A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2335 Are you justified?

Speaking of temper, Fatty Wang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change one's nature."

"I'm almost 60 years old and I can't change it."

"I think Mr. Pan already knows what happened today."

"If you want to punish me, Wang Shun has nothing to say."

Pan Xingzhou smiled slightly, but was not angry. Instead, he poured him a glass of water, which flattered the fat man.

"Old Wang, we are considered old friends. I'm not telling you, you really shouldn't be so impulsive."

Speaking of this, Fatty's anger rose again.

"Mr. Pan, I'm not impulsive. I really can't stand it anymore." .??.

"You know me. I, Wang Shun, am not someone who gossips behind someone's back, but today, I really can't bear to say it."

"Before Mr. Kong passed away, he applied to have Guan Haishan take over as general counsel."

"In terms of ability and qualifications, everyone has nothing to say, and we fully support it."

"I didn't expect that after taking office, it would be completely different from what everyone expected."

"In the past, everyone only knew that Guan Haishan had an easy-going personality. But after taking the position of general counsel, everyone discovered that Guan Haishan's personality was not what everyone knew at all."

"The current Mr. Guan."


Having said this, Wang Shun sighed and sat down again.

"Forget it, just don't say it!"

"I resigned anyway." Fatty said.

"do not!"

"What else can you avoid here?"

"If you have any thoughts in your mind, just say it. I can keep it a secret for you and never let the third person know."

Fatty Wang had been holding back his words for a long time. After Pan Xingzhou said this, he came without any scruples.

"To summarize briefly, Mr. Guan has no sense of responsibility or courage."

"He does things well and expects him to lead everyone to good results."

I am disgusted by the breakthrough. "

"If that's all, I have nothing to say."

"I didn't expect that Guan Laosan is still a petty person, jealous of talents, and has been quite unhappy with Lu Fei recently."

"Now, we don't dare to mention Lu Fei's name in front of him. When he heard Lu Fei's name, his face darkened instantly."

"As for today's situation, you probably already know that."

"When negotiating with Baodao, Guan Haishan's attitude is weak and indecisive. If he says something unpleasant, it will really embarrass his old brothers."

"Mr. Pan, my resignation is definitely not motivated by emotion. In fact, I have been thinking about it for a long time."

"When we followed Mr. Kong, everyone was very happy."

"Lao Kong said, let everyone unite and bring the archaeological cause to glory."

"The old man said this, and everyone completely believed it and worked hard."

"Facts have proved that in the past ten or twenty years, our archaeological undertakings in China have made unprecedented achievements."

"But now that the leader has been replaced by Guan Haishan, it is difficult to hold on to the family business, let alone bring glory."

"With leadership like this, I don't see any hope for the future of the archaeological team."

"My enthusiasm is gone, and there is no point in continuing to work."

"Instead of doing this, it is better to jump out early and find a job with Lu Fei. At least you can get good things every day and enrich your life."

"Mr. Pan, this is what I really think, and I hope you will make it come true." Wang Shun said.

Pan Xingzhou nodded.

"Is it because of this that you stood up and accused Xu Shijie at the venue?"

Speaking of Xu Shijie, the fat man's forehead wrinkles wrinkled together, and his eyes widened.

"That bastard Xu Shijie is nothing."

"These old guys are trying their best to bring our sets of objects back to the treasure island."

"If I use other means, forget it."

"But this old kid shouldn't make trouble against Mr. Kong."

"Lao Kong's achievements are obvious to all. He is also my most respected senior, Wang Shun. I will never allow anyone to slander him."

"The most irritating thing is that Xu Shijie and his gang are making a fuss about Mr. Kong, but Guan Laosan doesn't even make a fuss about it. It's a total embarrassment to Mr. Kong."

"I didn't hold back my anger for a while, so I said a few words to him." Fatty Wang said.


When Pan Xingzhou heard this, he showed a meaningful expression.

"So, you make sense?"

At this time, the fat man was still immersed in anger, and he did not understand the meaning of Pan Xingzhou's words at all, so he said it without thinking.

"I dare not say that it is reasonable, but at least I have preserved the dignity of the archaeological team and China."

"Our dignity will never be allowed to be trampled upon by anyone, not least Xu Shijie and the others."

"As for Xu Shijie and the others, if they are held accountable, I will do it alone."

After the fat man finished speaking, Pan Xingzhou, who had always had a pleasant face, suddenly turned pale.


"Wang Shun, you are so confused."

"Do you think you've retained your dignity?"


Pan Xingzhou's face changed instantly, and Fatty Wang was somewhat confused.

"Is not it?"

"People are riding on our necks and shit, do we still need to coddle them?"


Pan Xingzhou glared at him fiercely.

"Wang Shun, what is the occasion?"

\u003e "To put it more simply, this is a cross-strait cultural relics and cultural exchange symposium."

"To put it more broadly, this is a head-on confrontation between the two sides."

"You represent not only the archaeological circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but also the entire China and Treasure Island."

"On such an occasion, you flew into a rage and uttered vulgar words, showing no quality at all. Have you considered how much impact this would have if word got out?"


He had been angry before, but now when he heard what Pan Xingzhou said, Fatty Wang felt frightened and his head was buzzing.

Pan Xingzhou was right. If word of this spread, the consequences would be quite serious.

People would not say that they are spouting shit, but they would say that the Chinese archaeological team has no quality, and they might even say that the Chinese people have no quality.

If this is the case, the negative impact on China will be too great.

After thinking about this clearly, Wang Shun regretted it.

"Mr. Pan, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it so much before."

"However, since it happened, I, Wang Shun, will be responsible to the end."

"If word really spreads, I will say that I have resigned. The previous behavior was purely my personal behavior and had nothing to do with the archaeological team."


Seeing Wang Shun's serious look, Pan Xingzhou laughed.

"Old man, do you think I want you to be cannon fodder?"

Fatty Wang shook his eight-and-a-half-pound head.

"It's not about being cannon fodder. This is a mistake I made personally and should be borne by me."

Pan Xingzhou waved his hand and motioned for him to sit down.

"I am telling you this not to hold you accountable, but to remind you that you must be measured in your actions in the future."

"Your starting point is good, but you must pay attention to methods."

"You are the pillar of our Shenzhou Archaeological Team. If you can't protect your own people, I, the leader, will be the first to bear the blame!"

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