A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2330 Can’t afford it

After listening to Guan Haishan's words, Xu Shijie became even more depressed.

After discussing quietly with Shen Lianxi and others, he said to Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, can't we force the cultural relics to be taken back?"

Guan Haishan shook his head.

"Of course not. Both of us have completed the procedures and the lease time has not yet come. No one can unilaterally break the contract, otherwise they will have to pay liquidated damages."

"Liquidated damages?"

Xu Shijie's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Their Baodao Gubo is a well-oiled company and is never short of money.

If the cultural relics are brought back and hyped, the reputation of their museum will definitely rise to the next level. .??.

The economic benefits brought to them by then will be much greater than they are now.

Moreover, this is a way to make money once and for all. They can completely accept it by spending some liquidated damages to take the cultural relics back.

"Mr. Guan, how much is the liquidated damages approximately?"

"If we are willing to pay liquidated damages, can you come forward to terminate the contract with Lu Fei?" Xu Shijie asked.


"Old Xu, you may not know Lu Fei, but that guy is very smart and never suffers losses."

"He was worried that we would regret it, so he set the liquidated damages a bit outrageously. You probably won't be able to bear it!"

Xu Shijie was slightly startled.

"How outrageous?"

"Mr. Guan, please give me a number and we can discuss it."



Guan Haishan shook his head in embarrassment, took a thick document from the secretary and placed it on the table.

"Lao Xu, this is the contract we signed with Lu Fei Museum. Take a look at it!"

Xu Shijie took the contract, put on his reading glasses and read it carefully.

This is indeed a special document from the Shenzhou Archaeological Headquarters, with dense amounts of money marked on it.

Generally speaking, the two parties exchange and exhibit in the form of barter.

The Shenzhou Archaeological Team loaned more than 3,300 cultural relics to Lu Fei in exchange for the loan right of Lu Fei Museum to inspect antiques.

The loan period of more than 3,000 cultural relics is indeed marked by an evil fifty years.

Guan Haishan had told him this in detail just now, and Xu Shijie was not too surprised.

But when he saw the liquidated damages column, the old man frowned and dropped his reading glasses.

It is clearly marked above that if the Shenzhou Archaeological Team unilaterally breaches the contract, it will need to pay Lu Fei a penalty of 50 million Shenzhou coins.

Moreover, this 50 million yuan is only the liquidated damages for a cultural relic.

There are more than 3,000 cultural relics, and the liquidated damages are nearly 200 billion!

The set of cultural relics they originally planned to take away from Treasure Island was more than a thousand pieces, and all of these more than a thousand cultural relics were included in this contract.

In other words, if they want to take away these cultural relics, they need to pay Lu Fei

Nearly 100 billion Shenzhou coins.

Isn’t this damn life-threatening?

It doesn't matter that Guan Haishan said it was outrageous, it was indeed too damn outrageous.


This cannot be said to be outrageous, it is simply wicked!

Great virtue is missing.

After just reading one page, Xu Shijie almost cried. He shook his head and put the document on the table helplessly.

"Mr. Guan, how could you sign such an exaggerated contract with him?"

"Lu Fei is obviously bullying people!" Xu Shijie said angrily.

Guan Haishan also sighed seriously.

"Actually, you can't say that Lu Fei is a thief. It's just that he thinks more long-term."

"Actually, we never thought about breach of contract, so the amount of liquidated damages is just a number in our opinion."

"Old Xu!"

"With such a high liquidated damages, I advise you to give up!"

"Also, our cooperation with Lu Fei was specially approved by the higher authorities."

"To be honest, even if you can bear the sky-high liquidated damages, I don't have the power to make the decision to break the contract. Unless the superiors come down with documents, no one can." Guan Haishan said.


Xu Shijie is not a fool. This incident clearly shows that he was specially deployed for his side.

The purpose is to prevent himself from taking this cultural relic back to the treasure island.

However, they underestimated their determination.

For this purpose, they have been working hard for more than ten years.

Previously, there was an old man named Kong who was in charge, so they had no choice but to do anything.

Now that Mr. Kong is gone, this is their best opportunity.

If I can't take away the cultural relics as I wish this time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in this life.

Thinking of this, Xu Shijie's eyebrows also raised.

"Mr. Guan, I have to ask you to help me find a way to get this cultural relic back as soon as possible."

Guan Haishan almost laughed when he heard this.

Can I get it back for you?

Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?

I was just on guard against you, so I tore things into pieces and flew away.

Until now, I haven't even seen Baoshaifei's face. It's not clear whether he will be tricked by that grandson in the end. How can I help you?

Aren't you an idiot?

Guan Haishan shook his head decisively.

"Old Xu, it's not that I won't help you."

"I also stated my position just now. We are one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I have no objection to sending this cultural relic to the Baodao Museum."

"It's just that, you asked me to help, but I am more than capable!"

"You also read the contract. It's a formal procedure and protected by law. I don't have this power."

