A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2334 Let’s replace someone

The negotiations were terminated, and Baodao urgently studied countermeasures.

"Old Xu, Pan Xingzhou has a very deep city and a tough style. It may not be easy for him to give instructions!"

Shen Lianxi was worried, but others didn't take it seriously.

"What are you afraid of?"

"We have the documentation to back it up, and we are the right side wherever we go."

"No big deal, we'll go through the legal process." A staff member said.

Shen Lianxi glared at this guy and said angrily: "Nonsense!"

"Documents can only be used as evidence, and they can be justified within our archaeological industry. There are no provisions of this type in the Cultural Relics Law. There will be no results if we follow legal procedures."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have waited so many years. This approach will never work."

The staff member was still unconvinced.

"Legal procedures are not enough. Don't we still have the pressure of public opinion?"

"If it doesn't work, we will let the media continue to put pressure. Just releasing it in Treasure Island will not have much effect. We can immediately penetrate into China."

"When the time comes, we will find some trolls to hype up Kong Fanlong's words, and they will surely ferment quickly."

"At that time, China will not only consider Kong Fanlong's reputation, but also consider the negative impact it will bring to China's archaeological community. They will definitely compromise with us."

Xu Shijie frowned slightly when he heard this.

"You think too simply."

"If it was as simple as you think, we would have done it a long time ago. Why have we waited so many years?"

"Kong Fanlong has had a great influence in China. His conscientiousness, integrity, and resolute actions have been deeply engraved in the blood of the people of China."

"The people of China will never believe his slander against Kong Fanlong."

"Besides, what Kong Fanlong said was completely to protect China's self-esteem and property. Not only will the people not make irresponsible remarks, but they will worship him even more."

"If you really do that, the effect will be counterproductive."

“Before, all our plans were

Tailor-made for Guan Haishan. "

"Guan Haishan acted indecisively and looked forward and backward. These methods worked for him, but he didn't expect Wang Shun to cause trouble."

"His commotion completely disrupted our plan."

"It is absolutely impossible to use this trick against Pan Xingzhou now, and it will never be easy to use." Xu Shijie said.

Hearing what he said, all his staff frowned.

"What should we do?"

"Otherwise, we should try to find a breakthrough from Guan Haishan!"

Xu Shijie waved his hand: "It's useless!"

"Although Guan Haishan has a cowardly character, he is also cunning."

"They were prepared and stored everything in Lu Fei's museum."

"Don't you see?"

"This old fox has now directly pushed this matter to Lu Fei. If we go to him again, he will still say the same thing and will not solve the problem at all."


After such an analysis, everyone's mood is not beautiful anymore.

"Lao Xu, although we have never come into contact with Lu Fei, his reputation is too great."

"It is said that Lu Fei is quite arrogant and does not follow the routine at all."

"The strength of the Liu family of Treasure Island and the Yoshida family of Island Country all fell in front of him. Obviously, Lu Fei is definitely not easy to deal with!" Shen Lianxi sighed.

"Old Shen!"

"It's not Lu Fei who should be thinking about it now."

"Although the things are with him, the ownership still belongs to the major museums in China."

"If we can't get the approval document, even if Lu Fei nods, we still won't get a single object."

"The most important thing now is how to get Pan Xingzhou's instructions. Without instructions, everything is empty talk.

"Xu Shijie said.

Xu Shijie had an idea, but it was not easy to get approval?

The scene of hitting a brick wall more than ten years ago is still vivid in my mind. Thinking about it now, Xu Shijie's head hurts.

Although Kong Fanlong is no longer here, Pan Xingzhou is no longer easy to mess with.

Never try hastily before you are absolutely sure.

Once Pan Xingzhou refuses, it will be even harder to get him to change his mind.

Next, everyone brainstorms ideas.

But after half an hour of research, we still didn't come up with a valuable solution, which made everyone worried.

But at this moment, Shen Lianxi accidentally glanced at the copy of the contract for leasing cultural relics to Lu Fei from the Yanzhou Archaeological Team, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Old Xu, I have an idea."


Hearing this, everyone became excited.

"Old Shen, please tell me what a good idea is."


"Pan Xingzhou's instructions are difficult to handle, but we can do this."

While the negotiation meeting was held in the conference room of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team Headquarters, the real-time surveillance video of the meeting was also transmitted to Pan Xingzhou's office.

Sitting next to Pan Xingzhou was an energetic old man.

This old man is not a simple man. He is Yue Hongtao, the No. 3 leader of China.

From the beginning to the end of the negotiation between the two parties, the two bosses watched everything.

Throughout the whole process, the two bosses didn't say a word, but their faces were surprisingly ugly.

Especially leader No. 3 Yue Hongtao frowned.

After the meeting, Guan Haishan led people out of the conference room, and Pan Xingzhou also turned off the monitor.

At this time, Yue Hongtao stood up and prepared to leave.

When he reached the door, Yue Hongtao stopped.

"No responsibility, no courage, no backbone."

"Little Pan

, Substitute! "

"Send someone to contact that guy, and we'll have a good talk with him later."

"Yes, leader, I will arrange it right away!"

Yue Hongtao nodded, turned and left.

After Yue Hongtao left, Pan Xingzhou's expression became even more gloomy.

Pacing back and forth in the office thoughtfully.

At this time, Secretary Wang knocked on the door and walked in.

"Mr. Pan, I have invited Mr. Wang here."


"Invite him in."

"You go and make arrangements. I'm going to Jincheng in the afternoon."

"I'll talk to Mr. Wang later, don't let anyone disturb us."

"Besides, you don't need to say hello to the place when you go to Jincheng, and don't disturb anyone."


Secretary Wang went out, and after a while, Fatty Wang knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Pan, are you looking for me?"

Pan Xingzhou smiled slightly and motioned for the fat man to sit down.

"Wang Shun, how old are you this year?"


When asked by Pan Xingzhou, Fatty Wang was confused for a while.

"I am fifty-seven this year and I am born in the year of Tiger!"

Pan Xingzhou nodded.


"I remember that when Mr. Kong and I held a celebration party for you in Chang'an, you were only in your thirties. Now, in a flash, you are almost sixty. Time is not forgiving!"

Fatty Wang was also full of emotion.

"Who says it isn't?"

"So many years have passed in such a flash, I really don't know where the time has gone."


Pan Xingzhou chuckled.

"Where the time has gone, no one can tell."

"However, I discovered that you are almost sixty, but your fiery temper has not changed at all!"

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