towards Lu Fei was slowly changing.

Although Lu Fei stated that he was not interested in this position, Guan Haishan was still worried.

Several times after that, Guan Haishan tried his best to express himself. Unfortunately, no matter which time it was, Lu Fei was the one who stole the show. As a result, he became even more afraid of Lu Fei.

Especially when Lu Fei ignored him in Bianliang not long ago, he couldn't stand it.

In addition, the group of people under his command have become deeply dependent on Lu Fei.

When encountering an unsolvable problem, everyone was thinking not of Guan Haishan, but of Lu Fei, whom he feared the most, which made him even more unhappy. "Mr. Guan, please stop worrying."

"Those cultural relics and documents originally belong to our Baodao Ancient Museum. The complete set of cultural relics from both sides of the Taiwan Strait is located in the Baodao Ancient Museum. It is well deserved."

"What we have to do is to facilitate the settlement of those cultural relics on Treasure Island as soon as possible. In this way, the discussion about Kong Lao on the Internet will immediately be undermined."

"Mr. Kong has always been an elder we respect. We really don't want to see his reputation be tarnished by those who are ignorant."

"This is the best of both worlds. You are Mr. Kong's disciple. I believe you don't want the situation to continue to spread, right?" Xu Shijie said.

Damn it!

Guan Haishan's eyes widened, and he had the urge to stand up and curse in the street.

Lao Xiaozi, you are so fucking damaged.

This is a huge hole dug, forcing me to jump into it!

If I don't agree, I will be disregarding the honor of my mentor. I will be scolded by the archaeological community in the future, saying that I am an ungrateful white-eyed wolf.

I promise you, it won’t be much better. You will also be scolded by the archaeological community for being incompetent.

It will even arouse resistance and abuse from the majority of Chinese netizens. No matter what, you are not a human being inside or outside!

Your uncle's!

When my master was the general counsel, he was respected by everyone, even the No. 1 leader.

But why is it so difficult when it's my turn?

Is it really a matter of my lack of ability?

At this moment, Guan Haishan looked around at a loss and was extremely depressed.

"Mr. Guan, please don't hesitate any longer."

"Now in the media, we are trying our best to suppress it, but no one can guarantee how long it will last."

"If it really ferments, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"At that time, not only will Mr. Kong's reputation be affected, but some extremists will even make a fuss about this matter and tie it to cross-strait relations. That would be too serious."

"Treasure Island is an inseparable part of China. We are one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and it is understandable that cultural relics should be settled here."

"There's nothing to worry about. Mr. Guan, please put the overall situation first!"


When Xu Shijie said this, Guan Haishan's heart aroused another huge wave.

Xu Shijie is right. If it really ferments, the consequences will be disastrous.

Nowadays, there are so many people online who are full and full of idleness. These are people who just watch the excitement and don’t take it too seriously. As for what is right and what is wrong, they don’t care!

It would be terrible if it really got hyped up.

What people say is terrible!

When the time comes, not only will Master's reputation be at stake, but I will also be pushed to the forefront.

Don't say you always

The consultant's position cannot be kept, and he may even be infamy for eternity, which is something he cannot accept no matter what.

Guan Haishan forced himself to calm down, and his mind was racing to study countermeasures.

As he thought about it, Guan Haishan's eyes glowed with an imperceptible light.

Xu Shijie is so aggressive that if he continues to waste time with him, he won't be able to gain any advantage.

It is almost impossible to turn things around.

After all, the documents are actually in other people's hands. This is an indisputable fact.

In this case, why should I bother talking to them?

Anyway, I have made full preparations, and those cultural relics have been transferred to the museum of Tashaan Fei.

If I just push this matter onto Lu Fei, wouldn't it be over?

Xu Shijie has a lotus-tongued tongue, so you go find the broken flying theory.

You can take those cultural relics from the broken hands and bring them back to the treasure island. That's because you, Xu Shijie, are awesome.

If the archaeological community and netizens are dissatisfied, they can only blame Lu Fei, and he will not be too implicated.

On the other hand, if Xu Shijie and the others failed at Lu Fei's side, they would also be credited!

After all, it was him who made the decision to transfer the things to Lu Fei, thus avoiding losses to the Chinese archaeological community.

Even if the superiors don't give me credit, they probably won't blame myself.

My status is preserved and my master's reputation is preserved. This is a good way to get the best of both worlds.

This thought burst into his mind, and even Guan Haishan himself didn't realize that he had changed.

Once upon a time, he and Lu Fei were close friends who talked about everything.

He is where he is today not only because he is Kong Fanlong's most proud disciple, but also because of Lu Fei, who allowed him to repeatedly perform extraordinary feats, and thus he was able to convince the public.

However, since the anniversary of Kong Lao, when he learned that his superiors intended to replace him with Lu Fei, Guan Haishan's mentality had subtly changed.

He couldn't understand Lu Fei's abilities any better.

He also knew that Lu Fei was absolutely capable of replacing him as general counsel.

That is because he knew that Lu Fei had this ability and the leaders were more optimistic about Lu Fei. Therefore, Guan Haishan's attitude towards Lu Fei was slowly changing.

Although Lu Fei stated that he was not interested in this position, Guan Haishan was still worried.

Several times after that, Guan Haishan tried his best to express himself. Unfortunately, no matter which time it was, Lu Fei was the one who stole the show. As a result, he became even more afraid of Lu Fei.

Especially when Lu Fei ignored him in Bianliang not long ago, he couldn't stand it.

In addition, the group of people under his command have become deeply dependent on Lu Fei.

When encountering an unsolvable problem, everyone was thinking not of Guan Haishan, but of Lu Fei, whom he feared the most, which made him even more unhappy.

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