"As for the liquidated damages, I can't even afford it, so I can only say I'm sorry." After hearing what Guan Haishan said, Xu Shijie became even more depressed.

After discussing quietly with Shen Lianxi and others, he said to Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, can't we force the cultural relics to be taken back?"

Guan Haishan shook his head.

"Of course not. Both of us have completed the procedures and the lease time has not yet come. No one can unilaterally break the contract, otherwise they will have to pay liquidated damages."

"Liquidated damages?"

Xu Shijie's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Their Baodao Gubo is a well-oiled company and is never short of money.

If the cultural relics are brought back and hyped, the reputation of their museum will definitely rise to the next level.

The economic benefits brought to them by then will be much greater than they are now.

Moreover, this is a way to make money once and for all. They can completely accept it by spending some liquidated damages to take the cultural relics back.

"Mr. Guan, how much is the liquidated damages approximately?"

"If we are willing to pay liquidated damages, can you come forward to terminate the contract with Lu Fei?" Xu Shijie asked.


"Old Xu, you may not know Lu Fei, but that guy is very smart and never suffers losses."

"He was worried that we would regret it, so he set the liquidated damages a bit outrageously. You probably won't be able to bear it!"

Xu Shijie was slightly startled.

"How outrageous?"

"Mr. Guan, please give me a number and we can discuss it."



Guan Haishan shook his head in embarrassment, took a thick document from the secretary and placed it on the table.

"Lao Xu, this is the contract we signed with Lu Fei Museum. Take a look at it!"

Xu Shijie took the contract, put on his reading glasses and read it carefully.

This is indeed a special document from the Shenzhou Archaeological Headquarters, with dense amounts of money marked on it.

Generally speaking, the two parties exchange and exhibit in the form of barter.

The Shenzhou Archaeological Team loaned more than 3,300 cultural relics to Lu Fei in exchange for the loan right of Lu Fei Museum to inspect antiques.

The loan period of more than 3,000 cultural relics is indeed marked by an evil fifty years.

Guan Haishan had told him this in detail just now, and Xu Shijie was not too surprised.

But when he saw the liquidated damages column, the old man frowned and dropped his reading glasses.

It is clearly marked above that if the Shenzhou Archaeological Team unilaterally breaches the contract, it will need to pay Lu Fei a penalty of 50 million Shenzhou coins.

Moreover, this 50 million yuan is only the liquidated damages for a cultural relic.

There are more than 3,000 cultural relics, and the liquidated damages are nearly 200 billion!

The set of cultural relics they originally planned to take away from Treasure Island was more than a thousand pieces, and all of these more than a thousand cultural relics were included in this contract.

In other words, if they want to take away these cultural relics, they need to pay Lu Fei

Nearly 100 billion Shenzhou coins.

Isn’t this damn life-threatening?

It doesn't matter that Guan Haishan said it was outrageous, it was indeed too damn outrageous.


This cannot be said to be outrageous, it is simply wicked!

The great virtue is missing.

After just reading one page, Xu Shijie almost cried. He shook his head and put the document on the table helplessly.

"Mr. Guan, how could you sign such an exaggerated contract with him?"

"Lu Fei is obviously bullying people!" Xu Shijie said angrily.

Guan Haishan also sighed seriously.

"Actually, you can't say that Lu Fei is a thief. It's just that he thinks more long-term."

"Actually, we never thought about breach of contract, so the amount of liquidated damages is just a number in our opinion."

"Old Xu!"

"With such a high liquidated damages, I advise you to give up!"

"Also, our cooperation with Lu Fei was specially approved by the higher authorities."

"To be honest, even if you can bear the sky-high liquidated damages, I don't have the power to decide the breach of contract. Unless the superiors come down with documents, no one can." Guan Haishan said.


Xu Shijie is not a fool. This incident clearly shows that he was specially deployed for his side.

The purpose is to prevent himself from taking this cultural relic back to the treasure island.

However, they underestimated their determination.

For this purpose, they have been working hard for more than ten years.

Previously, there was an old man named Kong who was in charge, so they had no choice but to do anything.

Now that Mr. Kong is gone, this is their best opportunity.

If I can't take away the cultural relics as I wish this time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in this life.

Thinking of this, Xu Shijie's eyebrows also raised.

"Mr. Guan, I have to ask you to help me find a way to get this cultural relic back as soon as possible."

Guan Haishan almost laughed when he heard this.

Can I get it back for you?

Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?

I was just on guard against you, so I tore things into pieces and flew away.

Until now, I haven't even seen Baoshaifei's face. It's not clear whether he will be tricked by that grandson in the end. How can I help you?

Aren't you an idiot?

Guan Haishan shook his head decisively.

"Old Xu, it's not that I won't help you."

"I also stated my position just now. We are one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I have no objection to sending this cultural relic to the Baodao Museum."

"It's just that, you asked me to help, but I am more than capable!"

"You also read the contract. It's a formal procedure and protected by law. I don't have this power."

"As for liquidated damages, I can't even afford it, so I can only say I'm sorry."

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