A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2331 Chapter 2331

After listening to Guan Haishan's words, Xu Shijie was not angry this time, but instead sneered.

"Mr. Guan, I know this is very difficult, but you must help us."


Guan Haishan couldn't help but feel angry.

No matter what his abilities are, after all, he is the nominal archaeological consultant of China!

Xu Shijie's tone was so tough, and he even refused to refuse. This simply didn't save face for him as the general counsel!

Damn it!

What do you think you are?

Where did you get the courage to talk to me like this?

Guan Haishan's eyes widened and his face suddenly darkened.

"Old Xu, I have made it very clear to you, there is nothing I can do."

Xu Shijie chuckled.

"No, no, no, Mr. Guan, you must have a solution. You are a great leader of China Archeology!"

"This matter is within your scope of authority, and it is a matter of just one word from you."

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, Guan Haishan was even more displeased.

"China is a land of laws. Lu Fei has completed all the procedures. There is nothing I can do."

"I can't help you with this matter."


"Mr. Guan, you must help me." Xu Shijie said with a smile.


"Lao Xu, what do you mean?"

"Do you still want to threaten me?"

Guan Haishan glared angrily, and the atmosphere in the venue instantly became awkward.


"You are the general counsel and leader, how dare I threaten you!"

"Not only am I not threatening you, but I am thinking about you!"

"Don't forget, the media on the other side of the island are still watching, and it could break out at any time."

"If this matter fails, it will definitely have a serious impact on the reputation of your mentor, Mr. Kong Fanlong. Even the Chinese archaeological team will

will be implicated. "

"If it is more serious, it is not impossible that the relationship between the two parties will deteriorate as a result."

"As a senior official of China, as a leader of the archaeological team, and as a direct disciple of Mr. Kong, I don't think you, Mr. Guan, want to see such an ending happen!" After Xu Shijie finished speaking, he picked up the water glass and leaned back relaxedly. Drinking on the chair.


After Xu Shijie finished speaking, China suddenly became restless.

Just now, everyone was watching the jokes on the island, and for a moment they all forgot about the media.

The island side had been relatively reserved before, but now they are directly putting Mr. Kong at the forefront and talking about him. The archaeological team can't stand it anymore.

All of them glared, filled with righteous indignation.


Fatty Wang jumped up and pointed at Xu Shijie and shouted sharply.

"Xu Shijie, you are so fucking despicable!"

"Do you think everyone is a fool?"

"The things reported by your island media are all caused by you."

"You just want to put pressure on us in this way. It's simply despicable."

"We can do whatever you say. Mr. Kong is the senior I respect the most. If you dare to blaspheme his wisdom again, I will fight you to the death."


Fatty's outburst was beyond everyone's expectations. Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Hello, ancestors!

What kind of occasion is this?

This is a venue with so many big shots!

You dare to curse people in midfield and standing up, are you Wang Shun crazy?

Do you know the serious consequences of this?

The old guys here in China have their hearts in their throats.

Everyone is worried about the fat man.

Guan Haishan's face was even uglier than after eating bitter melon.

At this moment, Guan Haishan greeted all the eighteen generations of Fatty's ancestors several times in his heart.

Bastard, reckless man!

Are you crazy?

You are already very passive, but if you continue to cause chaos here, wouldn't it be fatal?

You are a fat man and you are happy when you are impulsive, but have you considered the consequences?

If this spreads out, not only you, but even I will have to follow your lead!

Bastard, just a bastard!

Guan Haishan was furious, but in this situation, he could only try to calm the situation as much as possible. Any more words would add fuel to the fire.

On the island side, after being scolded by the fat man, everyone's minds went blank for a moment, and they were collectively confused.

They knew that Wang Shun was an upright person, but no one expected that Fatty Wang would dare to get angry and curse in such an occasion, so they were fooled at the same time.

Especially Xu Shijie's face was even more ugly.

He is a famous figure on the island, and he is also a leader in the archaeological community on the island. He claims to be a big boss on the same level as Guan Haishan!

Once upon a time, who would have dared to talk to him so harmoniously?

Simply incredible!

But today he really learned the lesson. Not only did some people dare to scold him, but in front of so many people, they didn't give him any face. It would be strange if his face looked good!

Xu Shijie was furious, and he was itching with hatred. However, this old guy was very rich, and he knew that this situation would be of great benefit to them. It would be unwise to act in a hurry!

Xu Shijie stared at the fat man hatefully for half a minute, suppressed the anger in his heart, and smiled.

"Mr. Wang, where do you start with these words?"

"Mr. Kong is your respected senior, why am I not?"

"We were also surprised when the media reported such information."

"For this reason, I

We took urgent measures and relied on many connections to temporarily suppress the media and prevent it from spreading. "

"If it weren't for us, the media's comments would have been overwhelming."

"You said that, I was wronged!" Xu Shijie said with an innocent look.


"Xu Shijie, can you be more shameless?"

"We are not children. Who would believe what you say?"

"I tell you, you can play any tricks, but insulting Mr. Kong is not allowed."

"If anyone insults his old man, I will fight him tooth and nail."

The fat man quarreled back again, and the Chinese veterans were relieved of their hatred, but they were worried that the fat man would cause a big disaster.

Zhang Yanhe and Fu Yuliang had the best relationship with Fatty. They stood up and wanted to push him down. But today, Fatty Wang was so aggressive that his eyes were red. Zhang Yanhe and the two couldn't hold him down at all.

Guan Haishan gave the fat man a fierce look, which was also unhelpful. His face turned red and his neck was thick with anger.

"Mr. Wang, you keep saying that we released the news, do you have any evidence?"

"We represent the archaeological and collecting communities of the entire island. You must be responsible for your remarks."

"If you can't produce evidence, don't blame us for suing you for defamation!" Xu Shijie's face also darkened.



The fat man smiled.

"Bullshit evidence, everyone knows whether you did it or not."


"Wang Shun, shut up!"

Fatty Wang shouted louder and louder. Guan Haishan couldn't listen anymore and quickly shouted to stop him.

"Wang Shun, have you been drinking today?"

"Why are you convulsing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hurry up and apologize to Lao Xu."

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